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The Billionaire's Stuttering Bride

The Billionaire's Stuttering Bride




Xavier Knight, a 25-year-old billionaire playboy, leads a life dedicated to relentless work and extravagant parties. He relishes his freedom and lives by his own rules, shunning commitments. Contrastingly, Aurora Johnson, a 20-year-old orphan girl, was taken in by her guardian Uncle Thomas. Her existence is governed by the oppressive regulations imposed by her cruel relatives, leaving her feeling helpless and yearning for affection and care. Additionally, Aurora grapples with a stutter, further enhancing her vulnerability. In a world where alliances are formed through arranged marriages, Xavier Knight finds himself ensnared in a union with a woman he perceives as a calculating manipulator. Compelled to wed Aurora, a seemingly innocent young lady, Xavier nurtures a deep-seated resentment towards her, convinced that she employs her beauty to deceive his family. Determined to make her existence a living nightmare, Xavier embarks on a vengeful journey, vowing to expose Aurora's true character. However, as their lives intertwine and secrets unravel, Xavier begins to realize that things are not as they appear...

Aurora carefully balanced a tray full of drinks as she made her way through the crowded room. The vibrant lights and pulsating music of the party drowned out her silent footsteps. Her heart raced with anticipation, hoping to navigate the sea of guests unscathed. She weaved through the throng until she reached Sandra, her cousin, who was engrossed in a conversation with a group of friends.

"Ex-excuse me, San-Sandra," Aurora spoke softly, trying to capture her attention over the noise.


Sandra turned her gaze towards Aurora, her eyes filled with disdain. "What took you so long? I've been waiting for my drink forever."

Aurora's hands trembled slightly as she placed the drink in front of Sandra. "I-I ap-apologize for the de-delay. Enjoy."

Sandra scoffed and took a sip, her eyes narrowing. "This drink is warm! Where's the ice! Are you trying to ruin my night?"

Aurora's heart sank as she stammered, "I-I'm sor-sorry, San-Sandra. I-I forgot. I can b-bring you another one-one right a-away."

"YOU FORGOT"she seethed

"Sandy, calm down. I'm sure it was just an innocent mistake," Tim interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension and take control of the situation.

Sandra glared at her boyfriend, narrowing her eyes. "The only mistake Aurora made was being born!" she spat out, accompanied by laughter from her friends, who saw it as a mere jest.

Aurora's heart sank at Sandra's hurtful words, and she lowered her gaze, concealing the numbness that filled her eyes.

"Sandy, that's enough! Stop acting like a spoiled brat! It isn't a big deal" Tim's voice rose with frustration, almost bordering on a yell.

Sandra's eyes bore into Tim, a mix of shock and anger swirling within her as he dared to defend Aurora instead of standing beside her in front of their friends. The betrayal cut deep, fueling a determination within her to make her cousin pay for this transgression, right then and there.

Before Aurora could react, a wave of anger surged through Sandra. The intensity of her fury fueled a devious plan for revenge, one that involved publicly humiliating Aurora. With a wicked smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, Sandra's eyes locked onto her target. Without hesitation, she extended her arm and forcefully pushed the tray of delicate glasses, sending them hurtling towards the floor. The shattering of glass reverberated through the room, its sharp sound piercing the air and instantly capturing the attention of the guests.

Gasps and murmurs erupted as all eyes turned to the scene of chaos. The shards of broken glass scattered across the polished floor, creating a mesmerizing mosaic of shattered fragments. The atmosphere grew tense, filled with a mixture of shock, curiosity, and apprehension. Aurora stood frozen, her heart pounding in her chest, as the weight of Sandra's deliberate act settled upon her.

In that moment, Aurora realized the extent of Sandra's vindictiveness and the lengths to which she would go to inflict pain. The room buzzed with anticipation, waiting to see how Aurora would react, how she would handle this calculated assault on her dignity. The silence hung heavy, pregnant with anticipation, as the spotlight fell upon Aurora, caught in the aftermath of Sandra's cruel display.

She looked up, her gaze meeting Sandra's triumphant expression. It was a deliberate act of humiliation, designed to bring her further misery.

Aunt Margot, Sandra's mother, stormed over, her eyes blazing with fury at the commotion. "What in the world is going on here?"

Sandra's eyes narrowed with malicious intent as she pointed an accusing finger directly at Aurora. Her voice carried across the room, sharp and filled with contempt, as she directed her accusation towards her mother. "Mom, can you believe it? Aurora dropped the tray of expensive glasses! She's always been so clumsy, causing trouble wherever she goes!"

"But that's not..." Before the Tim could say anything further, his words were abruptly cut off.

"Stay out of this, Tim," Sandra retorted sharply, her gaze remaining fixed on Aurora.

Aurora felt her heart sink as Sandra's words hung in the air like a poison. The weight of the accusation pressed upon her, amplified by the judgmental gazes of the guests around them. She glanced at her trembling hands, feeling the weight of her supposed clumsiness burdening her.

The room became a battleground of opinions, with some guests whispering in agreement with Sandra's claims, while others held a flicker of doubt in their eyes. Aurora's face flushed with a mix of humiliation, anger, and a determination to prove her innocence. She knew she needed to find strength within herself to overcome this attack on her character, to rise above the doubts and reclaim her dignity.

In the midst of the chaos, Aurora locked eyes with her Aunt, silently pleading for understanding and support.

"Aunt Mar-Margot. I-I didn’t..." But before she could finish

Margot's gaze hardened, her anger boiling over. Without a second thought, Margot slapped Aurora across the face, the force of the blow sending her stumbling back. Pain seared through Aurora's cheek, but it was the weight of her aunt's words that cut deepest.

"You clumsy, good-for-nothing girl! How dare you ruin those expensive glasses!" Margot's voice dripped with venom as she continued her tirade. "You're nothing but a burden in this house, always causing trouble and costing us money." She seethed

"You're a bad curse in this house, Aurora," Margot's voice dripped with venom as she delivered her harsh words. Her eyes bore into Aurora's, filled with disdain. "Your parents died, leaving us to take care of you, and what do we get in return? Your constant clumsiness, always causing trouble and costing us money. You should have just died with them in that crash."

Aurora felt her heart shatter into a million pieces, each word piercing her soul like a dagger. The weight of Margot's cruel words crushed her spirit, and tears streamed down her face, mixing with the pain of her cheek stinging from the slap. The room around her seemed to fade into a haze as she struggled to comprehend the depth of their disdain. In that moment, she felt utterly alone and lost, a fragile soul trapped in a world that offered her nothing but suffering and torment. The wounds of her past and present merged, leaving a deep scar of self-doubt and despair.

"Enough with the gaping, clean up this mess!" Margot's voice rang out, commanding attention. She swiftly shifted her focus to the guests, a composed smile gracing her face. "Apologies for the disturbance. Please, continue to enjoy the party."

The guests around Aurora watched in silence as she painstakingly cleaned the shattered glass, her hands cut and bleeding.

Meanwhile, Thomas, Aurora's uncle, leaned against a nearby wall, observing the scene with detached amusement. His cold gaze met Aurora's, his indifference a sharp blade that twisted in her heart. He made no move to intervene or offer any form of solace.

As Aurora fought to steady her trembling breath, the weight of her burden seemed insurmountable. She fought back the tears, refusing to show her vulnerability in the face of their cruelty. Deep within her, a fire ignited, fueled by a desperate longing for a life of dignity and freedom.

As the night wore on, Aurora's body ached from the work she endured. Her thoughts, usually filled with dreams of escape, were now clouded with desperation. She longed for a life free from the clutches of her cruel relatives, a life where she could be seen and valued for who she truly was.