
Let’s Read The Word

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Having a powerful family is hard for enemies are almost everywhere. As one of the enemies tried to kill a pregnant woman with a self made poison for revenge, her husband killed the enemy and made an antidote. But what if the one who tried to kill her, has a son? A son who was also seeking for revenge, waiting for his self to grow up and do his plan. A revenge for his parent. And this time, the target is their daughter, Amethyst. Read to see more secrets and find out what happens when Amethyst finds something big that may cause more chaos to come in her life.

  “It's good to be back.” I said and took a breath. It's been a while ever since I came to the City. I was at my hometown for I has to take care of my grandmother and also to learn things from my grandfather.

  My grandmother is okay now and I finished what I have to learn, so I travelled back in the city to be with my family.

  I smiled as I took my phone out from my pocket and texted my chaperone, asking him where he is.

  “Miss Amethyst Sacueza?” a baritone voice came from behind me. I looked at the one who mentioned my name and saw a guy. And oh my, he's handsome.

  “Yes, that's me.” I answered.

  The guy smiled at me and escorted me out of the airport. I only brought my phone since I thought I can just buy new clothes for me to wear 'cause I bet my clothes at home doesn't fit my size anymore.

  Stenric Asunscion. I read his name tag. What a nice name.

  Stenric opened the door of the car and waited for me to come in.

  “Keys. Give me the keys. I'll drive.” I said and forwarded my hand out, waiting for him to give the keys to me.

  Stenric was hesitating but gave me the keys in the end. I thanked him and went to the driver's seat as Stenric sat next to me.

  I smirked. I started the engine. “Hold on tight, wear your seatbelt.” I grinned and drove in full speed.

  I grinned wider when I saw Stenric's reaction from my peripheral view. He's scared a fuck. I chuckled. He's cute though.

  Gosh, I can't believe that my chaperone is a scaredy cat, why did mom send him?

  Later on, I saw some cars following her. Police cars.

  “OW6683, stop your car. I repeat, OW6683, stop your car!” I guess that's the plate numbee of the car we're using right now..


  “Stenric, look for some shortcut or some ways to lose those cops.” I instructed him and sped up my car more while trying my best to not get in the way of some other cars.

  “Miss, there's another way there.” He pointed the small way.

  I wouldn't had notice it if Stenric didn't point at it directly. It isn't that visible for other people to notice. I quickly turned the car and went to that direction.

  “Then you'll see two ways, go to the left. You'll see your parents company logo, I informed them about what's happening right now so they just sent them for you to follow the car until we arrive to your hous.” He explained.

  Tss, I told him to just give me directions! It's no fun if I'll just follow those cars, they're not even that fast!

  I glared at him. He just looked down and played with his fingers.

  But the fact that I don't even recognize the road and ways like how I fully recognize it before, it seems that many was changed.

  I sighed, people change after all, and so do places.


  We arrived at our house after a few minutes. As I went down from the car, the maids, bodyguards, and more people in the house bow down and greeted me. Geez, I already told them to don't do that.

  “Welcome home, young lady.” They said in unison.

  “Thank you, by the way, where's mom and dad?” I looked around to see if they're just behind them but no one came into view.

  “They're at the company right now, young lady.” one of them answered.

  “Hmm, okay. And I'm sure that my room is cleaned?” I asked, they all nodded their heads. I smiled and thanked them and went inside my room. It looks empty though, since my mom told me that she'll just donate my old things that I wouldn't use anymore to the orphanage.

  I sighed and unpacked my things. I'll just buy my things tomorrow and take care of my school stuffs. I just want to sleep right now.

  Tomorrow would be a long and tiring day. I hope nothing bad happens.