
Let’s Read The Word

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From That Moment

From That Moment

Author:Ela Osaretin



"I want you,Candice Reyes.All of you.Are you ready for this?Are you ready for me?" A woman's face is supposed to be flawless. A woman's face is supposed to be spotless A woman's face is supposed to be taken care of with utmost care because to most people,it is the center of attraction,it is what draws people's admiration to you. Sadly,my face is the opposite of all that. My face isn't attractive at all. My face is ruined for life. I have scars...... physical and emotional scars. My name's Candice Reyes. I was pretty much getting used to being invisible. I was pretty much used to being a quiet college student until professor Shawn Miles popped into my life. ************************ It all started as a harmless little ruse...for me actually. I had to hurt a certain girl if I want my wife back. Sounds silly, doesn't it? But to me,it didn't at first. I love my wife,Janelle. I could do anything for her including getting that ugly Candice Reyes wrapped around my fingers. Things got messy when the reverse starts happening. I.Am.In.Deep.Shit. #Professor Shawn Miles. #Candice Reyes #Janelle Miles #Luke Gentry #Student-Teacher Romance.



  In the lecture hall, I always do try to maintain a strict and no-nonsene professor stance.

  But it's freaking hard sometimes.

  Especially when there are a lot of stunning female students eye-fucking me when I'm teaching.

  Sometimes, I have to stand, facing the projector while teaching, because all the fuck-me eyes have generated a mother-fucking hard-on.

  Don't blame me.

  I'm a man with a high libido....with a high sexual appetite.

  Even if I've been tempted to call a few students into my office and give them the fuck they want but I can't.

  Roden college's got strict rules of no student-Teacher relationship.

  Some promiscuous students have even found excuses to come into my office and tried to seduce me.

  Sometimes, I still sit down and wonder how the fuck I could resist them.

  I have to, though.

  I love my job.

  Teaching isn't the only thing I do but it is one of the jobs I love more.

  I love to impact knowledge.

  It thrills me when people learn new things from me.

  The female students all drool over me.

  The male students all look up to me as a great professor.

  You can't really blame the female students for wanting me because I'm damn hot.

  It is an humble brag.

  I'm twenty-nine years old.

  I'm incredibly handsome and tall.

  I've got a great body and I keep on spending time taking care of my body's physique.

  Outside the college, I throw away the professor name and I'm a pretty bad boy.


  I love to fuck.

  It's there anything sweeter than sex? be balls deep inside a woman, especially when her pussy is damn good.

  Sadly,for almost a year now,I haven't felt great about sex as before.

  Ever since my wife left me,sex hadn't been sweet as much as it was before.

  I got married when I was twenty-seven.

  The first year of my marriage,I was able to stay faithful to one woman,my beautiful wife... Janelle.

  Although,she was a woman my parents chose for me but when I met her,her beauty shook me to my very bones.

  She was flawless.

  An epitome of pure beauty.

  She has a great body too.

  Sex with her was amazing.

  A year ago,our marriage crashed when she told me that she had found someone else.

  Someone whom loved her more than I did.

  She claimed that I didn't know her worth.

  I begged.

  I pleaded.

  I was prepared to love her in any way she wants me to.

  But she packed her things and left.

  I love Janelle too much to give up on her.

  Even if I returned to my playboy pussy could be compared to hers.

  Two months ago, she sent me divorce papers which I kept with no intention of signing them.

  Till now, I'm still hoping that one day,she would give us a second chance.

  I badly miss her.


  "The project you're to submit on Friday will determine your grade for this semester"I announced to my students as a way of ending my class.

  Turning off the projector,I arranged my things into my briefcase and left the hall.

  My phone rang. I quickly picked up seeing the caller ID.


  Elle is what I call my Janelle.

  "Shawn"She cried at the other end of the call.

  "What is it,baby?"I asked,alarmed.

  My Janelle never cries.

  Perhaps,she misses me.

  "Can you come over to my apartment? I really need someone"She croaked out.

  She doesn't need to ask me that twice.


  In less than 30 minutes, I'm driving into her apartment's parking lot.

  I raced out of the car then into the elevator.

  Her door isn't locked by the time I get there.

  I barged in and found her looking crestfallen on the couch.

  " what's wrong?"

  "Luke,he...."She trailed off.

  Luke is the guy she left me for.

  "He hurt you, didn't he?"I asked.

  She nodded and broke into tears.

  I moved closer to her and hugged her.... gently stroking her hair.

  I had always wished this would happen so that she would fly right back to me.

  But now, I felt like knocking that mother-fucking Luke out.

  How dare he hurt her?

  "I have to see him"

  "No,Shawn. I just feel hurt for who he left me for.A plainjane with ugly scars on her face, she fucking works in his restaurant.....a despicable waitress!"Elle remarked.

  That Luke is definitely crazy.

  Elle is the most beautiful woman I have ever met.

  "Have you signed the divorce papers?"she suddenly asked, disengaging from me.

  I ran my hand through her face.

  "You know I can never let you go."

  She smiled.

  And I'm happy for that smile.

  "I want to be yours again, Shawn.But I have to close that chapter of my life.I can't feel at ease knowing Luke went scott-free without feeling the pain of what he did to me"

  "What do you want to do to him?"

  "I want you to help me break his heart and of that ugly slut too"

  I frowned."How?"

  Elle stood up."Her name's Candice Reyes. I know you might not know her because you certainly can't know every single student at Roden but I found out all about her,she has taken up your course this semester.She's one of your students. I need you to mess with her feelings...make her think you want her,do whatever you want with her body,leave hickeys for Luke to see that he has lost his girl and when you think she's madly into you,break her fucking ugly heart.That way,she gets hurt and Luke get hurt too"

  My jaw is practically on the floor.

  What the actual fuck?!

  "Elle,I thought I mentioned to you before that a student-Teacher relationship is not allowed at Roden.My career could be at stake."

  "Oh please,there is no way the Dean can find out,you just have to make her completely smitten by you"

  "But Elle,do you really need to do this? Can't you just put the past behind you and let's start anew?"

  "I'm willing to do take a second chance with you but if you still love me more than anyone on this planet then you'll do this for me."

  I sighed, heavily.

  This wouldn't be too hard, right?

  No one would know.

  And this Candice might just be one of those girls who had always wanted me to fuck them.

  I'll be doing her a favor of getting that chance.

  Her pussy might be nice but I know it can't be compared to Elle's.

  "After this,Shawn.I'm moving back in with you"

  That gladdened my heart.

  This fucked-up revenge plan is worth it.

  "Consider it done,baby"

  She smiled and kissed me.

  That night,we had mind-blowing sex which completely blew my brains too.

  This and more I would receive if I hurt that fucking Candice.


  "Between you and Janelle, I seriously don't know who is more stupid."That was my best friend, Ian talking after I told him about Elle's revenge plan.

  "It's worth it,Ian.After this, she's going to give me a second chance, yesterday,I felt how deeply she still loves me"

  He shut his eyes, briefly.

  "I really wanna know if that woman is using spells for you.She's manipulating you,Shawn.She doesn't love you.She never did.If she did,she wouldn't have left you for another man"

  "That was my mistake,after we get back together again, I'm never going to let her slip from me"

  "God!When did you become so blind?"

  I shrugged."There is a popular saying.....'Love is blind"

  "No,the saying actually meant that some people are too blind to see that what they think is love isn't true at all.You and Elle's love for each other isn't genuine.Genuine love is pure,it is beautiful,it is unconditional.If she loves you,she wouldn't ask you to do something in order to get her back."

  "Need I remind you that you ain't a love expert"

  Ian ran a hand through his face."Have it you way.But I hope you realise someday true what true love is."

  I grinned..I know what true love is.

  True love is not being able feel great in other pussies except Elle's.

  I do feel good but good isn't enough.

  I just had to have fun with an ugly duckling then I'll have my wife back.
