
Let’s Read The Word

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Theodore has been in love with Celeste since before he was even aware about the true meaning of that word. Theo had not left Celeste's side from the day she was born, and each day it got harder and harder to separate the two kids, and one day both of them confessed their love for each other. Theo was possessive and obsessive, the true definition of a hot blooded alpha male. He couldn't imagine his life without his Celeste. The whole pack was sure that they were destined mates, even the two love birds were sure about it. But what if on Theodore's 18th birthday things don't go as planned, how will the two lovers cope with the challenges and pain that will stand in front of them. Will the young lovers be able to stay together? Will they be able to defy the Moon goddess? We all know there's always a price to be paid for love, and in this story the price is unimaginable pain.

"Trust the magic of new beginnings"

~Janet Gwen

Third person POV:

Somewhere in North America:

Alpha Silas finally decided to take a break after spending his afternoon buried in paper work, he leaned back against his comfortable office chair.

The satisfying crack from his back reminded him of how long he had been leaning forward into an uncomfortable position.

He massaged his temples with his pointer finger and thumb to relax his throbbing head.

He knew his rough fingers were not doing the proper job, his mind drifted to a certain pair of delicate hands that had the magic to take away all his problems, the thought alone was enough for his headache to disappear.

His lips stretched into a lazy smile as the images of his beautiful mate flashed in his mind, his wife, his Luna, his Iris.

He glanced at the grandfather clock on the right side wall, it was time for supper. She would most definitely be in the kitchen preparing snacks for the kids.

They played all afternoon and then returned back home with their tongues hanging out, ready to scavenge anything in sight. Iris made sure to prepare snacks for them before they reach home.

His thoughts were paused by a knock on the door, Silas was already aware of the person behind the door. He sensed the footsteps long before they even reached the corridor of his office.

He was an Alpha, even if he tried, he could never control his heightened senses or let his guard down, it was a natural instinct for him.

"Come in" his deep voice commanded, he did not bother to correct his posture, after all the person behind the door was his best friend and beta Kyle.

The door knob was twisted and with a light push Kyle entered the Alpha's office. "Alpha" he nodded in respect, best friends or not, Kyle made sure to always respect Silas when they were working, but after the work hours Kyle was a whole different person with his best friend.

Kyle was a handsome man, with his 6'3 height, god gifted physique, jet black hair and striking grey eyes. He had a long silver scar on the right side of his face, starting from the end of his right eye dragging all the way down to the corner of his lip.

But the scar made him look all the more dangerously handsome, the silver line and grey eyes left many young female wolves panting for his attention. He wore his scar with pride and the pack never judged him for a simple line.

The scar was a living proof of his loyalty to his Alpha, it was a fascination for little kids as they were told stories about it from their parents, about how the brave Beta saved the Alpha, by coming in between the enemies silver blade and the Alpha.

How he took the excruciating pain of silver without batting an eye. Indeed Kyle was a hero among his people.

"Beta" Silas acknowledged his greeting, no matter how many times he has told his best friend to not call him by his title it was of no use. Silas had given up trying until he figured out he could do the same to his friend.

So he started calling his friend 'beta' which he highly disliked but who cared, definitely not Silas.

Kyle furrowed his brows in irritation but quickly masked it, "Luna Iris has been asking for you. She's afraid your back would bent permanently if you spend one more second doing paperwork." Kyle tried his best to hide the humour but his eyes betrayed him.

Silas chuckled hearing his wife's concerns, she knew him so well "I was about to leave actually" he said pushing back the chair and standing up to his full height of 6'4.

Silas was a strong man, with his amazing height and muscled physique he commanded dominance, he was born to be an Alpha. His brown hairs were in a tangled mess with some stubborn strands falling on his forehead.

His green eyes scanned his office table to check for any pending work until he was satisfied when he found nothing of interest.

His muscles protested but Silas ignored them, stretching his body to it's limit. Kyle watched his best friend in amusement, he couldn't help but smirk at the sound of cracks his body made "looks like you're getting old Alpha" he commented eyeing him.

Silas threw an irritated look at him while stretching his arms. Sudden giggling sounds caught their attention. It was a mischievous giggle which they had heard millions of times before.

Kyle's face broke into a huge grin making his scar wrinkle up a bit, he marched towards the large window that gave view of the vast land occupied by the "Red Moon Pack".

His eyes searched for a certain blonde haired girl whom he knew the soft giggles belonged to, "no! Please no" he heard a desperate cry of help from a young boy, the voice familiar to him as well.

"I'm going to tell dad, I promise! No!" The boy cried again and finally Kyle's eyes found a young boy running madly in circles, in the open ground in front of the pack house.

But what made it all too amusing was a small girl barely reaching the boys shoulder, chasing him around like a headless chicken, her hands were filled with mud and anyone could tell what her intentions were, definitely not good.

To anyone at first glance she would seem like a innocent harmless little pup, but the one's who knew her were aware of how gravely wrong that was. That little girl was a she-devil, but a cuter one which worked greatly in her favour, no one ever had the heart to scold her or stop her for her antics.

"Come here Theodore!" Her little voice squeeked following by another giggle. "Help! Somebody help me!" Theodore the poor boy cried for help as he ran behind a tree to save himself.

A hearty chuckle diverted Kyle's attention from the entertaining scenerio, he looked at his right to find his Alpha laughing at the little troublemakers.

Kyle followed with a soft laugh while shaking his head, "I will talk to her" he said reverting his gaze towards the window only to find the boy's face now covered in mud, and the little girl looking pleased with her artwork.

Kyle was about to call her out when Silas stopped him, "let them be" he said waving his hand with adoration in his eyes. "But Alpha, Theodore is the future Alpha of our pack. We can't let him be bullied like this" Kyle said with a lopsided grin.

"They are playing Kyle, you and I both know that Theo knows how to defend himself. He just let's her do whatever she wants with him" Silas said with a laugh.

"Don't you dare say anything to her, let her be. It's good to know that their is someone, who can keep the future Alpha in check." He said with his eyes still fixated on the kids.

What he did not notice was the suddenly tensed beta beside him, Kyle looked at his daughter with concern. Since the day she was born, Theodore has stayed by her side.

It was an instant connection between the two, Theodore was only 2 at the time of her birth, yet the future Alpha was adamant on not leaving the hospital when he visited with his parents to meet the beta's new baby girl for the first time.

It's been 7 years now, and as the days pass by it's getting harder and harder to separate these two, everyone in the pack knows that the future Alpha has found his Luna, even Alpha Silas has the same belief.

But Kyle being a reasonable man and a concerned father has his doubts, for his daughter's sake he wishes that what everyone says would be the truth.

He would not be able to bear to see his daughter in any pain, and he wasn't also ready to see the future Alpha's anger if his daughter was not to be destined as his mate.

Theo was 9 at the moment but everyone knew how possessive he was of the little girl. He would not take any bad news lightly, that Kyle knew with certainity.

Only time would tell when Theo reaches the age of 18 that what lies ahead for these two.

He just hoped the future had no pain, only happiness...

Kyle would have traded anything with the moon goddess at this very moment to change the future if he knew how wrong he was.

He gazed upon his daughter with a new reformed hope. Hope for these two kids.

Hope for Theodore and.... Celeste.


And I'm back!!!

My short vacation from writing is over now and I'm here to serve another one of my silly imaginations.

I read all the comments daily that I get for my book 'The Agreement', I'm so overwhelmed by the love and support I have received in such a short amount of time.

I was actually scared to write again as many of you said that they wanted to read more of my work, and I'll be honest here, I don't know if my other books will be upto your expectations but I'll try my best.

As many of you also know my first language isn't English so please be kind about the mistakes, I'll edit them.

The updates will be every 'Sunday' because I have started my University.

This is a werewolf romance story, a totally different genre compared to my previous work.

I hope Theodore and Celeste will receive the same amount of love that Alessandro and Valentina were lucky enough to get.

Please do comment my loves as it keeps me motivated..