
Let’s Read The Word

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Who Am I

Who Am I

Author:Deb Oguare



I never thought I would find myself in a situation like this, I wanted to be normal but the closer I get to turning eighteen, the closer I get to being dead as different creatures would risk it all to have me dead because my powers would be out of their control once I am eighteen. A demon was sent to protect me and to make me understand who I was but am I not a human? Who am I? *Extract* "Take it easy sir! I'm having headache and you speeding is not helping a bit" I say and he nodded his head. "Okay" he says He continued the drive but this time he took it slower than before and I closed my eyes to ease the ache in my head a little then I opened my eyes after some few minutes. "You can stop here" I gesture at my house but he continued to drive without listening. "Where are you going? I said stop here" I say again and he continued to drive. I was getting scared already as I summoned the courage to yell again "we've passed my house stop this car at once!" I scream but he didn't listen. Fuck I'm in trouble. "Someone help me!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Will you just shut the fuck up already" the man says and I looked at his eyes through the rear mirror and his eyes had changed to a very bright red colour while his veins were visible through his skull. "Who the hell are you?" I question but he didn't say a word, he continued to drive till he drove into a nearby forest. He parked the car beside a tree and came out of the front seat. "You'll be coming with me" he says.




  >>>*Sweet Melody by Little Mix* "Bami mum just called, she said it's getting late and you should be on your way home" Blossom says. Blossom is the oldest child of our family but also the bossy one. My parents gave birth to three children and I'm the second born of the family, they gave birth to us in Alaska before we moved down to Nigeria because of some issues and moreover my parents are indigens of Nigeria.

  Blossom is a beautiful woman and she could have been my role model because of her independency but her character was from hell indeed, sometimes she can be calm and but whenever she is in a bad mood she turns to a Lucifer she loves to control everything which really annoys me but when you're in Nigeria and a Nigerian you dare not speak when your older ones are talking or yell at them or even frown your face because it'll show a sign of disrespect to your elder ones. "Okay I'll leave now" I reply her and started to gather my stuffs from her house. Blossom lives not that far from our parents house so i use my bicycle for transportation even if I've been warned by my parents various of times not to use my bicycle my father would always say it's too risky for me because I'm  a female and he kind of has a point because the streets of Lagos is a really busy one and an accident could happen but still I hate when people tells me that. I left Blossom's house by 10pm, yes I know it is a really late time but i could have left earlier if she hadn't been sending me on unnecessary errands that could wait till the next day.

  I mounted my bike as I paddled away from Blossom's house. "Call me when you get home" Blossom says as I rode away from her house.

  I rode my bike past some group of men and they were staring at me well I'm used to this type of attraction because it's not really easy living in Nigerian as a white.

  "Oyinbo pepper" one of the men says as I paddled past them. People in this part of Nigerian are found of calling any light skinned "oyinbo pepper" and it's no longer new because my school mates and teachers used to call me that, most of them actually didn't know my real name.

  It was a quite journey on my bicycle but a really smooth one there were just few cars on the street and I entertained myself by listening to some interesting music on my head phone as I sing along.

  Walking in the night is one of my favourite thing to do because I actually believe that the night is more peaceful than the day and you get to express yourself on the road without every one staring at you like you e gone insane expecially when you blast your ears with good music that doesn't only affect the body but soul.

  Apart from being able to express my self at nights while listening to songs sometimes I prefer to pay attention to the environment around me from the noises the cars make as they speed through the streets to the dogs barking at every car that passes to the hooting of the owls in the dark clouds to the stars in the sky to the aroma of the night foods and to the night itself.

  My bicycle made an awful noise followed by the painful sound I made when I landed on the floor shit my bicycle just broke down, I should have taken it for repair earlier but I kept on postponing it and now it has finally broke down.

  My bicycle was given to me on my thirteenth birthday by my mother and my father because I used to tell them how much I loved riding bicycles and they chose to surprise me on my thirteenth birthday and now I'm seventeen and I still have the bicycle well not in a good shape but I'm damn sure I'm good at maintaining stuffs for long.

  I parked my bicycle beside a building and chained it to a rail in the building as I started to walk home since I wasn't with any transportation fare and even if I had I would not risk it with the high rate of crime such as kidnapping. There have been reports of cab drivers and motor cyclist who kidnaps people at night and I don't think I'm ready to take that risk.

  I started walking home and I was lucky that my house was not that far from where I was anymore as It's just in the next three streets. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to check the time but I returned it back without checking the time. Strange things happen to me sometimes. I pulled out my phone again to check the time and then I realised I was really late and the time was already 11pm. I returned my phone to my pocket and wore my headphones as I continued the song I was listening to as I walked in the streets of Lagos singing along to the song I was listening to.

  My body felt uneasy as I started to walk and it felt like I was being watched and followed but I shoved the thought away, maybe I was just being paranoid but then everything started to become real as my body became cold and the hairs on my hands stood and I was already getting scared. I increased my pace and my legs walked faster than before and I was sure I was moving faster than my bicycle could but I still felt it, the feeling of being followed. I stopped and turned around just to confirm my suspicion but I saw nothing, I heaved a sigh of relief maybe I was just being paranoid I can't be blamed for being paranoid in Nigeria because every single person living here lives in fear and paranoia.

  I continued my steps and didn't feel any strange thing anymore so I increased the volume of the music I was listening to but then a hand grabbed me from behind and I froze.