
Let’s Read The Word

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Bonded By Magic

Bonded By Magic




A dying species and their survival is entrusted with two people of totally different species. A warrior and the last true blooded vampire King was entrusted with the power of the last warlock to walk the surface of the planet earth. He was raised to be a cold blooded killer so when fate paired him with a loving mate, something twisted. A rogue werewolf, bonded to a pack by pity. She had nothing but the power of the last remaining warlock deemed her worthy. One fateful meeting sealed a rogue werewolf and a true blooded vampire King together with a mate bond more powerful than anyone knows. With Magic and love involved it call only mean trouble and if you add a war to the mix, what type of cocktail will you get?

For years many believed that the tale of the were-man was just that, a tale. We believed that man and animal could never coexist because the one thing separating man from an animal was our humanity. Humanity…such a strange thing. How far will our humanity keep us from becoming like them? Like animals?

Well, that’s a story for another day, the one we about to discover leads us deep into the forest, to no man’s land. Man feared these parts but this was where our story leads us. Deep into the night, where the owl howls and evil spirits dwell, a mother gave birth to a baby girl. Beautiful and precious she was. Her parents had nothing to give, but she was treated like royally, for she was a princess in her mother’s eyes.

That same night, deeper into the forest where even the spirits feared to enter, a mother gave birth to a baby boy. Handsome and strong, like the generations before him. His parents could offer him the world, they were of royal blood but he was raised with nothing.

On this dark and mysterious night, a powerful warlock dies. No one knew if they were a myth or if they exist but his kind did and he was the last to walk the earth. On his death bed, he does a thing no one expected, a spell, to find who is worthy of his powers and wakens them at the right time.

The poor family with the beautiful baby girl gets ready for the road. When a sudden bolt of lightning hits their baby, worry covers their eyes but all the baby girl could do was smile. She brought light to not only her parents but the dark forest as well. Warlock’s powers have deemed her worthy, her parents decided to name her Angelique. For an Angel she was, she brought light and beauty to everything she touches.

Deep in the dark forest, a baby boy cries for a mother's love, but the mother was out the door , giving no love to the son she just brought to life. The owls howled and the wind became wild. Everyone was certain, they wouldn't make it through the night. The boy cried louder and the wind became wilder until lightning strikes,hitting the boy in the chest. The child becomes silent, the wind softens til it no longer blows, the owls no longer howl, everyone becomes silent even the animals in the forest. The world around the boy stopped and waited for its master's cry and he did, the baby boy made the cutest sound and the world came to life. The baby master was named Abigor, for he would grow up to be a warrior, a destroyer, and some people's worst nightmare. He would be dark and hard as stone but this little boy stole the heart of his nanny. A nanny who would very well change his future.

Our beautiful little Angel smiles as they travel the dark road. Her mother was exhausted after giving birth to this wonderful child. She was filled with joy and beauty but the road ahead is dark and shivery. She would face darkness like no other, she could feel pain like nothing before but she was light and she would survive. Her father wearies down so he stops to rest. A simple action but one that changed their lives forever.

Destiny was a funny thing and so was the moon goddess, together they planned something no one on this earth expected. They created a tale, a tale as old as time, they paired the beauty and the beast but only in our story, the beast was beauty and he stopped the world with his beauty. They paired the world’s most beautiful people together. They shared a similar beauty but they couldn’t be more different.

This is the story of a beast and beauty that were destined for bigger things.

Our story starts far south of the forest, where a little girl and her family travels peacefully. The little girl had just turned ten and they stopped to give her a birthday surprise. A family with nothing to offer offered their little girl the world.

“Ma, why mustn’t I shift?”She asks. What we don’t know is that when little Angel shifts into her wolf, she was pure white with a black lightning bolt to her side. She was a beauty in her wolf and her human form.

“My baby, Ma knows best. No one must see your wolf. Trust no one, my love.” Her Mother utters words of wisdom. Like any mother, she only wanted what was best for her daughter but whether or not that was wise, no one could tell.

“Your mother’s right, pumpkin.” Her father said, backing up his mate’s word. Years have passed and he still loved his wife as if they just met. He loved her till beyond the grave.

They gave her their gift. It was the same gift, her father given her mother on the day they met. He had it made for his mate, for when he might find her and on that faithful day, they found each other. It was a necklace of the moon, it was beautiful because the moon was made of a stone that stored magic inside it. It changed color according to the mood of the one wearing it. “Your father gave it to me and I’m passing it down to you.” Her mother said. The little Angel couldn’t have been happier. She was so engaged in the necklace that she didn’t know what was happening around her.

“The king’s men are near.” Her father said. They could hear the howling of the pack gaining on them. They were trespassing. They were not allowed to stop under any circumstance.

“Angel, listen. Run and don’t look back.” Her mother said. For she knew her death was coming. “Run, no matter what you feel or how strong it is, run like the devil is chasing you and remember papa and mama, we love you.”

And that’s how our tale starts. Little Angel running as fast as she can, not looking back. She feared what she might see so she kept moving until she felt it. The pain of her mother’s death and the heartache of her father. It broke her, the forest was quiet because far from her our little prince felt the pain as well. The death of her father made her collapse on the road. She laid still as the pain of losing both her parents flowed through her. At the young age she is, she experienced pain like no other.

As she laid on the dirt, in a quiet forest, our little prince was experiencing everything she was going through for they were bonded, not just by magic, but by the mate bond. It was so strong that our little prince on his birthday felt his whole family die, while he could see them before him.

He ran to the one person he loved, his nanny. She was his mother, she was his world. He opened her room door to find her sitting and reading a book. She smiled when she saw his face. “Abigor, you suppose to spend time with your family.”

“Nana, I felt mama and papa die.” He couldn’t explain it because he, himself didn’t understand it. But his nana did, for she studied magic, the mate bond, and life of the supernatural. The palace library was big enough for her to know what her little boy was going through.

“So small,” she said. She was confused because he has never met his mate therefore it was impossible for him to feel her pain unless she was one of the village’s children.

“Hunter, somewhere out there is a beautiful swan, she would be pure, beautiful, and made for you. Right now, her heart is breaking because she felt pain but it will heal over time and when you met her, tell her that the pain she felt, you felt as well.” She said but little Abigor was confused.

“Nana, I don’t want any girl.” for he was about to have two sisters. No, not from his mother but two different females. They were to be expected on the same day.

“Boy, this you can’t avoid. This is your Kingdom, that is your queen.” She said, taking no-nonsense. “You will treat her with respect and you will not be your father understood.”

“Yes, nana.” He said. He respects his nana more than he did his mother.

“Boy, go and enjoy your birthday.” she kissed his forehead. “I’ll be down soon.”

And so little prince headed downstairs to the party where no children were invited. Years passed and our little story processes to the ineffable.