
Let’s Read The Word

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A Midsommar Deal

A Midsommar Deal




“For someone who is a really famous actor, you are such a sloppy drinker” I laughed in his ear as he bent his head on the sink. He groaned and scattered his hair “Ugh, who cares about that. Just pass me an Advil and leave” I walked to the door and turned back, with a conniving smile “Oh trust me, you can’t get rid of me so easily” What happens when you blackmail a big shot actor and event planner into teaching you the ropes of your profession. Its looks like an impossible task right? Well not in Destiny’s case. Destiny Morris is a fresh out of college lady who owned a small scale event planning business of her own in New York. Of course that wasn’t going to suffice for her needs, so she needed a plan. A break from work was not what she needed but when her father called to inform her of the news of her brother’s wedding which was to happen in two weeks, she took up the next flight home, despite the fact that her brother probably didn’t want her at his wedding. She was hopeful that she may be given the role of helping with the planning but the hope was slammed in her face when she found out that it was Theo Thomas, renowned actor and event planner that was in charge of the wedding. It was a slap on her face but what could she expect? It wasn’t like her brother even wanted her at the wedding. But when the opportunity came for her, she took it and blackmailed Theo into showing her what it took to be a big shot event planner like himself. It looked like a fun and easy ride for her but unknowingly she delved into a ride full of secrets, lies, deception and love.

  Weddings are beautiful events.

  Not everyone realizes that the beauty of weddings goes beyond the joining of the man and woman, which is extremely important, the beauty is also lies in the décor, the setting as well as the service.

  I had hardly ever gone to weddings, well except two of my elder brothers’ own. But one thing I look out for is the planning, which is what drove me to becoming an event planner.

  It’s not the ideal job my mother to be exact wanted for me but I really didn’t care, it was my life.

  “Hey Dee, I’m off to work, so much emergencies at the hospital so I’ve been called in. so don’t run off before I get back” My roommate and best friend, Sydney said to me when she walked into my room, fixing her wristwatch on her hand.

  I stretched on my bed and yawned “You’ve been busy lately jeez. I don’t want you all stressed out cause you’re making dinner this month and trust me; I won’t leave without you here”

  “Well you’re leaving soon so I don’t have to cook dinner for the whole month and I’m going on vacation as well” She smiled as she took a look at herself in the mirror, adjusting her golden hair. Sydney was a very beautiful lady, she had the perfect smile, the perfect face and she knew how to gain the attention of people by just standing. I really admired her ever since we met.

  “I’ll be gone for three weeks Syd, I’m not going forever, chill” I sat up and bent down in search for my slippers.

  She dropped the comb in her hand then turned to me with a concerned look “What?” I asked in oblivion.

  “I really don’t know why you’re so excited to go, it’s not like he invited you or something, your dad just randomly mentioned it. Sorry to say but if he wanted you there, he’d have invited you himself” she rested her hands on her hips.

  I knew she was spitting facts but deep down within me, I didn’t want to accept it so I just forced a smile “He’s my brother, I’ve got to attend the wedding no matter what” I shrugged “And who knows, he may consider making me his wedding planner” I said with confidence.

  Syd just looked at me like I was dumb “Dee, who gets a wedding planner two weeks before the wedding?”

  I rolled on my bed “Whatever”

  I felt the bed dip so I looked back to see Syd watching me, examining me “These people didn’t even come for your graduation, only your dad. Why are you sacrificing so much for them. You have a high paying job you could have gone for but you decided to go home instead. For me, I don’t think that’s wise” I couldn’t help it, she was right but I’m hopeful.

  “They’re family” I whispered.

  She sighed and flopped down beside me “I just don’t want them to hurt you. You deserve better girl” she pressed but I just looked at my certificate which I framed. True, it was only dad that came but at least someone showed up for me, I was grateful.

  Syd’s watch beeped, signaling her lateness to work. She abruptly jumped off the bed and ran off to her room to pack up “Bye Dee!” she shouted before I heard the sound of the front door shut.

  OH how blessed to have her in my life. I met her while house hunting as she was looking for a house mate to split the rent with her. She was the absolute sweetest to me despite the fact that she was older. She always told me how much I inspired her with my kind heart and all but truth be told, she inspired me a lot more.

  I closed my eyes for some minutes then got up to start my day. I quickly went to the shower to bath and do all things necessary, then I went ahead to make a grilled cheese sandwich that Will, Syd’s boyfriend taught me.

  “Mhm” I smiled in delight as I took a bite off my sandwich before digging into it. I washed off my plate and went up to finish packing my box for my trip the next morning. After that I brushed my hair then took a final look at myself in the mirror, tank top with jeans, a coat and my boots. I’m ready.

  I had a graduation party to host before I left as it was already summer. I wonder who used event planners for graduation party, who cares, more money for me.

  I drove off to the bakery I always used for my events to check up on their progress with the snacks as well as the cake. “Timmy! What have you got for me today” I asked loudly as I walked into the bakery, thankful that there were no customers yet.

  A tall skinny guy with a hair net on and an apron worn walked up to the counter, a smile on his face “My favorite event planner. Have you no faith in me?” he gushed mockingly and I hissed playfully as he slid a cupcake to my front.

  “Taste” he simply said and I obliged, the warm, soft and creamy taste of the cake filling my mouth “Ugh damn you’re so good” I said in between bites and he smiled politely.

  “It’s my job. I have no choice but to be good”

  I frowned “So I’m not good?” I teased and he blushed, causing me to laugh hysterically “Chill, I’m just teasing”

  He smiled “I know and trust me; you are very good at your job. All you need is a little push and you’re there”

  I groaned as I threw the cupcake paper to the bin “I can’t wait to start doing big events like weddings”

  “I know you can do it; you’re just scared and you shouldn’t be” this guy loved to read my mind.

  “Whatever. And maybe I will, seeing as I’m off to my brother’s wedding tomorrow” I chirped as he frowned. Apart from Syd and Will, Timmy was part of my close circle as well as he was well acquainted with my family history, explaining his unease.

  “You don’t want me to go to huh?” I asked and he nodded.

  “I know you wouldn’t listen so why bother” he replied and I smiled in agreement.

  “I’m kind of bummed that I’m not going with you guys to Italy. I was looking forward to it” I frowned.

  He leaned on the counter “Heck yeah and now, you’ve left me to third wheel with Syd and Will”

  I chuckled “Aw, you know they won’t be so lovey dovey around each other and you can use some extra time to find yourself a woman, you’re getting old” I teased and he gasped.

  We were interrupted when a staff of his needed his attention “Well duty calls”

  I stood up “Go ahead, I’ll show myself out”

  “See you in a bit”

  “Don’t be late” I hollered before I shut the door behind me and went on to check on the venue. Luckily, no one was using the venue till after we were done so we did all decorations the day before to save time so I was just going there to make sure the music, drinks, chairs and tables were in order.

  “You enjoying the party?” Timmy said as he hit me softly with his hands.

  I circled the punch in my hand then looked up tiredly “Fun? At a high school graduation party? No Timmy, I am not”

  He chuckled and slid his hands into his pockets “Oou someone’s cranky” To be honest, I was but not from the party, it was the thought of going home after five years that made me that way.

  “I haven’t been home in five years so it’s really messing with me” I confessed.

  He nodded like he knew all along “You’ll do fine” he turned to face me “Come on, where’s the fiery Destiny that wanted to go home earlier” he tried to make me feel better and I appreciated the effort, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “I’m heading out soon. I have to prepare for my flight tomorrow” I slightly yawned.

  “Your flight’s by seven right?” he asked to be sure and I nodded.

  “Let me walk you out then” he said and placed his hands around my neck as we walked out of the hall.

  “I’m going to miss you rascal” Timmy declared as we got to my car and I blushed slightly.

  “I’ll miss you too Tim’s. Just find a girlfriend, will you?” I teased and he laughed. I got into the car and turned thee engine on, winding down the window “Enjoy Italy!” I shouted and he shouted back “Well enjoy yourself too” and I waved before I drove off into the night.

  I hope I do.