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Mr Celebrity's Hidden Wife

Mr Celebrity's Hidden Wife

Author:Success M.



“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.


The sound of insects and breeze was the only thing I could hear,I'm just coming back from my third part time job and was f**cking tired but waved it off when I look at my pay for today. I was thinking of a lot of things I will be needing before my next pay,I walked slowly as a result of fatigue and there was nobody at home who is gonna ask why I came late or early, I took a very quiet part to my house thinking about my life from the past years. My life has been a broken one after the death of my seventh but last foster parents. I could remember the day vividly,I was the one who told them to take me to the beach,I was the one who made them leave the house that day even when they promised to take me the next day. I was with them in the car and I still wonder why they saved me,I miss them so much and I am hoping they will forgive me for making them lose their lives. They saved me,they made me alive instead of dying with them and waking up every morning with the guilt isn't easy. Everyday I asked myself why I was still alive,why didn't I die with them,why was I saved?.

I was happy with them,I mean they were the best foster parents I have ever had since I left the orphanage. Since the age of four I was moved from one foster home to another,if one of my foster parents didn't like me the orphanage will make another one adopt me. I remembered being a rebel in my childhood and I guess that's was the reason my six foster parents hated me,but the Jackson's made me feel loved,they loved me like their own child. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a quiet whispers like a low cry but I shook my head maybe it's one of those boys trying to prank me;am not ready to lose my hard earned money so I continued walking but stopped when I saw blood trails on the ground. I looked closely to make sure I wasn't hallucinating so I brought my almost broken phone out and followed the trails of the blood and I saw an elderly woman on the ground with a tarted clothes and covered in blood,I rushed towards her and placed my hand on her neck to find a faint pulse making me breathe in relief.

"Hello ma'am"I called touching her lightly and she let out a groan.

" Are you Alright ma'am"I asked which was kinda stupid because I can see she was obviously in pain. What am I gonna do,should I call the cops or take her to the hospital but what if the police finds out and I get arrested no,no I can't go to jail I've got dreams to achieve and am almost getting there. A low groan brought me out of my wild thoughts,how on earth am I going to carry her to the roadside.

"I'll be back shortly ma'am just hold on"I quickly rushed to the roadside and damn getting a cab at this is really hard and as if luck was on my side;a cab passed and I quickly stopped it but the problem came when he refused to go into the quiet area and after much persuasion he finally agreed. He helped placed her in the car but not after questioning me so I had to lie that she was my grandma and while we were coming from our shop we were attacked,we got to the hospital and the nurses at the entrance saw me with blood all over my body and ran to me but I showed them the cab where grandma was,they put her in the stretcher they brought and quickly rolled her in.

I was asked to fill some form and not knowing her name I placed anything that came to my mind, after settling the cab driver I took a seat at the hallway of the E.R praying to God to keep her safe.


The E.R light showed the green light and I stood up immediately the doctor came out.

" how is she?"i asked the doctor who was busy removing her gloves and mask.

"The patient is really strong,she was barely alive when you brought her here but she fought through; can you please tell me what happened to her?"

"I don't know,I was just passing by when I saw her lying in her pool of blood"

"I guess we need to inform the police"she said and my eyes widened.

"The police,why?"

"Because this may be the case of kidnapping or assault"

"Okay,can I see her now"

"Sure she's in room 204 and please be quiet in there"

"Thank you doctor"I walked down the hallway looking for room 204 and after few minutes I found it,I opened the door gently and entered but paused when I saw her lying on the bed with an oxygen mask attached to her nose and the sound of the holter monitor was all that could be heard in the room,I took a chair and sat next to her holding her pale hand and signed I don't know what to do,who her family was and who to call. The door opened and I turned to see a nurse waking in.

" ma'am the doctor asked that you settle the bills" she said with her red hair bouncing on her shoulder and handed the bill to me and what I saw made me gasp #200,000

two hundred thousand


" what 200,000 I....I've just 12,000

twelve thousand

with me" I said rubbing my hair while she stared at me like a clown.

" you better pay up if not we are going to stop your grandma's treatment"she replied before walking out,I sat down and signed loudly where am I getting this amount of money from even if I worked six times a day it still won't get to this amount and she needs this treatment; think Diana think, yes Miguel!