
Let’s Read The Word

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Chained To You

Chained To You

Author:mag darlin



Jane Duncan is able to secure a job at the best publishing company in the country, France Publishing, where she does her best to achieve her dream of becoming the best writer in the country. But what happens when Jane falls in love with her Superior. A love so strong that she's unable to set herself free from that felt like she was been chained to him. That she would love him for the rest of her life as if she was bound to him.

My lips are dry as i make my way across the street to the huge building. The air this morning is so dry that i start to feel pains in my nose. To say I'm nervous is a huge understatement of how I'm feeling right now. I think the right word to use would be that I'm extremely terrified.

Yes!! I'm terrified because I'm late for my first interview. It's like having the "not serious" poster plastered on your forehead for everyone to see. My shirt is completely soaked with sweat and i have this feeling that my armpit is beginning to have a very unpleasant smell. I rush to the reception desk and I'm eyed by the woman there who looks like she's gonna eat me alive.

I gulp and clear my throat.

"hello, I'm Jane Duncan................."

".........and you are here for the interview, right?" she cuts me off and sticks a gum into her mouth.

"yes i am" i reply

"okay, take the elevator to the third floor and submit your details to Miss Mallory."

"okay thanks"

"it's my job" she says with a grunt

i start to run to the elevator when i remember something.

"Err please can you show me where the washroom is?"

"Exit elevator, turn right. It's down the corridor"

"okay thanks"

Oh god my feet is killing me. I walk down the corridor after i exit the elevator and make my way to the washroom. I find some tissues and start using it to clean the sweat that has already soaked my armpit. To my utter embarassment, a lady enters the washroom to reapply her makeup. she looks beautiful and perfect in her office suit and i start wanting to be like her.

But then she spoils everything by turning and looking at me with a disgusted look.  Oh scratch that, i definitely to dont want to be like her!!

I leave as quickly as i can because i hate situations like this where I'm reminder about how so not perfect i am. I see a desk ahead which I'm guessing it's where I'll find Miss Mallory. I approach her and she has a smile on her face.

"Hi . You must be Miss Duncan?"

She's totally different from what i was expecting. I mean she's far too young and she doesn't look down at me but she's rather smiling at me although I'm practically late.

"Please go down the corridor to Mr. Anderson's office. it's the one on the left. the one on the right belongs to the CEO."

"Got it, thanks"

I go down the corridor to the office on the left and knock on it. I'm extremely nervous at this stage. What if i don't get this job?

"Come in"  this is it!

I enter the office and find a very handsome man in front of me. He's wearing a dark blue suit that fits his body perfectly. His eyes are cold and he stares at me with intensity that i feel like he can see right through my soul. I avert my gaze from his eyes and look down at my shoes.

"Miss Duncan,is it?"

His voice is so deep that it sends shivers down my spine.

"y--yes p-please" uhh why am i stuttering for goodness sake! Calm down Jane you can do this . i assure myself and lift my eyes to look at his face. He gets up from his seat and sits on the desk and i notice how tall he is. I'll probably just reach his shoulder considering how short i am.

"I've checked all your documents and they're all intact. You had high score in your aptitude test as well. So let me ask you this Miss Duncan, why do you like to write?"

WHAT!!!  that's the question? I'm practically bouncing inside. I clear my throat and speak with so much confidence that actually shocks me.

"Writing helped me to cope with reality. It was like a safe haven for me where i could express myself freely. I find joy in putting ideas together to form something so magical on a paper that could somehow change or inspire others out there. But deep down i think i actually like writing because it's through writing that i feel like people actually appreciate me because they loving what i write."

"hmm" SILENCE that's what follows my very long speech. Please let me get this job i'm begging you God if you're really up there. I know that i haven't stepped foot in a church for like three years now but please help............

"You have the job"


"I said you have the job"

"Oh my god, i can't believe this. Thank you sir, you wont regret this decision i promise you that"

I can't keep the smile off my face. I finally got a job. I guess there really is a God up there.

"I hope today's incident wont be repeating itself"

I internally groan, i almost forgot about that.

"I'm sorry about that sir. I assure you that i will my work seriously and report to work on time."

"Okay. Miss Mallory will make arrangements for you to start working on Monday. But as for now she will assign someone to show you around the company." he presses an intercom on the desk. "Miss Mallory  please prepare  Miss Duncan's contract and assign a co-worker to show her around the company." he hangs up.

"okay sir, I'll get going" i step outside the office and make my back to Miss Mallory's desk.

"Congratulations on getting the job"

"thank you" i say with a shy smile. she looks behind and grins.

"Oh right on time. Miss Duncan meet your new co-worker Justin Gaskin. He'll be taking you on the tour of the company."

I look behind me to find a tall lanky man who has a wide grin plastered on his face. He's really not that handsome like Mr. ICE but he has good looking.

"Hello beautiful are you're ready for the best tour of your life with the most handsome man you've ever laid your eyes on?"