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Arranged Marriage With The Masked Billionaire

Arranged Marriage With The Masked Billionaire

Author:Lanny golden



Her father died and left everything for her, but her stem mother made things difficult for her to live. Her stepsisters care less about her, all they want is to look pretty and be rich But her life changed when her stepmother Ellen arranged for her marriage. Find out more of this story

It was the last time I saw ice in a sunny day, that time I lastly went outside to enjoy the fresh air. after my father died everything changed. turned into a slave by my stepmother.

life hasn't been fair to me..I thought I've seen it all till one day.. I heard I was married.

my two stepsisters were happy that I'll be leaving all that my father left


" finally this old thing will be out of our lives mother" Gina says and the all three laughs while I was cleaning the table near them.

my stepmother Ellen has already arranged for me to get married. married to a person I don't even know..the person I never met even with my two eyes.

such is life. but Gina and Scarlet shouldn't worry about me when am gone but their needs. who will be their maid in this house? who will cook for them unless they hire maids to do all that..hhmp..just as I thought so. mother Ellen is too stingy to even buy her own make up for her pretty old face..she keeps on telling me to make a plan that she has to look beautiful to attract gentlemen out there.

by the way am Annabel Deltona.


"Hurry up and get out of our site will you" Ellen yells at me making her angles to giggle. I quickly rushed out of the lounge room that we are..

I went to the kitchen. I better start preparing something before they will make my life more than a living hell. after sometime I finished cooking I went upstairs to their rooms. I took all their laundry baskets and went to wash their dirty clothes.

I prefer that am married to a tall man that has a good heart or maybe am married to a man that is cold, brutal and dangerous. the thoughts made me have shivers running on my skin.


he is always masked. people talk about him everywhere but no one has ever seen his face. durian as well known as Duri the rich man in the town. .

Duri is a feared god in New York. he always keeps his life private..his father owned many businesses more than him..but that was when he died out of cancer. he left everything for his only son Duri but rumours know that Duri will have to get married before inheriting what his father left for him.

he decided to lower his status to get the girl for himself. a girl that is not sent by other tycoons to take all his inheritance as billionaires and millionaires are planning to take him down



after two weeks I managed to escape from the stalkers around me to a place where no one can find me easy.

I hope my plans works. I found a girl that is already arranged for me to marry. I don't care if she wants to get married or not the only thing I care about is money..besides I bought her with my money. I don't believe in such things called love. those are in movies.

love can't make me live for years can it? no it can't.! if I don't have money then I don't think that I can survive.

am just waiting for one day. only one day to take her to court and legally get married then she can go to hell I don't care.



before I went to sleep yesterday I was told to prepare myself for tomorrow. that my husband is coming to take me.

I couldn't describe my emotions. firstly I was so happy that I'll be leaving them and they won't trouble me in any manner but secondly.. am leaving the house that my father and mother built from scratch to this mansion I live in. am leaving my inheritance.

the next morning I woke up early to freshen up and make myself look beautiful as ever

I washed my hair and dried it with a towel. after that I made sure I tangle it. my hair is blond and long. I wore a long dress that ends under my knees, it's my beautiful white tight dress. it shows every edge that I have. then my black heels.they are now hurting my legs cause they are too small. I rather not to ask for someone's shoes. I might attend my own wedding in pains.

I dreamt my wedding so beautiful. I walked on the Idle to meet my own husband. I was the most beautiful woman in my own wedding. but I didn't even see his face in my dream. he was wearing a mask.

anyway it's just a dream.

mom Ellen came in my room and looked at me with a disgusting if she would vomit right away.

" yeah yeah yeah.." by that she roll her eyes and swing her hands in the air. what a dramatic woman my father chose to marry after my mom died.

" well today you will be leaving my house and be a woman in your own house, just incase you should so called husband is poor. he has nothing..he only managed to buy you"

" what ever you are doing to me will back fire Ellen. you are sending me away so that you can take everything that my father left for me"

" oh darling.. please that's the least I could do don't you think. I thought of killing you"

" what.?!!"

" don't worry it's ok." she smiles " you know I hate you..but to keep things professional I had to think of a better way than murder. you should at least thank me"

" you are so evil"

tears ran out of my eyes. feeling the pain of losing the legacy of this family. it's just too much.

" so look.. wipe those things away. your husband said he is sending someone to pick you up then you all will meet at the court to do the need. darling..behave ok"

she quickly left the room. I guess this is the end of my life. even my dream of walking on Idle is not happening.


I was picked up by a cab and got off at the court..a man came wearing a black suit and held my hand " ma'am please follow me" he rushed with me through the stairs going in the court and he made me run with him to one of the rooms in this building.

he walked me to an empty chair next to a man sitting opposite to me. when I sat down his eyes met mine. I couldn't see his face because of his mask..oh god.! he is the man from my dreams. I took my eyes away from the burn of his eyes.

"can we start sir"


impossible.! it's impossible. Ellen said am getting married to someone who is poor. someone who even struggles to feed himself so how can I be married to the most dangerous, respected,inhuman and brutal Duri

Argh.!! my feet are killing me. this heels are so terrible.

we walked to the parking area where I assume his car is there. the guard opened the door for him while I went to the other side and opened the door for myself. what a gentleman I see!.

" drive " his voice sent shivers running on my body and my legs wanna shake. the driver starts driving while I took my heels off and relaxed on the sit .

no world knows the face of this man sitting next to me. no body I mean no body can even dare to touch him..I can even make an example with the distance between us in the car.

just like that am married to a killer. not just a killer but a whole Mafia