
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's Sweet and Sassy Wife

Billionaire's Sweet and Sassy Wife



Kimberly was urgently summoned home by her uncle, only to be ambushed and knocked unconscious along the way. She woke up to find herself facing a repugnant stranger. It turned out that her uncle's family had forced her into marrying a wealthy old tycoon for their own financial gain. Terrified, Kimberly defended herself by grabbing a wine bottle, striking the man on the head, and making a swift exit. Outside the door, she crashed into Jaxon Calder's arms. He was the owner of the bar where she worked. Luckily, Jaxon escorted her home to confront her uncle and dissolve the engagement. However, her uncle's family was unyielding. In the nick of time, Jaxon proposed a solution, "Marry me, and I will assist you in handling everything..."

In a private room within the Emerald Heights Hotel, a grim scene was unfolding.

"You b*tch! Do you think I could let you off easily and still keep my standing in Maritown? Be obedient, and I might just spare you. But if you fight back, I won't think twice about ending you. No one will dare to interfere!"

The man, a bald brute, tightened his grip around Kimberly Brigg's throat as he struck her repeatedly, his words spewing venom. Struggling for air, Kimberly felt her consciousness slipping away.

Her earlier attempts at resistance now seemed futile, her arms hanging limply by her side.

She was on the brink of death...

Just two hours ago, she had received a call from her uncle, Christopher Brigg.

He had urgently informed her of her grandmother's critical condition, imploring her to rush home.

Trusting her uncle, Kimberly had quickly sought leave from school and hastened home.

However, as soon as she had stepped off campus, she was ambushed and rendered unconscious.

When she finally awoke, she found herself imprisoned in this room.

The man before her, Baldy, was leering at her with a perverse grin as he ripped at her clothes.

"Ms. Brigg, so you're finally awake. Ever since your uncle introduced us, I've been eagerly anticipating this moment. Today, we finally have the perfect opportunity to...enjoy ourselves. Let's see..."

With a smirk, Baldy revealed a collection of explicit toys, sparking a wave of terror in Kimberly.

"No... Let me go! Stop!" she pleaded.

Baldy reveled in her desperation, cackling with cruel satisfaction as he tore at her skirt, escalating his assault.

Despair welling within her, Kimberly fought back, biting down hard on Baldy's ear until blood flowed freely.

"Ahhhh! You wretched b*tch! How dare you bite me?"

Baldy cursed in agony and retaliated with two powerful slaps across her face. At the same time, his other hand tightened its grip around her throat.

"Let go of me!"

Kimberly fought back with all her might, attempting to pry his hand from her throat. But Baldy's weight bore down on her, making her efforts to resist seem futile.

Her consciousness gradually faded, and breathing became increasingly difficult. Kimberly's face turned a bluish-purple hue.

She had a feeling that she was about to die.

Baldy showed no signs of relenting, his hand still clasped around her throat as he continued to strike her, his weight pressing down on her like a heavy beast.

Blood trickled from Kimberly's mouth, but she no longer registered the pain.

Dying like this seemed preferable to enduring the assault.

But that would let Christopher off the hook.

She knew that if she died, Baldy would likely pay Christopher a large bribe to keep quiet, and her death would be swept under the rug.

No! She wouldn't allow it.

She was the invincible Jack Bauer. She couldn't let those damned b*stards get away with her death so easily!

With that thought, Kimberly fought to stay conscious. Weakly, she turned her head towards the bedside table where a bottle of red wine sat.

Summoning her last reserves of strength, Kimberly reached out, clutching the bottle of wine.

With a final burst of energy, she swung it as hard as she could, smashing it against Baldy's head.


A shrill scream echoed from the room, causing the two guards stationed outside to exchange nervous glances.

The door creaked open, revealing a bloodied and bruised Kimberly.

"He's gone too far. Check on him."

Her appearance and the bruises on her face were convincing.

The guards paled and rushed into the room.

Seizing the moment, Kimberly staggered out of the room, making her escape. Behind her, she heard the men's alarmed cries.

"Someone's been killed! Catch that woman!"

Summoning all her remaining strength, Kimberly pressed forward, not daring to glance back.

Her face ached, and her head spun, but she couldn't afford to slow down.

However, as she rounded a corner of the hallway, she collided with a solid figure.

"I'm sorry..." Kimberly glanced up to apologize, only to meet a pair of probing eyes.

The man before her had a stern, imposing expression. His brows were knitted together, his gaze chilling.

"Kimberly? What happened?"

Jaxon Calder assessed Kimberly's disheveled state with a calm gaze. Her white dress was torn and barely covered her body, and the bright red bloodstains told a tale of the ordeal she had endured.

"Save me."

The commotion behind her was drawing nearer.

Desperate, Kimberly clutched at Jaxon's clothes, managing to gasp out a plea before losing consciousness in his arms...