
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's unwanted wife

Billionaire's unwanted wife




"Boss the person you were expecting has arrived." "hmm, send her in", Neil heaved a sigh of relief and went back to his seat, he was anxious, angry and curious to meet this person who has caused him seven sleepless night. "Knock knock" , he looked and asked the person to come in, on affirmation the door opened and a beautiful women wearing maroon knee length skirt and white blouse appeared. "Sir you were looking for me." "Yes, did you sign this contract?" Neil threw a document on the table in front of her. "Sir yesterday everybody have been asked to sign a contract if they will not they will be terminated from the job." "Have you seen or read the contract?" Neil asked the women annoyingly.. " sir, act..actuaally..everyone was signing the contract so did I. " "what's your name?" "ohh I get it ! its Emma Watson ,its on your badge." "Do you know which contract it is?" "Sirr yess it is job renewal contract." Neil was annoyed and angry, he was unable to think what to say and what not and started walking back and forth from his chair to the cabin's window...after few minutes he banged his hands on the table. "Don't you have a habit of reading before signing you know what it is?" "Sirr everyone was ....." "STOP STOP IT THIS ISN'T A JOB CONTRACT...THIS IS F*****G A MARRIAGE CONTRACT AND ACCORDING TO THIS CONTRACT YOU ARE MY LEGAL WIFE." Neil couldn't control his anger and shouted at the Emma and threw the contract on the floor. "YOU JUST A MEAGRE MAID IS F*****G MY WIFE, HAVE YOU IMAGINED MY LIFE AND REPUTATION ARE AT STAKE...JUST BECAUSE YOUR IGNORANCE." Emma was frozen at her place and couldn't process what had happened and what she should say, her mind went blank .

“Run run nooo i cannot get caught by the....Run run", having this thought in her mind Emma was running faster covering her face with veil.

“AHH...AHH...Water...water..i need it "Emma heard a painful noise coming from her left while she was running ,she stopped there for a moment and looked in the direction of the voice and started walking towards it, after walking few steps she saw a man lying injured under the tree.

She got scared but at the same time she calmed herself and first covered her face with veil so that nobody could recognize her and then went near the man.

The man was badly hurt, he was oozing blood from his head and abdomen,

“I think he has been shot”,”Who are you?, Who did this to you?, Is there anybody with you?”

“Water water”,she looked around but nobody was seen plus it was pitch dark.

“Will you be able to walk?,I am going to take you to the nearby hospital”, and she got up, the man haphazardly caught her hand and said in a painful voice

“I am exhausted I cannot walk”,

“Okk I will help you to just have to not leave my hand at any cost “,she landed the man her hand and helped him to get up and walk.

After walking few distance they caught a cab from the nearby street of the secluded locality and went to the nearby hospital named Country criti care. Upon reaching to the hospital she made the man to sit at the corridor and she shouted,

“Help help...please help its an emergency ..this man needs your care.”

“Excuse me mam!, please be quiet and tell me what's the matter?", a hospital nurse said to her

“There is man with me who is sitting at the corridor is badly injured...please treat him”, the nurse looked at the corridor

“Ma'am we will look after him but please do fill all the details at the patient counter, meanwhile I will call the doctor.”

After few minutes the nurse returned with the doctor, Emma was filling out the patient information

“Mr. Johnson!” the doctor was shocked to see him injured, he without blinking his eyes said to the nurse,

“Immediately put him in the Operation theatre room and start his treatment soon and also booked and VIP room for him”

“okk doctor.”

“By the way who had brought him here?”

“Doctor the lady in blue dress and yellow face veil.”,

“Hmmn ok”, then doctor asked the nurse to take Mr. Johnson to OT and start preparing for the operation.

The doctor went towards Emma

“Mam may I know how do you know Mr. Johnson Mam.”

“AANH”, Emma was scared for a moment

“Mam I am asking you how do you know Mr. Neil Johnson?", Emma calmed herself and said

“Doctor....act actually...”

“DOCTOR DOCTOR PLEASE COME WITH ME MR. JOHNSON IS SINKING.", the nurse came rushing towards the doctor, upon hearing this he immediately went running in the OT room.

Emma was relieved and she thought to herself. "I think the doctor knows him well, he will be able to inform his family” and she went away.

Few hours later the doctor came searching for Emma at the patient information counter,

“Where is the lady with yellow veil? ”he asked the receptionist

“Doc she is gone.”

“Gone...had she left any information?”

“Yess Doc she had filled up the patient information, here it is”, doctor took the paper in his hand and when he read he was shocked to read “WIFE” on it.