
Let’s Read The Word

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Kingdom Of Thrones

Kingdom Of Thrones

Author:Summer Gold



He's the youngest King who will ever rule over the kingdom of Suidan ,,,,yes he's 23,normally before a king can be chosen ,,he should be up to 30 years of age, that's the rule. But they don't have a choice right now,he's the only male son of the late king.. He only have a younger sister who is just 20. And now,, he's going to be crowned very soon. This is not his dream,,he want to live freely as a normal youth should do,,but now he will be acknowledge as a king?? He hate this. ♚ Extract From The Novel ♚ " Can't we just hire someone to rule ??? I can't possibly become the king now,,,I am too young for the Crown " Arnold Pleaded with the Head Queen,,his mother " May the God forbid that,, what insult??? How can that rubbish come out of your mouth?? Hire a king when my husband gave birth to a king??? I can't believe you right now" She said angrily " Am sorry mom " He said with a sigh He hate it when his mother gets mad at him " Am not angry,,but you have to accept this no matter what " She said and he found himself nodding " But mom,,,how will I cope??" " You don't have to worry about that,,, and besides,,, you will be getting married soon " " What??? Mom!!! Getting married???? Am still getting over this issue of becoming a king and now a wife?? This is unfair !!" He said in tears " I don't care ,,,you need to get married in order to be a great king. Get ready,,and can you stop crying like a child?? Kings don't cry ,,, " His mother said and walked out. Hot tears poured down from her eyes seeing her son's tear,but right now she have to pretend like she doesn't care. She should have hugged him and wipe his tears while consoling him ,, This is her husband's wish,,,but she never knew he was going to die so soon. She knows fully well that her son is too young for everything that is coming,,, but they don't have a choice.

Emery smiled happily as she approach her small but still happy home,, Her long hair flowing along with her as she run, she dropped the bucket in her hand and walked in,,she just can't wait any longer to hug her mom,she always does that. Even though she's 21,she's still the baby of the house as people always call her. She have two brothers, one is 26 and the second one is 24

She entered and suddenly her smile disappeared,, her mother was sitting while her brothers were standing looking sad and glad at the same time. On the other small couch was a woman in her early forties ,she look extremely beautiful and expensive ,two ladies were standing behind her,they put on the same outfit. Are they her maid ??

She decided to speak up since no one seems to know about her presence,

" Am,,,home " She said and all eyes fell on her but mostly her gaze was on the woman sitting whose lips curved into a smile as soon as she saw her which even made her more beautiful.

" You're home " Her mother cute voice said and she nodded

" Hello mam " She greeted the woman

" She's the one?" The woman asked and she saw Her mom nodding

" She's so beautiful and she's the best right now " The woman said still smiling.

She just wonder what is happening,

" We will take our leave right now,,but will be back in three days for your reply ,,,and I wish it's positive " She said

" Okay my Queen " Her mother said and she gasped

Queen?? She's a queen??

" Hey Purity,,, what's your name ?? Or maybe I should just call you purity. That's better ,,see you soon " She said and at that, she walked out with the two girls she's now sure that they are her maids.

" Okay mom,,what is happening here??" Emery asked curiously

" Have your seat " Her mother said and she immediately sat down ready to listen to whatever she's going to say.

" Am not surprised if you don't know she's the queen since it's not easy for commoners like us to see the royal family even if they live here. She's the queen of Suidan,,, and she came to ask for your hand in marriage " Her mother said and she felt something hard on her head

" You didn't agree do you ??" She asked

" Not yet,,,,but Emery,,,,I want you to think about this well,,am not going to agree without your approval. She promise to send your brothers to study abroad and she will grow my business,,,, our life is going to become better. You're going to become a queen Emery " Her mother said

" What do you mean by am going to become the queen??"

" You're getting married to the crowned prince and he will be crowned soon,the throne can't remain empty Emery "

" But mom,,,I don't even know him,I am way too young to get married!! Am still in university" She yelled in tears

" She promise to take care of your studies also "

" I am not interested mom " Emery said and went in.

How can she get married??? She's just 21 for goodness sake,the crowned prince will possibly be like 30 years of age right??? How can she get married to some old man ??? She will never agree to this marriage no matter what.

A knock came on,,

" Come in " She said and wipe her tears

Her brothers came in,,,

" Hey little sis,,you don't have to cry. It's fine if you don't want this,we understand you. And we are always going to support your decision " Mason ,the eldest said patting her back

" She promised to send you to school " She said and started crying again

" It's fine,,,am sure another help will come, so let's move on " Axel smiled and roughed her hair

" But,,,it's your dream,,,am so sorry " She said

" You don't have to feel sorry,,you're our sister and we should be the one to take care of you,,not the other way round " ROYAL PALACE

The Queen walked in,,she went into Arnold's suite. He seem to be ready for the royal meeting, she cleared her throat to get his attention and he faced her.

" You're ready,let's go. Everyone is waiting " She said

He nodded and they both went out,,

As they walked in,all eyes were on him. How can someone be as adorable as this?? He look like an Angel in human form,,his walking step can make one go crazy ,his curly hair shining and his lips pink like that of a lady. He look extremely handsome,,, he ignored the eyes which followed him and sat next to his mom.

On his other side was his cousin ,,Bentley. He smirk the moment they made eye contact and Arnold scoffed.

" Since the crowned Prince is here,we will start the meeting right away " One of the elders said and everywhere became quiet.

" So ,,,,the late king younger brother here told us that the crown will be more safe with his son Bentley " Another elder said

" What sort of rubbish is that?? How can his son become the king when the late king gave birth to a male who is fit ??" The Queen flired up

" The Crowned prince is too young to rule over this kingdom,, my son is 29,and will be 30 soon,he's a grown up man . Arnold just clocked 23 last month ,do you think he's wise enough to sit on the throne?? " Travis said

" How dare you say that!!!! " The Queen yelled

All this while Arnold only sat down watching the show,he seem to be less concern.

" Let's cut the argument and listen to the crown prince first "

Arnold scoffed and crossed his legs,,,,the queen giving him a pleading face not to say anything contradictory to what she said. He sighed,,,

" Uncle Travis?? " He called and everyone kept quiet to listen to what he was about to say.

" You claimed that I am too young to sit on the throne,, you also said I am not wise enough to rule over this kingdom. " he said calmly like an Angel he is

" Yes,,am not reversing that " Travis said

" But,,,do you think Bentley is wise enough??? " He asked and they all gasped

" He's 29

" Am not saying he's not 29,am asking maybe he's wise. We have old people who are fools too " He smirked

" How dare you call me a fool!!!!" Bentley yelled and stood up

" The Crowned prince is still talking!! " one of the elders yelled and he sat down again

" Even if am not interested in becoming a king ,,,definitely not this one you call son. He only knows how to get drunk,laying with ladies of different types,doing things that are illegal. Is that the type of king the people want??? A woman can easily blackmail him and take over the kingdom with just a night strand. To the elders,,I will leave you to make your choice. Maybe you want the young prince or the old one,, am not going to get mad. I still have my own life to live after all " He said and rested his head on the chair

After some minutes of silence,,, one of the elders finally spoke up.

" we've concluded already,,, The Crown is only for you,,,, get ready to be crowned . but before that,,, you have some things to learn before the coronation day. We will send over the people who will teach you the principles,,, we will always support you and we are sure you're going to be a great king " The elders stood up and walked out

The Queen breath out in relief,,

" I will make sure you regret this " Travis said as he stand up with his son

" if you try any rubbish,get ready to be beheaded " Arnold said and went out with his mother.

" That kid got some guts!!" Bentley yelled and banged his hand on the table angrily

" How can they do this to me ??"

" Don't worry,let's leave. He will surely regret ever talking that way "


" Son,,,thank you so much " The Queen said and hugged Arnold

" I only did that because of you,,I am not interested in any of this" He rolled his eyes

" I know,,I love you son " She said

" Son,,,,,we've seen someone you're going to get married to. Trust me ,,she's the best,, "

" But mom,,,this is too soon. Am not even the king yet,can't you just be patient?? And besides I can become the king without getting married " he said

" You can't rule without a queen son,,,and we have to make it soon because she have a lot to learn also before the coronation. Please don't say no,,,it's for our own good. Travis will surely not back down easily and you know that "

" Fine,,,I want to be alone " He said and went out of the Palace .

" Where are you going my Prince " The guards asked with their head bowed

" You can stay,,Colt will be going with me Alone " He replied and immediately Colt rushed to him.