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The Devil And I

The Devil And I

Author:Summer Gold


Steamy Stories

Prologue ✍ She watched out of her room,,it's been days since he have sent for her. She should be happy about this but why is she feeling sad?? She really want to feel his body on hers again,,but it seems it's not going to happen anytime soon. Is he mad at her ?? But just then, she heard a knock on her door. " Come in," She said in her tiny and pleasant voice One of the numerous guards in the mansion came in. " The boss called for you " He said " Okay " She replied and the guard went back She took a breath in and walked out of her room, she keep on asking herself why she's so exited about this. Slowly she walked into his room which she prefer Calling paradise,,the view alone is out of the world. The devil,,that's what she always call him. But a cute devil,his heart is more strong than stones and colder than ice ,,,his expressions are always straight, as long as she could remember, she have never seen him smile. She have never seen his face either,, wonder why calling him cute even when she haven't seen his face?? She just decided on her own that he's surely cute,,his red lips tells it all. But why will he hide his face under those hood??? " Am,,here " She said,,not like she's expecting him to feel good about it anyway . " Take off your clothes Ariana" The voice came out just as she expected TBC

am so sorry guys, I have to change the story line. I recently suffered from a strong writer's block and I had no idea of the story.

But trust me,,you will get addicted to this too.

Please don't stop reading,, I love you all


I checked the dress out once again and let out a small sigh,it's beautiful

Just then mom entered,she moved closer to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, she knew I don't want any of these to happen. I will be meeting the guy my father want me to marry in about 30 minutes,I tried convincing him to see that I am Still young to get married, am just 19,but all my pleas fell on deaf ear.

Well my father is a mafia lord and his pack is one of the biggest Mafias here,, they kill and do illegal activities,, but I hate such life!!! I never want to get involved with them,I wonder why mother choose to marry someone like father in the first place. He's so brutal!!

" Melissa,,, am sorry I can't help " Mom said and I shook my head,,I have to be strong,if not for myself but for her.

" It's okay mom,,I got this " I said with a smile

" You look beautiful in this dress honey " She said checking me out,I was putting on a dinner dress,it's all black but really sexy and classic. My long hair stopped just on my butt and my necklace look so beautiful around my neck. .

" Thank you mother " I replied and she pulled me into a hug,no one have to tell me to know that she's in tears. What type of mother will be happy when her 19 years old daughter is getting married?? To someone I don't even know!!

" I will be fine mom " I said and pat her back

Suddenly the door opened

" Are you two still here?!!! The visitors arrived already!! " he yelled just as usual

Mom immediately wiped her tears and went out while I focus my gaze on the floor,

" Don't even try to disgrace me,,,okay ??" He said and I shook my head

" Come here " He said opening his arms and I hugged him

One thing about father, he loves me a lot and cares for me. But I wonder why he concluded that I must get married,,,

" It's okay,,you will be fine " he said and went out while I checked myself out in the mirror again

Okay Melissa, you have no choice any longer.


They all looked up the moment I started coming downstairs, I could see him,the guy am going to get married to eyeing me with those eyes I don't like. Am sure he's from another Mafia pack which suddenly make me wanna puck,,seriously I hate this people!!

But now am stuck again,,, he let out a smile and I froze,,he really smiled??

" wow,,she's so beautiful " His father commented

" Thank you sir " I said with a little bow before sitting down,he whispered a "hi" to me and I smiled

" Let's talk while eating " Father said, I can see he's happy to see me doing well.

We all started eating,,,

" So,,Melissa, this is Dave,," Father spoke up and I looked at him shyly

" Hi " I said

" You are pretty " He said and I scoffed inwardly,, seriously??

" Thanks?? " I said in almost like a question

" I guess they will get along well more than we think " Dave's father said which made me scoff inwardly again. He's not my type at all!!! Though he have some bad boy's look any girl will fall for,,but definitely not me!!

It was all going well until we heard some gun shots, ,,we all looked up and the gun came again

" You two!! Get down!!" Father shouted at mom and I while the three immediately brought out their guns like they've been expecting this to happen

Suddenly the people I guess were shooting the gun came in,,,,they all were dressed in black and have the same logo on their clothes,,another Mafia group I guess!!

" Who are you guys!!" Dave shouted pointing the gun at them

The other group smirked and almost immediately they were all shot,,,I let out a scream and mom passed out immediately.

" Get her " One of them said and instantly two of them grabbed me

" No!! Where are you taking me!!! Let me go!!" I keep on shouting struggling with them

One of them point a gun to my head

" Will you stop shouting or you wanna die ??" He asked and I kept quiet weeping silently as they pushed me into the car,,,

Where are they taking me to?? Where!!! I cried and didn't know when I doze off.


" Master " One of the guys bowed

The master turned his seat and faced him and blew the smoke out into the air,,,

" Where is she??" He asked

" The torture room " The guy replied and Bryan let out a smirk before getting up,,The guy whose name is Luke immediately opened the door for him and he went out,,.

They walked for few seconds before getting to the torture room.

Some other guys were there too,,Bryan scoffed when he saw the girl sleeping even while she was tied to the chair.

" Wake her up " He said and sat down

One of the guys immediately brought a bucket of water and emptied it on Melissa's body which resulted in a loud gasp.

She opened her eyes and was shocked to see herself being tied to the chair,,, she tried struggling with it but couldn't.

" Stop " Bryan cold voice said and she looked up,,she was getting cold already.

Melissa's POV;

" Stop " A cold voice said and I looked up,,a light gasp escaped my lips on seeing him

He look so damn,,hot!!! He had a black hair which is long and packed gently at the back,an amazing blue eyes and a pink lips which doesn't look really pink,,I guess he smokes too. He have a very young but cold face,,he's so handsome.

But how dare him kill my parents? I hate him!!

" Who are you??!! And why did you kill them!! Why!! Why did you bring me here,, what the hell have I done to you!!" I shouted in tears and one of the guys standing pulled me by the hair

" Don't you dare raise your voice here!! Do you understand?? "

I didn't reply,, I only stared into the one which is obviously their boss's face.

" Let her go " He spoke up and the guy released my hair

" You all should go out,,I want to talk to her " he ordered and they all left

He smirked and moved closer to me,,

" maybe I should have killed you " He said and I froze

" But no,,I won't do that. You have to face the punishment alone,,,for your father's deed,,you,his daughter will be the one to suffer for it " He said with hatred in his voice and face and I could hardly breathe again

My father?? He will be punishing me for what my father did?? What have he done??