
Let’s Read The Word

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In an attempt to salvage their respective situations, Marianne Collins, a rude and saucy ex-manager and Alexander Robinson, her boss, find themselves entangled in a contract marriage. Marianne, not wanting to live a life of penury agrees to wed Alexander, who has been given an ultimatum to present his wife in two weeks . As time went by, the couples soon discovered that their arrangement was not straightforward. Each had hidden agendas which slowly began to surface leading to a mix of emotions, desires, secrets and twists. Will their contract marriage be a mere transaction, or will it lead to something deeper?


My alarm clock chimed, making my eyes shoot open.

Slowly, I began to lift up my tired body, stretching my tensed muscles before sitting up on my gigantic bed.

My fingers found their way through my messy hair as I yawned tiredly.

People usually derive rest from sleeping but my case was different. I always wake up feeling tired like I performed some menial jobs during my rest hour.

"Twenty minutes wouldn't be that bad. I will double up my pace to beat time" I muttered, falling on my bed once more and then pulling the duvet over my head.

If I had a choice, I wouldn't mind sleeping all through the day. My bed was comfortable while my duvet was cozy and welcoming. What else do I need?

I didn't know if I had slept for long because from my dream world, I was hearing my ringtone.

Annoyed, I let out a hiss as I rolled from one end of my bed to the other end hoping the caller gave up.

When my phone wouldn't stop ringing, I threw it under my pillow but the deed had been done. I couldn't sleep again so I sat up on my bed.

Once again, I hissed before retrieving my phone from underneath my pillow.

The screen of my phone read 7:15 am but I didn't believe it until I saw my wall clock.

"This is unlike me." I squirmed, freaking out.

By 7:15 am each day, I was already close to my shopping mall which I inherited from my late father.

Being the only daughter of a business mogul up until his death, I was entitled to his wealth.

It had always been my dream to own a business.

Inheriting my dad's mall was just a stepping stone to achieving my goal of becoming the CEO of a six star hotel which had been my childhood dream.

Presently, I was living in my dream house with my family home just a thirty minute drive away.

I yawned tiredly again as my phone began to buzz.

In checking the caller ID, I discovered it was Kylie, my PA.

Sighing, I swiped right before bringing the phone to my ear.

"Good morning madam" she said from the other end

"What do you want?" I half yelled at her. This was how I spoke to those who were under me.

I had said to myself severally that they don't deserve my respect and so, I was going to treat them as I pleased.

Severally, my mom had warned me to stop treating people badly and talking to them like trash but I had never listened.

I do my things my way and whoever interferes is an enemy; this is what I always tell my mother.

"You have a meeting with Mr Rogers by 8 am."

"Oops… hold on, I'll be there before you know it." I rapped before hanging up

Mr Rogers was a recognized business mogul who had amassed wealth that was almost equivalent to that of the country.

He was my father's friend up until his death and he had been supportive to me and my mother even after his death.

Last week, he had scheduled a meeting at the Italian restaurant but had called it off because of circumstances beyond his control.

Even in my rush to beat traffic and arrive at the same Italian restaurant for the meeting, I made sure I looked my best.

My looks were paramount to me and I don't mind spending a fortune to look beautiful.

There was no need to make breakfast since I was going to have a meal with Mr Rogers at the restaurant.

After taking one last look at my room, I grabbed my Louis Vuitton bag, a gift from my handsome boyfriend on my birthday, then began to head towards my door.

On the dining table lay my car key, I picked it up then threw it inside my bag.

I had to drive myself to the restaurant because I didn't have a driver. Moreover, I was still waiting for the driver my boyfriend had promised me.

The last driver had resigned after I tongue lashed him in public for allowing a kid to scratch my car.

The one before him left when I saw his little kid chewing on my seat.

For the rest, I can't remember why they had left but none of the six drivers stayed up until six months.

When I got to the ground floor, everyone gave way for me, lest I tongue lashed them.

At the coffee stand, I walked up to the line of people waiting to be served.

Pretending to be unaware of their presence, I placed my order, not minding the streaming crowd behind me.

The waiter didn't wait time in handing my cup over to me because she feared me.

When I got to the Italian restaurant, I pulled over in the parking lot before making my way into the building.

I could feel the eyes of people on me but I didn't spare them a look.

With my bag hanging loosely from my left hand, I clutched the cup of steaming coffee on my right.

It happened like a flash since I didn't see it coming.

A random man who was hurrying into the restaurant, bumped into me thereby spilling coffee on my clothes.

I threw the remaining liquid on him yelling in anger. He had not only burnt my skin but had soiled my customized shirt.

"Are you stupid?" I yelled, glaring murderously at him.

"I'm sorry" he muttered, he walked away but on his return, he was with a napkin to dab my clothes dry but I threw it at his face before pushing him away.

I didn't care about the stink eye I was receiving from the people seated. He deserves what he got and even more.

I had barely taken a step when Kylie ran up to me with some files in her hand.

"I'm sorry, Mr Rogers just called to cancel the meeting"

For some unknown reason I was relieved.

I cast a glance at the man who was mopping the mess. The more I looked at him, the angrier I became.

With a loud hiss, I began walking out of the restaurant while Kylie followed suit but I wasn't going to allow her to enter my car.

She was going to board a taxi to the mall.

On getting to the parking lot, I discovered a car was in front of mine so there was no way I could leave.

I was enraged, looking around, hoping the owner would show up.

When the owner didn't arrive, I stormed towards the guard assigned to keep watch of the cars.

"Who has that jalopy?" I yelled at him

"He will be here anytime soon" he replied with a cool tone

"Is he the president or what? Fetch him else I would puncture the tires'' I threatened

He was about to speak when the same man that had bumped into me walked up to him to retrieve his car key.

"I told you he will be here…" he was still saying when I landed a neat slap across the man's face.