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A Divorce Romance: Billionaire's Ex-Wife

A Divorce Romance: Billionaire's Ex-Wife



She was a fool who lost all her memory. She was named Karen Carter by her billionaire husband, Ian Carter. Before labor, Karen suddenly heard that Ian had a mistress. She confronted Ian angrily, but got into a car accident. Through the car rearview mirror, she saw Ian leaving. The blood on her forehead kept dripping down, and countless memories flashed through her mind. She was not Karen Carter, an orphan woman! She was the heiress, Simone Ross, of the top rich Ross family. The colorful dress, the lively banquet, and her father's doting look when he put a birthday crown on her... From the beginning to the end, Simone was fooled around by Ian! How could she endure those who hurt her smiling happily? She wants revenge at all costs! Especially Ian...

"Listen to me, my silly girl."

"I need you to go to that Villa and wait for me. I'll come back to you as soon as I'm done with my work."

Stroking the woman's head dotingly, Ian Carter said to the subordinates next to him, "Send her away."

Karen Carter, with a protruding belly, instinctively grabbed his sleeve and begged, "Can I come with you? I-I'm... scared."

"Relax yourself in a hot spring. Take your time there, and I'll be with you after dealing with my business here." He left without any hesitation.

"Madam Carter has just passed away, and Mr. Carter needs to take care of the funeral. He can't stick with you all the time, Mrs. Carter." The assistant reminded her. He glanced at the dazed Karen, and a trace of disdain flashed across his eyes.

Nine months ago, Ian had fallen into a coma.

As luck would have it, his Grandma, Madam Carter happened to have taken in an orphan girl who had lost her memory. Unsettled by the prospect of Ian having to be all on his own for the rest of his unconscious life, she had decided to make the girl his wife and have her take care of him. 

As if it was meant to be, Ian regained consciousness.

However, not only was the bride an amnesiac, but she also appeared to be mentally impaired. To make things worse, her face was marred with horrendous purplish-red scars.

Ian treated her well and even named her Karen, giving her his last name. They're married. She was pregnant, and she was now eight months into her term.

"Mrs. Carter, let's go," the assistant urged.

Karen stood there, staring at her husband's back.

"Well, well, look who's still here."

A delicate female voice came from behind her. Like a conditioned response, Karen grabbed the hem of her clothes and turned around with a slight frown.

"What are you gawking at? Why aren't you already elsewhere?"

It was Ian's younger sister, Jacqueline.

As bossy as ever, she smirked and jeered. "I guess it's true that stupid people are not self-aware. Ian is about to marry Karin. Why are you still here? If I were you, I would have fled with my tail between my legs. At least I would have kept my dignity."

A hurt expression flashed across Karen's eyes. Was that really the case? Had he sent her away just to marry someone else?

"Why do you think my brother named you 'Karen'? All he thinks about when he calls your name is Karin!"

"I don't believe you!"

Karen's eyes became red, and she was about to chase after Ian. Unexpectedly, before she could take a step, she was stopped by two bodyguards.

Before she could struggle, the bodyguards dragged her to the black Bentley on the side.

Then they took out a sheaf of documents and a red ink pad, grabbed her hand, and pressed it on it.

"What are you doing?"

The bodyguards did not respond to her. After all, their task was to get her to sign a divorce agreement and send her away.

On the contrary, Jacqueline, who was watching the show, sneered and put her hands on her hips. "Bye-bye to 'Mrs. Loser Carter' and hello 'Loser'!"

Karen was so flustered that she could feel her eyes brimming with hot tears. "I'm not signing this! I'm not going anywhere!"

However she was kept into a car.

Karen, with tears in the corner of her eyes, looked blankly at the trees flashing past outside the window. She kept recalling the figure in the mirror when the car started.

It was Ian.

Standing on the second floor of the villa with his hands clasped behind his back, he watched her leave.

No matter how she screamed or pounded the car window, Ian remained unmoving until it diminished to nothing but a pale dot. 


Hearing the sound of the fence breaking, she protected her belly in horror.

The sudden fall made her curl up. With a bang, the Bentley fell halfway down the mountain. Karen's body was pushed by the airbag and hit the door sideways.

She felt like she was about to fall apart.

Blood oozed down her forehead, and countless memories flashed through her mind like a zoetrope: The resplendent haute couture dress, the lively banquet, and her father's doting gaze as he put a birthday crown on her...

She suddenly recovered the memories she had once lost!

She was no helpless orphan girl. She was the daughter of the Ross family, Simone Ross!

The husband, Ian Carter, had only been treating her like a tool he could cast aside when he thought she was useless at all. 

From the day she was taken in by Madam Carter and brought back to the Carter family, the only value she had was to take care of the comatose Ian, just like a nurse.

Now that Karin had returned to the country, she was forced to abdicate!

If everything went as he had planned, she should be relaxing in the "hot springs" and coerced into signing the divorce agreement she could not understand. She should be found dead in a car crash. 

Ha, what a smart man!

No time to waste.

Her abdomen was also in great pain.

All of a sudden a stream of warmth flowed down from Karen's thigh, and a panic rose in her heart. "My water... broke," was her first thought.

"What should I do?"

She whipped her head left and right, looking for anything she could use. Her mobile phone was smashed, and the driver had already lost consciousness.

The deserted hillside was bone-chillingly cold, and broken shards of glass littered the scene. Every second she spent here was one second she got closer to Death.

The swollen pain under her body made her gasp, but she still struggled to get to the driver's seat and did everything in her power to grope for the driver's phone. She almost cried out in relief when she finally felt it.

With her trembling hands, she dialed the familiar number she knew by heart. "Father, Dad, ... save me, save me..."