
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Béè häà



The three hells!! Handsome, tall,rich. Filthy rich. Devious and cruel in their dealings. Womanizer, the utter type. They have been enjoying their way of life until the table changed and the tide turn. When their mother Alicia Gerald,a no nonsense woman who doesn't condole any irresponsibility,came all the way from Italy to Newland. "Get yourselves a serious girlfriend"she said to them. They wanted to protest but could not. At the sight of that smile on her lips. That knowing smile. Cold sweats broke out on their foreheads and their palms became clammy. That when it all began. The search for a serious girlfriend

Chapter one

The job interview.

The alarm rang and Emily covered her ears with the pillow. That darn alarm and it's noise. She tossed and turned on the bed , rubbing her sleepy eyes with her hand. She really wants to sleep some more.

She had been reading throughout the whole night and she just slept around the morning. She muttered a curse as the alarm rang again. She stood up and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

She heard Mera shouting downstairs and saying something about interviews and Hana chuckling sound accompanied her words and drifted upstairs.

She had an interview today at Gerald communication, one of the companies of Gerald holdings. Working at Gerald holdings is really a fantasy for everyone in the whole of Newland.

Who wouldn't want to work at the most prominent and important company of all times??? . The richest company in the whole country .

They deal with different aspects of business, construction agency, real estate agency, shopping complex, production company, buying and selling. They basically buy and sell everything and anything.

It would be such a great honor to work at the company.

They had just opened up the new branch and were in need of staff. She really hope she can make it. And of course she isn't the only one going, her friends were too. Wherever one of them goes, the other must follow.

She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took a very quick shower. She got out grabbing a towel and drying off her body. She finished dressing, wearing a white button up shirt and black pants, taking a dry shampoo in her hands she sprayed it on her hair and took a strand to sniff it .

Ewwwww!! She sprayed some more, used her deodorant and perfume and headed downstairs in a rush ,almost tripping on the staircase.

She was welcomed by a sight of Mera buttering up her toast and Hana gingerly sipping her coffee.

" You guys are the worst !! " She yelled at them and took a quick angry bite at the toast .

" Good morning to you too" they replied simultaneously and burst into laughter.

Emily chose to ignore them , as she didn't have enough time to bicker with them.

Ten minutes later , she wiped her mouth after finishing the cup of coffee and smoothened her shirt.

" Babes !!! " Hana shouted as they all gathered their hands and put it on each other's

" Forever!!! " Mera and Emily replied just as loud, if not more.

They had developed this habit of having this chant daily as it helps to boost their confident.

One would certainly mistake the trio for triplets or sisters whereas they weren't even relate one bit.

Well if living together in the orphanage would count as having a family bond , then Maybe they would pass. They have been living together in the orphanage since they can remember, before moving out from there when they were 18 years old. And now , they were 23 but still behave like a 3 years old. Their bond was so tight that even some blood related siblings weren't as close as them .

The resemblance between them was quite uncanny, considering the fact that they aren't even related . The only difference was their hairs and eye color.

Mera had a long curly brown hair and olive green eyes. She is the least mature of the three. She always make trouble and leave it to the the others to clean up whatever trouble she had made.

Hana had a hair that was stuck in between straight and curly. Her hair was neither straight nor curly. She has a beautiful pair of Hazel eyes and her teeth were a bit opened, making her look cute whenever she smiles. She was the mother hen of the trio and always made sure that they were all right. She is a bit reserved but can be intimidating when needed.

Emily had a straight black and shiny hair that she doesn't wash regularly. Hana always complain that Emily didn't deserve that type of hair as she wouldn't even take care of it. She had light velvety blue eyes that were very captivating. She is very bold and fearless. She makes as much trouble as Mera with her mouth. She says whatever is on her mind and find it her to bow to any body.

Despite their obvious difference, they still get along well. They hardly quarel and whenever they do , they apologize to each other quickly and continue their harmonious relationship.

They even had a list of ' must do ' . Which also includes

1. Must cook everyday, with Emily mostly sneaking out of the schedule.

2. Must repeat their chant whenever they're going out

3 . Must take a bath everyday , this doesn't even need an agreement as no one wants to be smelly.

4 . Must have their girls night once or twice a week, depending on how much of a free time they had. Their girls night include partying, binging a scary or romantic movie, shopping, gardening, playing games or any activity that had been decided on.

They boarded a taxi and were very anxious.

" We've read every interview questions that we could lay out hands on right?? " Emily asked them and the other two nodded

" We've taken the vitamin to keep us steady right?? " Mera asked again after some time and they all nodded in unison.

The alighted at the front a very giant building and was wowed.

They paid the taxi man who also smiled at them as if silently rooting for them ,which they returned with a grateful smile of their own.

The newspaper and television did no justice for the beauty and money that was emitting from the building.

The entered inside the gate and was jaw dropped. The whole building was made of glass .

And not your typical glass, of the normal. It wasn't normal at all. As it was sparkling and reflecting the golden rays of the sun .

Woooow!!! Emily said already at loss for words at the absolute beauty of the building. The expression on her face was mirrored on the others too.

Their eyes were glistening in admiration and suprise.

" We must, I meant must , work here by all means. " Hana whispered to herself.

" Imagine coming here everyday and seeing this beautiful sight!! It must be enough of a eye therapy. " Mera said out loud .

“guysss, we better start moving inside, we can gawk at the building later” Emily said a little loudly , snapping them out of their reverie.

They nodded reluctantly but still moved inside.

They got inside and was suprised for the nth time today. The interior itself is a whole shade of beauty on its whole.

Tons and tons of people were present inside the hall . Some sitting and looking overly confident, were some were sitting with their backs slouched in apprehension and nervousness.

Emily and the others were in the latter category.

The passed a look between themselves that said" Are we even supposed to be here?? "

That was the thing between them. They can communicate with each other even without having to speak.

People were milling in and out of the hall increasing the anxious silence that spread like a thick sheets around them.

Soon enough, it was time for Emily's interview and Mera and Hana stood up with her as if wanting to go into the interviewing hall with her. The lady that had come to call her passed them a weird stare and they sat back down.

Some the attendees were covering their mouth with their hands to avoid them from bursting into laughter .

They recited their chants again , but this time not as loud as they had done when they were at home .

Some minutes later, Emily came out looking a bit sweaty and worried. Mera clasped her hand with hers and squeezed it gently, trying to calm her down.

Funny how they are all nervous but trying so hard to comfort each other. Such were actually the live that they led.

Time flew by quickly and Emily's back was getting stiff from too much sitting down and she decided to take a look around the building. She overheard two ladies saying something in hushed tone about the Gerald's heir. Curiosity got the best of her as she leaned on the restroom door and listened to what they were saying

" I heard they are very rich " the first one said

" I heard that they are womanizer, and that they also operate underworld and were called the three hells of the Mafia community." This second one said obviously having more news than the first lady . If she could have heard about their underworld business

Emily wondered how far would people go Just to get some gossip??

She was leaving when her ears caught another sentence" I heard that their mother is a no nonsense woman" one of the said , and the other gasp before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Is it that this two ladies are done with their interviews already?? Or how could they spend time in the restroom gossiping.

She moved away from the two gossip mongers and went back to the hallway. Mera and Hana were already done with their interviews and they all headed home together.


They got home,all tired and worn out from the journey. Emily went straight upstairs without even bothering to take off her shoes first.

She got to the room and sighed as she plumed down on the bed. She removed her clothes and was glad to be rid of the uncomfortable shirt. She went into the bathroom and took a refreshing shower.

She lied down on her bed and was reminiscing about the whole of today's activities in her head.

Well out of twenty questions, she can at least be sure of getting fifteen or ten questions correct . That should be enough

But it isn't. For one to get noticed out of that many people, one would have to do exceedingly well.

She hoped that luck was on their side this time . Mera had always say that lady luck was their servant.

The best thing that lady luck or whosoever had done for her was allowing her to meet her sisters from another mother.

She drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

She woke up to the smell of something delicious wafting from downstairs. She hurriedly put on her sweat pants and headed downstairs.

She skidded off the stairs and almost fell flat on her face if not for the timely stopping of her legs.

" You better be careful on the stairs !! " Hana called out.

She sent a wink at her and landed with a flourish. Mera smiled at the childish display that Emily just did .

She sat down and waited for Hana to finish serving .

It was spaghetti and meatballs.

Her favorite!!

She rubbed her palms together in anticipation as she was almost salvating at the scrumptious looking meal placed in her front .

She smiled, thanked Hana and begin to start eating.

They finished eating and went into the living room to watch TV .

Few minutes into the watching, Emily turned her head and remembered the incident that happened in the morning and decided to tell the others.

" You know,. I heard some rumors about the Gerald's heirs" she spoke slowly trying to gain their attention which she succeeded in doing as they both turned their head to her side with an inquiring gaze.

" I heard that they were handsome, like very handsome and the so called ' three hells of the underworld' that they were cruel and wicked in their dealing.

That they were also , womanizer. I mean the utter type. That they dispose of women just like usedtoilet papers.

" They must have their heads up in the cloud" Mera hissed

" But come to think of it, they are rich , handsome, women would be the ones to throw themselves at their feet. "

" We better steer clear away from them " Emily said yawning and rubbing her eyes.

" Let's go to bed. It's late" Mera said to them standing up to switch off the television.