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Asking For Nothing But Love

Asking For Nothing But Love



"I wasn't willing to marry her back then." Braxton's words cut through Shannon's heart like a knife. She had always known that their marriage was a sham, but hearing the truth from her own husband was still devastating. But what was even more devastating was the secret she had uncovered - her husband and his mistress sister were responsible for the death of her three-year-old son. They had kidnapped her, tortured her, and then pushed her off the top floor of their mansion, leaving her to die. As Shannon lay broken and bleeding on the ground, she made a vow to take revenge on the couple who had destroyed her life. And now, as fate would have it, she had been given a second chance. But with the memory of her tragic past still fresh in her mind, Shannon knew that this time around, she had to be smarter, stronger, and more ruthless than ever before. She had to play the game of love and deceit like a master, all while plotting her ultimate revenge against the man she once called husband. And so, as she stood before Braxton on her wedding day, Shannon knew that this time, things would be different. This time, she would make sure that he paid for his sins, no matter the cost.


The sound of a baby's crying could be heard from an abandoned warehouse in the middle of the night.

Shannon Davis fumbled around with her hands as she kept muttering, "Nick, my baby, where are you? Don't be afraid, I'm coming to save you right now!"

Suddenly, a white light flashed across the horizon.

Shannon was crawling on the ground as she bled through her eye sockets and there were gaping wounds all over her body. Her injuries were simply too horrifying to look at...

Just as she wanted to avoid something that had protruded from the ground, her hand was firmly pressed down!

"Ah!" She screamed in pain and a familiar woman's voice sounded above her head. "Shannon, you look absolutely pathetic!"

Shannon was stunned. Wasn't this her sister-in-law, Beverly Brown?

In other words, the person who had planned such an intricate scheme to kidnap her was Beverly?

How could it be possible? Beverly was the only person in the entire Brown family who was good to her!

She couldn't believe her own assumption and asked tentatively, "Beverly, is that you? Did you come to save me?"

"What?!" Beverly sneered with disdain, "How can you be so stupid even when you're about to die? Haven't you figured out who did this to you yet?"

She mercilessly broke all of Shannon's fingers as she spoke.

The intense pain flooded Shannon's body and she asked with trembling lips, "Beverly, I've treated you well, so why are you doing this to me?"

"How can you still have the nerve to ask that?"

Beverly glared at her and said, "How can a country bumpkin like you marry into the Brown family and be Braxton's wife? I am the only person who belongs with him!"

Beverly finally took off her kind facade and revealed her true colours.

She had spent a lot of money to hire more than a dozen hitmen to bring Shannon to this warehouse to vent her hatred.

After she tortured Shannon for seven whole days, she finally vented all the resentment she had in her heart.

She couldn't wait to end this since Shannon was about to die.

"What did you just say?" Shannon thought that she had misheard it, and she asked as she was in extreme shock, "Aren't you Braxton's younger sister? How can you do something so immoral?"

"He is not my biological brother and I have no blood relationship with him." Beverly said with great certainty, "I'm the adopted daughter of the Brown family."

"I spent the longest time with Braxton and I'm the person who loved him the most!"

"But you took him away as soon as you appeared!"

"Shannon, you deserve to die!"

Shannon was so shocked that she could not speak at all. It turned out that Beverly was not the biological daughter of the Brown family!

However, they had never mentioned this to her before!

"It's because of this that Braxton and I can never be together openly, so that's why he had to marry you."

"No..." Shannon had never thought that the man she had pined for was in love with his sister. "That's impossible!"

"Stop lying to yourself."

Beverly said clearly, "Braxton hates you so much that he even despises your child."

"Nick is his biological son and they're bonded by blood..." However, Shannon was interrupted by Beverly before she could finish her words.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Beverly directly took out her mobile phone and played a recording. "Listen to this first."

"I wasn't willing to marry her back then."

"I hate that self-absorbed b*tch very much."

"The child is a big problem as well, so deal with both of them together."

Shannon had been blinded, so she was particularly sensitive to the sounds around her and she could tell that it was Braxton's voice.

That indifferent and heartless tone made her lose all hope.

She wanted to cry, but she had no strength at all because his words had broken her heart completely. She lay on the ground with a dull gaze and her fingers were all broken, but she didn't feel pain at all.

It was probably because she was overwhelmed with grief and sadness.

"I'll tell you the truth. It was Braxton's idea to kidnap and torture you. He also killed your silly son himself!" With this, Beverly handed a bundle of fabric over to Shannon.

Although Shannon couldn't see, her trembling hands could tell that it was a baby's swaddle.

But her son couldn't even cry anymore...

"I'm so nice to you that you can still be with your son when you die." Beverly smiled proudly and said, "Shannon, you have to hurry up. Your son's body is getting cold, so you'd better die quickly!"

Beverly gestured to the people around her, and the man directly dragged Shannon's limp body to the top floor of the warehouse.

The wind on the 15th floor was so strong that it whipped Shannon's face.

After the person behind her gave her a hard push, she held onto her son desperately as she fell down the building...

She hated them so much!

From the moment they got married, she knew that Braxton had treated her coldly because he loved someone else.

But the person he loved was actually Beverly?

Why did he want to marry her and get her pregnant if that was the case? 

Did he give her hope just to break her heart like this?

Before she died, she made a vow that she would definitely take revenge on both of them if she was reborn again!