
Let’s Read The Word

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it's about Sara and Michael's love story How they separated and reunited again It's a short romance story Sara went to an island for a wedding ceremony with the Kent's family she lives with, met old friends and her ex-boyfriend Michael. Nora, Sara's close friend took the people to a forest for an adventure to make Sara and Michael reunite. They pased through obstacles and Sara later died. How will they reunite now when Sara is dead? A sacrifice is to be made which Michael doesn't know about So how will he make the sacrifice? Does he still live Sara? Will she come back to life? Find out in this thrilling romance story

Sara and the family she lives with came to the beach for the wedding, as they were going, Sara number into Michael they were surprised to see each other

“You! What are you doing here?”Michael asked, but she kept silent “you prostitute, a lier” she was surprised “how could you call me that, for two years I've forgotten you, you told me you loved me but you broke up with me just because you think that


I loved you, I gave you my heart, it's my fault anyway for loving you, I regret loving you ”she said and walked always, he was surprised.

Chelsea heard them and she went to him “hi” “hi” “oh Chelsea you're here, do you know Sara?”maco asked Michael but he was quite "so it's you she always talk about, she always cry cos of you” "Chelsea” “oops sorry, she really loves you” “chelsea” “again? But it's the truth right? She loves you and nobody else” “it's okay, we have to go”

They had to lodge in the inn or hotel in the beach.

Maco and his family takes Care of Sara , they are like her family.

“I'll sleep with sara” Chelsea said

“no I'll sleep with sara” stacie said

“no I'll” ”no I'll” “okay, you both can stay with me there are three beds anyway” “yeeee” “hepiiiii” “aunt sara, are you okay?” Chelsea asked “ yeah, I am” “okay, if you say so”

“hey Sara, you're here ”nora said

“welcome”she greeted “thanks” “enjoy” “oh come on nora, it's okay”

“come on, help out in the cooking and decorating” “okay” so they went to the hall decorating it

“no, no ,no put the flowers there, no there, its much better”

“hi sara” Sara looked Bach and she gasped “fred?” she went to him “you're here it's good to see you ” “yeah” “can I help?” “ of course”

Michael saw the both of them and he became angry

“sara please help me put this flower up there” “ okay ” “ I'll hold the stool for ya” “ thanks” and she climbed the stool as she was putting the flowers up, she slipped but Michael caught her, they both looked at each other then he put her down “thanks” she said and looked at him for a moment then walked out

“hum, Sara wait up sara” Nora called onto her but she ran out “why didn't you hold the stool well? You were lucky she didn't get hurt, if I were Sara I would say, it's okay, but hold it well next time okay?”nora said “okay ma'am” “good”