
Let’s Read The Word

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His Delicate Flame

His Delicate Flame




"Our worlds cannot even cross for a minute...." Julie Andrews just wished to keep her life as normal and under the radar as possible. And when everything was going accordingly with her career and a simple life for her and her brother she gets thrown into a world she thought she hid very well from. Alessio thought he was just being grateful to the woman who had saved him but her wanting nothing to do with him shocked him. Intrigued by her refusal of even conversing with him just pushed him to want to know more and more.......

  "You better hurry and leave before another emergency gets you in the OR again today. Tony is waiting for you and you are already on his bad side." Lucy Simmons told her friend as they both scrubbed and changed.

  "I know. One of these days he is going to kick me to the curb because of my work schedule . Maybe today I will be there before he sleeps and try to make it up to him." Julie Andrews replied as she finished packing her things in the staff lockers.

  It was already dark outside and the rush in Saint Anne hospital New York had slowed down a bit. Julie should have been home three hours ago but an emergency complex delivery had come and as resident gynaecologist she had to be there. The birth was a success but it made her late again and the man in her life was reaching his limit.

  "Later Luce. See you Wednesday." Julie gave her a hug then separated from her as she exited the hospital heading for the subway. Although she had a car finding parking close to work was a nightmare so it was either taxis or subway and today the later won because she wanted to pass by Tony's favourite bakery.

  As she passed the alley a block from her apartment she heard a weak cry for help followed by a pained groan. Without even thinking about it she entered and followed the faint groans.

  Using her cell phone as a flashlight she made out the form of a man lying on his back slightly hidden by garbage bags.

  Her training kicked in and she dialed 911 as she bent down to inspect the wounds. She saw two gunshot wounds one on the shoulder and one on his thigh. Bruises marred his face and one eye had swollen shut. There was a lot of blood on and around him that she could not clearly make out the extent of his injuries.

  " 911 What's your emergency?" A lady's voice came through her phone's speaker.

  Just as she was about to answer her hand was grabbed. " No h-ho- hospital. Lu-Lu-Lukass." The man moaned and moved his uninjured hand towards his hip. When he got to his pocket his hand fell limp to the ground.

  In his pocket a rectangular bulge was visible and Julie understood him right away. She took out his phone , luckily she didn't need a password. She found the contact for Lukas and dialed.

  After one ring a gruff voice came through." Boss?"

  "Hi, I have an injured man who told me to call you. He refuses to go to the hospital" She spoke quickly.

  "Where are you?"

  "The alleyway after fifth avenue."

  "Okay." Then the line went dead. No thank you or any useful information.

  What a prick. Julie thought.

  She turned back to the man on the ground and contemplated what the next best move was. Julie didn't know whether to trust that Lukas or if he will get there in time. " What's your name." She asked him.

  "Alessio." He moaned.

  "Okay Alessio, Lukas didn't say much and I don't know when he will get here. You need immediate attending or you will bleed out. My house is a block from here but I can't lift you, I need you to help me take you home and try patch you up."


  Julie helped him slowly to his feet. It was a torturous process and the pain was plainly clear on his face. Luckily the gunshots were at opposite sides she had him rest his weight on her using his good shoulder so that he did not put pressure on his hip.

  Slowly but surely she helped him limp to her house. Tony was probably already asleep which was both a blessing and a curse. She wouldn't want him to see the injured stranger but then tomorrow she would be in trouble for being late. Again.

  She breathed out a sigh of relief when they got to her door, thankful that she lived in a house not an apartment.

  Once in she lead him to her lounge and helped him lie on the couch. Julie didn't have to worry about blood as she had leather couches because of Tony's messy nature.

  Going into her bedroom she grabbed her emergency doctor bag that she kept on the top shelf. It had everything she needed to use right now. Hurrying back to the lounge she got on her knees in front of the couch and set to work.

  First she opened a bottle of whisky, lifting him slightly she urged him to take a gulp. Julie had done this many times before, but years ago. Making Alessio drink again she set to work.

  Upon opening his bloodied shirt she saw a stab wound just under the rib cage. It was shallow and did not do much damage but still needed stitching. After numbing the area she carefully cleaned, stitched it and covered it with a band aid.

  Next she attended the shoulder, the bullet had gone through and through. Cleaning and stitching also was easy.

  Cutting of the leg of his trousers she found that the bullet was still inside. Now that was a painstaking job. She dug in using her fore finger and thumb looking for the bullet.

  "You are very lucky Alessio." Julie mumbled the bullet had missed the bone and was just logged in flesh. He was indeed luck all his injuries were not life threatening. He had bled a lot only.

  The whisky and the pain had knocked him out and made him numb to the pain but Julie knew tomorrow when he woke up he would wish he had died.

  Just as she finished clearing her tools her door bell rang. Checking on her patient who was still fast asleep she went to open the door. Being cautious she picked on the peephole first but she just saw a silhouette of a man.

  "Who is it?"

  "Lukas." A gruff voice with a slight accent answered.

  Julie couldn't make out his face in the dark."How did you find this place?"

  "I tracked his cell phone." He replied in a duh voice.

  "How do I know you are not the one who stabbed him?"

  "I would never hurt my own brother." Lukas' replied annoyance sounding in his voice.

  Julie open the door and allowed Lukas to get in a pass her. Her house was very small and simple the small hallway from the door led into the lounge were Alessio was.

  Now that she could see Lukas in the light he looked very familiar. As the man concentrated on checking on his brother Julie ran through her mind to find where she had met him.

  "Thank you." Lukas said straightening and facing Julie.

  "Lukas DiAngelo?" Julie asked her eyes narrowing.

  "Si." Lukas answered his forehead frowning as he wondered how the woman knew him.

  "Take him and get out." She ordered in a no nonsense tone.

  Surprise flickered on his face at her order and tone"What?"

  "I know who you both are and I want you out of my house. Make sure to give him plenty of pain meds, dress his wounds daily and force him to rest for a day or two. Now get out." She spoke in a rush wanting to get over the unexpected encounter with them.

  Lukas was very much confused but took out his phone and typed something. Few minutes later two of his man came in and carried his brother out. Still confused as he passed Julie as she held the door open, he gave her a slight nod of gratitude before she closed the door and locked them.