
Let’s Read The Word

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White Lake High School   DIMPLES)

White Lake High School DIMPLES)




White Lake High School is no ordinary high school and it is not run by a ordinary principal and the vice principal......well she is just too nice. (Note the sarcasm) Things turn haywire when a new video is posted on the school's IG account of guy with dimples singing a really inappropriate song. All the girls start fighting over this mystery guy and couples start breaking up. And the guys......well they either want to kill him or be him. I am Kelly McHale, the only girl who is not trying to find this guy. Instead I'm too busy in detention everyday and for what, being at the scene of the crime. Well its always a coincidence and yeah, I know how it sounds but its the truth but no one believes me and the principal, well let's just say he believes in a lot of things. And did I mention that in the video only half of the guys face is showing.


15 more minutes and I will be free once more. Free to get out of this nightmare call school. It was a Wednesday afternoon and I was stuck in detention why, because someone caused a food fight in the cafeteria and who came out clean, me. Well thanks to my hide and seek skills but too bad the principal didn't believe me and no one defended me. Why, because I'm a loner. And who had to clean the mess up, the one and only. And who caused the food fight, 'DIMPLES'

according to all the girls


'Dimples' was this guy on the school's IG account singing this song which according to Diana Carter: 'makes you feel like your on cloud nine'

messed up right

. What was really messed up about it was that you could only see half of his face yet they were all over him. It was crazy and ruining my life. I hated this guy. Now that I think about it I was the only girl not all over this guy.


Take off all my make up, cause I love what's under it,

The words of little mix's song Strip starts coming from my pocket. I glanced up at the clock in the cafeteria and quickly pulled out my phone and answer it.


"Kim, where are you," the scared voice of my mother said. I started gathering my things immediately.

"Madre, stop worrying I'm on my way," I said as I rushed out of the cafeteria, speed walking towards the front door.

"Where are you," my mother asked again, this time confused.

"Ah.......the mall," I lied. My mom is a dark skinned woman, who worked at a law firm in NYC or should I say she is the boss of a law firm in NYC. She is short, curly haired, sexy and well I'm horrible at describing people, so let's just say she's a supermom. And as I said she's a lawyer so I'm practically in a courtroom already. Oh and if your wondering why I'm speaking Spanish, well my dad is a Latino.

"Kelly Isabella McHale, come home this instant," my mother commanded.

I am so dead, Ugh I hate this 'Dimples' guy I think to myself as I practically run home.


I slowly open the front door to my aunt's mansion as quiet as I could, scary enough the house was as quiet as a cemetery which was odd because my cousins were the loudest little firetrucks, I've ever heard.

My mom and I lived with her sister, my aunt, Ciara. We have our own house but my mom always comes home late or never and she doesn't like when I'm home alone so we moved to my aunt's mansion, her husband, Raphael is a lawyer and a really popular one too. They got 3 kids with twins on the way. Kat is the oldest, she is 15 and very annoying, Justin is 10 and is always fighting with Kyle whose 9, over the silliest of things.

I looked around the house and saw that the coast was clear. I silently close the door and started creeping up the stairs but stopped half way up as I remember what happened the last time I tried sneaking in.

It was a Friday evening, I was 12 years old at the time. It was raining and your girl, right here, decided to dance in the rain, got carried away and came home around 6:30 in the evening. I was soaked to the bone and tried to sneak in. I was so proud of myself sneaking in like a spy and all but just when I thought 'yes I did it'. I opened my room door to see my mom with an angry expression on her face sitting on my bed.

So now I am going into the kitchen to face the music their. And I'll have food to distract me too so it was the safest plan I could come up with.

As I enter the kitchen I realized that it was empty which meant no dinner tonight and my housemates are at dinner except my mom since she's probably in my room looking for my diary even though I don't have one.

I open all the cupboards only to find them empty which is weird because my aunt always goes shopping like everyday. Due to her kids endless pit of a stomach, happy to say me included.

Confused and hungry I open the fridge ignoring the piece of paper pasted on it, only to see a bottle of orange juice and a slice of strawberry cake. Ewwwww, everyone in the house knows that I don't like strawberry cakes. I slammed the fridge door close and stare at the piece of paper in front of me.

Your aunt and I went to dinner with your cousins and Raphael. There is food in the fridge and a number one the table. And sweetheart......your grounded.



I guess I got my punishment, STARVATION.