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A Beautiful Accident

A Beautiful Accident




Few Accidents are beautiful... Meet Dr. Pia Verma and Major Abhishek Shergil who met by accident, but fell in love with each other. It was not love at first sight.... “Gosh, I am late...” 24-year-old Gyenaclogist intern, Dr. Pia Verma, mumbled and took out her phone from her pocket. She dialed the number of the cab driver but he was not picking up the call. She adjusted her Doctor’s apron and Stethoscope. “These Uber drivers these days...Damn, I need to take my bike today...” Pia said and again went inside her home and took the keys to her bike, helmet, and jacket. She wore it quickly put her apron, stethoscope, and medical books inside her bag and hung it behind her. She started the bike and raised an accelerator directly putting her Kawasaki Ninja in third gear. It felt like, she was flying in the air. Finally, her destination was just one signal away. But, it was going Orange from Green, seeing that she put the fifth gear and overtook a car which applied screeching brakes to stop and every head turned towards the noise of the brake. “Damn...” Pia said...and still did not bother to look behind and went ahead. Finally, she crossed the signal, but little did she was aware, of whose car she had just overtaken and fled from that side. Suddenly, the same vehicle went ahead of her and stopped her. Pia applied the break and couldn’t understand, why the hell a fully equipped Audi, with tinted glasses and a sign on the number plate showing some affluential Military officer was stopping her in the middle of the busy road. Little did she know, it was none other than 29-year-old Major Abhishek Shergil, an extremely handsome, hot 6ft 3 inches Military officer whose car she overtook with her bike. The guy who was going to turn her life upside down with his smashing entry into her life.

“It’s pouring outside!” Pia said closing the window of her top-floor flat in South Delhi. It was the month of December and with cold, the outpouring rains made Pia restless. She looked at the lightning, which just lightened the sky, and closed her eyes in fear. It was raining cats and dogs. This extreme weather always scared her, giving her a reminder of the darkness of her life.

“You are not here...I am know, I don’t like thunders...then why you are not here hiding me in the warmth of your embrace...” Pia mumbled embracing herself with both hands but a sad chuckle left her lips. “Whom am I fooling? We are done for this lifetime`.” Pia mumbled and took a deep breath. She roamed her hands from her hair and sat on the couch. She rubbed her hands on her silk shorts put on her glasses, took her thesis file, and resumed back her work.

Her medical thesis studies and her work was the only thing, which was keeping her sane all these years.

A phone rang and Pia picked it up.

She looked at the clock it was ticking 10...

“Hello Grandma, Why are you still awake?” Pia asked turning the page of her book.

“I heard it’s heavily raining in Delhi, so thought to call you. Will you be alright, darling on your own?...” Grandma asked her with concern. Her grandma knew, how she is scared of thunders and lightenings.

“Grandma, I am a big girl now. I am way past over all those...don’t worry, I am absolutely fine.” Pia lied through her teeth. She was restless, and feeling anxious, and continuous thundering was really playing with her messed up mind.

“Pia, did you receive any call from Abhi?” Grandma asked.

“Not again. You know, he won’t call me. We are over. It’s been four years, Grandma. I have moved on. He has moved on with his life. He has a steady relationship and I am...” Pia took a pause...

“And you are, what Pia? That, you will never marry again. Never trust anyone again...I never thought, Abhi would ever do this...It breaks my heart to see you like this all alone. I am not going to be there for you forever Pia. Rahul has also gone to the US.” Grandma said in a choked voice. Pia’s parents met with an accident when she was just five years old and her Grandma was the only person who took care of her and gave her every care and love that she deserved all along.

“Grandma, I am happy. I have moved on.” Pia said taking a deep breath but she knew, she was stuck, her heart was stuck.

“So, if that is the case, accept Aarav’s proposal. He is well settled, rich, not to forget extremely good looking and he likes you.” Grandma added.

“Don’t start again, the way, did you check your sugar levels today, and also did you take your medicines?” Pia tried to change the topic...



“Change the topic as much as you want. I will see, what will you do, when I will come to Delhi and sit on your head...” Grandma said in a stern voice. Pia laughed...” Grandma, I need to keep the phone. There is someone at the door. It seems food is here. ” Pia said.

"Be careful, see who it is through the hole in the door, and then only open the door," Grandma said before disconnecting the call.

"Okay Grandma, bye...Good you." Pia said and disconnected the call.

Pia wore her shrug on her crop top and went towards the door. She looked from the hole and she could see the back of the person.

Finally, she slowly opened the door to see a person standing at her doorstep. Her gaze went on him and ‘Shock’ could be the small word to explain her expressions. Her heart started beating wildly in her chest again. But, in a fraction of a second, she covered it and looked at the person standing in front of her. The person who left her four years ago and never turned back to see, if she was alive or dead. A person who made her fall in love with him like crazy but then left her stranded in the middle and vanished.

Major Abhishek Shergil

“Major. Abhishek Shergil, What a pleasant surprise! May I know, what pleasure I owe, to see you at my doorstep at this hour, that too after four years?” Pia said crossing her hands on her chest pretending his presence was not affecting her at all. Even though, her eyes were longing to see him after what happened four years ago. She was looking at him but she was admiring his looks, and his chocolate brown eyes which were piercing her soul and raking through her skin burning her. His looks were more rough and edgy and his cologne hit her nostrils giving her those old nostalgic feelings back.

“Why even you are here?...” Pia asked casually like it was nothing. Did he remember that he has a wife after four fucking years, whom he just threw out of his life like a piece of Paper after the agreement was over and after that night?

She was having a calm façade showing Abhishek, that she is doing it for the sake of doing it,’s not affecting her.

Oh, it was affecting her...His familiar cologne which always played with her senses...was making her go absolutely wild...his deep orbs which always depicted some mystery were trying to take a peek into her heart...Pia admired his every feature secretly, keeping a note that, he had become more hot, handsome, and muscular than previous... like Adonis.

‘Damn, this handsome devil...I hate you but...I hate you with every pore of my body. I will never forgive you, the way, you broke my trust...we were friends...even though it was an arrangement but you forgot your part of the deal.’ Pia’s mind kicked some sense. Her heart was giving in but her mind was reminding her of every pain he gave it to her. Past events that happened four years back resurrected in front of her eyes and flashes started playing in her mind.

While Abhishek was so lost in staring at the beautiful girl standing in front of him, who was his wife.

Four damn years...and the person is the same.

‘Finally, I found you...’ Abhishek mumbled.

He still remembered how he met her? Seeing her in extremely tiny shorts and her efforts to cover her front with a shrug to avoid getting a glimpse, was playing with his sanity. Ungodly thoughts were touching his senses creeping heat inside his body.

“Oh Hello...” Pia said waving her left hand in front of his eyes which broke his daze. Abhishek smirked and looked at her.

“Long time Mrs. Shergil. I hope you doing well.” Abhishek said with a smile tilting his head, giving a devilish smile to her.

‘Why is he smiling?’ A thought brushed Pia’s mind. A devilishly sexy smile!

“Don’t call me that,” Pia said forwarding her hand in front of him.

“Are you not going to invite me in?” Abhishek asked her leaning to her height.

“No, it’s late. Besides you are not invited here.” Pia added and kept her hands on her waist. “So, don’t waste my time and spit it out, why you are here?” Pia sneered.

“Okay well then, How dare you send these divorce papers to the office,” Abhishek asked her but showed his hands to her, as her next argument was ready to get out of her sweet mouth...

“Aaaahhhh...don’t bother to answer. Let me tell you one thing straight, I will not divorce you, not happening...” Abhishek said and kept his hands in his pocket and again towered her.

“What do you mean? We are anyhow mutually divorced and staying separate...It’s just a legal formality. And I sent papers six months back to Shergil's office. Don’t you think, it’s stupid you are coming after six months?”” Pia added.

“I was in the US. And just returned last week after...anyways...When we signed the marriage contract, did you read it clearly? It’s called the word, “Eternity” in that. so Mrs. Shergil, we are still married and you are still my wife. So...” Abhishek said but was instantly cut off by Pia.

“That’s bullshit...” Pia said and chuckled angrily. “I will file a complaint against you...” Pia added...

“And say what, Pia...that...we were married for a year? Go ahead, do it...” Abhishek challenged her...and again gave a challenging smirk. He knew it was still illegal to do contract marriage here in India.

“You asshole...” Pia said and clenched her fist tightly. “I am seeing someone and we are mutually divorced, so no way, we can be together.” Pia bluffed.

“Really...? Damn, you are cheating on me?” Abhishek asked her teasingly, he was perfectly aware, that she was lying through her teeth.

“Just sign the goddamn papers...and don’t waste my time. I already had enough...” Pia said with an annoyed look and averted her gaze. Abhishek pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at her.

“You know what...I had enough now. “ He said and bent down and lifted her up and put her on his shoulder like a sack. For him, she weighed nothing.

“What the...?” Pia shouted. Abhishek went ahead and locked the door.

He turned towards the elevator and pressed the button. Pia was still struggling and tried to free herself from his hold. But, whom she was kidding? He was like a muscular wall and she was a tiny ant...his fists were tickling him on his muscular back. He entered the elevator and went towards the parking.

“Help please somebody help!” Pia shouted and the Security guard came running in her direction. But seeing Abhishek’s muscular built and broadened shoulders and towering height, they back off.

“I am taking my wife home. You have any problem with that?” He asked. Guards gulped and nodded ‘No’

“What? I will complain about you.” Pia shouted again.

He unlocked the door of his car, put Pia inside the car, fastened her seatbelt kissed her on her right cheek forcefully, and just climbed on the hood of his car. He opened the driver’s seat and put up a door lock.

“I am warning you Major Abhishek Shergil...” Pia shouted.

“Yeah right...” Abhishek said and stepped on the engine.

“Why are you even doing this? You didn’t want to be with me, remember?” Pia asked him with tears welling up in her eyes.

Abhishek looked at her and his heart squeezed seeing her tears. He kept mum and fled from there with god’s speed.


Dr. Pia Verma - 23-year-old, young, beautiful Gynaecologist

Major Abhishek Shegil - 25-year-old, hot, handsome Paramilitary troops commander, a young billionaire

Abhijeet Shergil - Businessman, Abhishek's father

Madhu Shegil - Doctor, Abhishek's mother

Kriya Shergil - Abhishek's younger sister

Anna Thomas - Abhishek's Father's Business partner's daughter

Jack Thomas - Abhijeet Shergil's Business Partner