
Let’s Read The Word

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Dear Alfa, Be My Luna!

Dear Alfa, Be My Luna!




I've always been independent, intelligent and a straightforward person. I have pure alpha blood and I have the same power as a man, ok, almost all men. I've never found my mate but I ha a feeling with a warrior from my pack, and I mated with him. At that moment this seemed to be a good idea but at the end of the day I found myself cheated by him and my best friend. Forced by circumstances I become a rogue. But my story is not over yet, because as I said, I never found my mate so maybe there is still something good for me at the end of my struggle. I'm Ava Stone, and now I my be a rogue but take a good look at me. The wolf changes his hair but his habit remains unchanged. I'm still an alpha to the bone marrow, until the last day of my life!

Alfa Drake point of view

"Where is my luna?" I ask nervously. But omegas are looking at me scared and shrugged. This woman is never to be found when you need her. Fuck! I don't have time to look for her when she knows very well that she has to come with me to train. My time is money in the true sense of the word.

I can't risk the safety of the pack when I know I'm surrounded by danger at every step. In our world I am known as the cruelest and most powerful alpha, I have earned a name among werewolves but this kind of fame is gained by stepping on corpses and that's exactly what I do every day.

I am alpha Drake Graham for the gods sake! I am the alpha of the Blood Pack. I drink blood, not water as much as blood stained my hands. I don't have time for a woman's crap and useless acts.

I didn't really wanted a mate. It was never something like a must have in my life, but fate made Monica get in my way. It is said that any pack is stronger when the alpha finds his mate and accepts her as his luna. And somehow it's true because her presence calms me down and makes me calm down immediately.

I had to learn how to adapt to her unexpected presence in my life. It is just that I feel that she intentionally puts a bridge between me and her, and between the pack and her as well. She is always unhappy with what I do. Nothing is good enough. But together we can be stronger and more stable and together we can achieve great things. That is the purpose of a mate bond.I need to talk to Monica and reach a consensus, start having a normal relationship.

Sex with her is fantastic but our relationship can't be just that. I want to feel like we're pulling together at the same rudder. I have to talk to her until I lose my temper and I will end up saying things that will hurt her.

"If you see her, tell her to come to the gym." I say to the omega and leave irritated.

My training went perfectly. I'm a man that follows his daily ritual. I train almost four hours a day, then with beta Matt Finns and the best pack warriors we go hunting. Nobody dares to trample my territory.

The nights are Monica's but my days are entirely dedicated to pack safety and it bothers me that Monica is not on the same wavelength as me. After training I feel the need for a run through the woods. I need to calm down before I meet her.

"Monica is making fun of you, Drake," says Hunter, my wolf. "She's starting to get me annoyed, and if she doesn't start rowing with us, I'll put her mind in place by myself."

"Until you put her mind in her head, I might lose my mind because of her stupid acting." I tell him while undressing and turning into what I can say without the slightest bit of modesty is the most terrible wolf a human or less human eye has ever seen. Hunter is all black. The eyes of a wolf are usually the same as those of his human, but Hunter has red eyes and spreads horror whenever he looks. And if I could, I would put two more pairs of eyes on him just so that everyone would understand that no one can stand against us.

I run without considering the direction and without being interested in where Hunter is taking me. I just want to clear my mind and calm down so that when I get home I won't break Monica's head because of the way she constantly defies me. Because of her I can't concentrate on my pack mission.

I've been running through the woods for almost half an hour when suddenly Hunter stops and starts growling.

"I will kill them," he says through his jaws, and begins to run in the direction of the trail he felt. Immediately I feel in the air the mixed smell of rogues and cinnamon. And by cinnamon I mean, I smell Monica.

Hunter runs as if his feet are burning and when he reaches the source of the smell I feel him take the attack position.

Monica is fucking in the forest with a damn rogue, and not any rogues she is fucking with the leader of a rogues gang who have been entering my territory in recent months causing me serious damage. I bang their heads every day, but somehow the rogues keep regrouping.

Hunter gives me control and lets me transform to get closer.

I can’t believe what I see. I feel my blood actually boiling in my veins, I feel like I'm about to explode my heart. My wife! My fucking wife is cheating me with a stinking rogue who has nothing to offer. She is undressed and lying on a stone slab while that rogue is pumping into her. She is moaning and screaming as if she has never had an orgasm in her life. I will kill them. I'm killing them both!

I let a strong growl get rid of my anger and the whole forest resounds. My wife screams and jumps to her feet and the rogue falls to his knees next to her trying to pull his pants on him.

"Drake ..." Monica says, looking at me not agitated as if nothing had happened and what I just saw is just a normal scene.

"I will kill you!" I tell her, shaking and trying to keep Hunter from showing up and tearing their throats at the moment. "Get dressed right now and get away from this rogue." I tell her, grinning.

"What are you going to do?" she asks me without sketching any emotion.

"What am I going to do?" I ask, screaming at her and stepping towards her. "After I kill this unfortunate rogue who dared to touch what is mine, I will fuck you until your eyes go out and after that I will kill you! I will do that!" and I immediately grab her by the neck and pull her after me trying to get her away from the rogue who is still dressing.

Monica struggles and screams at me, hitting me with her hands and feet.

"Take your stinking hands off me, Drake Graham! Take your hands off me, I command you to let me go! ”

I let her go and I looked at her as if the circus had come to town. I hit her directly, without warning and let her fall to the ground and I rushed to the rogue but Monica jumped from where she was and intervened between me and the miserable rogue.

"Don't touch him!" she shouted at me.

“Woman, tell me, are you completely crazy? Did you lose your mind somewhere along the way? Did he drug you? Did he threaten you? How can you take his defense against me, your fated mate? ” I ask angrily.

“I love him, I don’t care that you are my fated mate. I love him and I have nothing to add. " she tells me. "And he's not a bastard, he's the rogue's leader, and if you think you can do anything to break us up, you're sorely mistaken."

"There is no doubt that you lost your mind." I tell her while I rush towards the rogue.

"I despise you Drake Graham! You were good when you fucked me, but he is better than you. In the last three months he has shown me almost every day that he is better than you in every way. He knows what I want and he gives me what I want. You took me next to you just to have a strong pack, you're pathetic! I hate you! ” she tells me defiantly.

I grab her by the neck and start strangling her . The rogue leader attacks me but I hit him hard before he can do anything to me. I'm going to kill them both. Nobody messes with me. No one humiliates me in such a way.

I'm so angry that I don't even realize that Monica played on my fingers. Suddenly dozens of rogues gather around us. The bastard called for reinforcements. I immediately turn and ask Hunter to take control quickly ; to break Monica's throat if he can but she looks me in the eye and says what I never thought I would ever hear from her mouth.

"I Monica Graham, luna of the Blood Pack, I reject you alpha Drake Graham as my mate and alpha." and the unimaginable happens.

I hear Hunter scream in my mind and start to cry out in pain. Fuck ,Monica, she gave us a fatal blow under the given conditions. I feel my heart stop. My lungs don't seem to work anymore. I actually feel completely paralyzed and fall to my knees without being able to motivate myself to get up.

Rejection is a painful process but for a dominant alpha like me it is similar to death.

I fell to the ground. My wife approaches me and leaning towards me, looks at me with an amused grin.

"Let me give you a summary, Drake. I've been with him for three months. But I've cheated on you before him . Your warriors are very eager for some great sensations with their luna. " I feel like I'm going crazy. I will kill them all. "Maybe in your eyes he is just a rogue, but he has treated me better than you have treated me in the last year since you forced me to sit next to you and train myself to achieve your ultimate goal. He knows how to caress me, he knows how to touch me like you never did, he tells me that he loves me and if you want to know his dick is bigger than yours ” she says laughing.

I feel our bond dyeing. I feel humiliated and destroyed. I feel helpless in the face of a woman I never thought could deceive me. Every night I fucked her until her eyes come out of her head and she dares to tell me that she didn't feel good with me. If I could get up from where I am now, I would teach her the lesson of her life, but I can only sigh in pain.

Suddenly I see the rogue leader approaching me with a knife in his hand.

"Silver," I hear Hunter say. And I got the first stab wound between the ribs.

"Matt" I say through my mindlink to my beta "I fucked up. I am dying. “

"Where are you?" I hear him desperately asking. We are looking for you for almost an hour.

I feel another stab. And one more..

"In the forest, on the west side of your pack territory."

"Hold on Drake, we're coming to you, we are near."

The gathering of rogues begins to stab me under Monica's indifferent gaze. That won't stay that way. Rogues start shouting approvingly at the scene in front of them. She betrayed me. If I will survive this woman will definitely regret betraying me to be with a fucking rogue! Next time I catch them, I will make their lives a living hell! Rogue leader, right? I will kill every rogue I catch! If I escape .. I will escape, there is not if…I will survive and they will pay for their deeds.

"The pack is nearby. I hear Monica saying. Let's run away!" and they leave, leaving me in a pool of blood. Matt is nearby ... I have to resist, I have to. But it's too late.

I feel that I lose consciousness and I feel someone touching me and trying to make me feel comfortable.