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That Superb Mentor in Disguise

That Superb Mentor in Disguise


Realistic Urban

In his previous life, a wrong decision led to the death of his wife and daughter. Reborn, he vowed to change his fate!

"Guangyi, our daughter is dead."

The cold voice of his wife echoed from the phone, leaving Qian Guangyi stunned on the spot.

An hour ago, he had gone to the village committee office to apply for his ID card, only to be told it couldn’t be issued. His cousin, Qian Shanyun, had taken his household registration booklet, usurping his identity.

Qian Guangyi disputed the matter with the village committee. In response, they accused him of causing a disturbance and reported him to the police, landing him in the local county jail.

Having barely got out of jail, he received this phone call. His vibrant heart seemed to suddenly come to a halt.

"Guangyi, I've lost my last shred of hope in this world. Hanxiang must be very lonely over there; I want to accompany her."

At his wife's following words, Qian Guangyi was taken aback. "Meijia, don’t do anything rash! I still need you..."

As he spoke, he hurriedly headed towards the hospital where his wife and daughter were.

By the hospital bed, Meijia looked at her daughter who lay on the bed, her brow furrowed painfully and hands clenched into fists.

She had suffered the torture of medicines before her death, and eventually, unable to bear it, bit her own tongue, committing suicide.

As a mother, watching her only daughter die painfully before her very eyes, her heart felt as though it was pierced by a sharp sword, a pain so unbearable she wished for death.

If she could, she would wish the one hurt was her. The one dead would be her too.

"Hanxiang, it's mommy and daddy's fault. We let you down. Don't be scared, mommy will come to you soon."

Wu Meijia loosened the clenched fist and furrowed brows of the lifeless body of her daughter.

She didn’t want others to see her daughter die in such an unbearable condition. She immediately stood up and went to the closet, taking out the newest set of clothes to dress her daughter.

"Han Xiang, mommy has done everything she could for you. Now, I am coming for you."

Her eyes were dim and hopeless; she had completely lost faith in life.

"Don't do anything stupid, Mei Jia! Please, I beg you, don't leave me!"

Hearing his wife's words on the phone, Qian Guangyi felt as though his heart was being twisted. It was the peak of suffering. He knew that their daughter was the pillar of his wife's spirit.

Now that the pillar had fallen, she couldn't accept it for a moment. She blamed herself for the entirety, saying that she was afraid Han Xiang would be lonely. In reality, she just wanted to "atone" on the other side.

But this was not her fault; if there was a fault, it was that he, as a husband, did not protect them!

"Mei Jia, don't leave me. Without you, I would be in pain for the rest of my life!"

Qian Guangyi wailed in agony, hoping that his painful pleas could awaken the last speck of hope for life in his wife's heart.

Their daughter was gone, and as a father, his inside torment was no less than that of his wife's.

But once the incident had happened, life had to go on. If his wife left too, then what meaning did his life have?

"Qian Guangyi, if there is a next life, I will not marry you again."

After these words, the phone call was abruptly ended.

"Mei Jia..."

Only the sound "beep...beep...beep." Qian Guangyi froze.

For a moment, his mind went blank.

Now, he finds himself estranged from his wife and children; all of this is because of his rascally cousin Qian Shanyun!

Twenty years ago, when his daughter was born premature and her health was delicate requiring constant hospitalization.

At that time, Qian Guangyi was so overwhelmed he was afraid of losing his job due to prolonged leaves of absence.

The family's condition was already dire, without the job the situation would turn from bad to worse.

At this point, his cousin suggested stepping in to fill his work position temporarily, so Qian Guangyi could take care of his wife and daughter without losing his job.

Qian Guangyi, upon believing his cousin's word, let his cousin take up his school job.

However, when his daughter finally got discharged and he was ready to resume his job at the school, his cousin flatly refused to give back his position.

Moreover, during the time Qian Guangyi was occupied, his cousin secretly stole his household register.

During that era, household management wasn’t as orderly as it is today, and his cousin usurped his household register, rendering him stateless.

After more than a decade, he could only regain his identity by filing a lawsuit.

As a result, his cousin Qian Shanyun was sentenced to a year.

He thought once this troublesome matter was resolved, he could see the light at the end of the tunnel and live a peaceful life with his family.

However, a few years later, tragedy struck when his daughter Qian Hanxiang experienced a car accident right after her university graduation.

Despite several rounds of rescue efforts by the doctors, in the end, they were unable to save her and could only do their best to prolong her life.

Upon knowing their daughter wouldn’t make it, Qian Guangyi and his wife Meijia felt as if the sky was falling.

At this moment, Qian Shanyun comes forward, glancing at Qian Guangyi with a disdainful smirk, "This is the result of being dishonest, retribution indeed! retribution indeed!"

Suddenly, the rage in Qian Guangyi's heart was kindled and he started tussling with Qian Shanyun in the hospital.

Eventually, the hospital made a call to the police, and they were both hauled off.

Qian Shanyun wanted Qian Guangyi to go to jail, but after an investigation, the police believe that Qian Shanyun started the provocation and Qian Guangyi reacted after being humiliated.

Therefore, Qian Guangyi wasn’t at fault in this case. After going through the necessary procedures, he was let go, only to receive a call from his wife.

Their daughter was no more.

Qian Guangyi got out of the taxi, running recklessly to his daughter's ward.

Qian Hanxiang, who was lying on the bed, was already covered with a white cloth.

His wife was nowhere to be seen.

"Sir, please accept our condolences, your daughter passed away an hour ago, and your wife subsequently jumped off the building."

Upon hearing this, Qian Guangyi felt as if he had been struck by thunder!

He was completely despondent at this moment!

"No! God, why did you do this to me!"

Qian Guangyi knelt on the ground, clutching his chest, overwhelmed with unbearable pain.

Soon after, his body started convulsing, and he fell to the ground, his gaze fixated on the white cloth covering the bed, his consciousness gradually blurring...

- 1982, Summer.

In an old house.

"Guangyi bro, I'm kind of strapped for cash recently. Can you lend me a hundred bucks?"

Qian Guangyi, groggy from sleep, jolts awake to hear someone calling him. It's his younger cousin, Qian Shanyun.

Upon seeing this, Qian Guangyi is startled. He had apparently died of a broken heart. How did he end up here?

The house all around is worn and tattered, exactly like the one in his memory of home.

Could it be...

Has he been reborn!?