
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:PERCY 05



There have series of murder in town and no one seems to know it origin and the reason for the killings. Detective Luke is deployed to solve the murder after the son was killed. Luke needs to race against time to solve the murder or be murdered himself as he gets closer to hidden clues. His life and that of his loved one is on the line

‘Luke! The Captain wants you to report to his office now’ Brisbane called out. Luke Gay mumbles something before standing up from his seat in his cubicle to go hear why the Captain wanted to see him so urgently. Luke has always loved the adventurous life and would not give it up for anything. In his early years he has always wanted to be a cop. He would sneak around to play hide and seek with his friends Summer and Logan. His curiosity has landed him in more trouble than anyone could imagine.

At age sixteen, he and Logan has investigated some theft cases and caught the culprit red handed. A new boy had been admitted into Luke and Logan’s class. After his admission, they noticed that their stationeries are getting missing every day. At first, they thought it was the school librarian and that she was trying to keep it safe for them. They approached her but she told them she wasn’t the one. Still, the situation persisted. Stationeries got missing every week. As this has not been the trend before now, the only suspect common to everyone was the new student. As a result of this new development, most of the students refused to relate or communicate with the new kid. Some days, the newly admitted kid would get to school, try accessing his locker, only to find mean words written on it. Words like ‘thief’, ‘light fingers’ and more.

This recurring incident has brought a bad name to the student, who confided in Luke and Logan that he was the culprit. But there was no way to prove his innocence except the culprit was caught in the act or confessed. Luke and Logan took it upon themselves to catch the thief and make sure the new students name was cleared. After two months of the continuous disappearance of stationeries, Luke and Logan decided to set up a hidden camera in the classroom without the knowledge of their colleagues. They left it on recording mode over the weekend so as to ascertain who the thief was. On Monday morning they got up early and rushed to school to go see if their camera has gotten the culprit in the act or got a glimpse of what kept happening over and again. They took out the camera eagerly with a kind of gusto feeling, having a knot tied around their stomach because they wanted to reveal the unknown. But to their dismay and satisfaction, what was caught on the camera sent shivers down their spines as they never expected the person seen on video to be the culprit. They just couldn’t imagine what would have made such person to be seen in such compromising position. They concealed the evidence, waiting for the right time to unveil it. But first, Logan wanted them to confront the culprit so as to explain why such act was carried out. At lunch break, they both approached the culprit in an orderly manner so as to get answers to their question. However, the culprit refused to give explanations, instead, turned on them at the close of the day both Luke and Logan were called into the Head of School’s office to answer to the allegation against them. On realizing that it was the culprit that was behind the allegation, the boys who had decide to cover up the culprit, so as to avert the shame associated with theft in the community decided against such action, delivered the evidence to the Head of School. The Head of School told them not to disclose it to anyone. By Wednesday of the same week, the students got to school only to find out that Mr. Joe, the class teacher to the boys has been replaced by a new teacher. According to the School Administrator, Mr. Joe has decided to move away from the community and therefore could no longer be part of the staff as he lives far away. It was rumored that Mr. Joe left to be with his ailing mother while some were of the opinion that Mr. Joe might be the culprit. But the truth of the matter only resonated with Luke Gay and Logan Henderson. Succinctly, the new student became friends with Luke and Logan. His name is Collins Summer, the current mayor of Aldershot town.

Luke Gay walks up to Captain Sherwood’s office, and knocks on the door. Without letting the Captain to beckon him in, Luke let himself in, and sits on a vacant seat waiting to hear from the Captain. ‘Hey Detective Lu’ comes the baritone sound of the Captain’s voice. Captain Sherwood has always referred to Luke as Lu ever since he was a recruit, and has been taken under the Captain’s wings.

Luke: ‘Perry said you wanted to see me ASAP, that is the reason I’m here to hear what you got to tell me Cap’.

‘How you turning up with the homicide case at hand’ the Captain replies.

Luke: ‘You mean the one committed alongside arson, where the victim was burnt beyond recognition? Know what Cap, we are almost done with the case and we got lead on the killer though it isn’t easy to come by as the guy in custody won’t say a word to anyone’.

‘Wrap up the case Lu, I got a big one coming your way and it is on the other side of town’ the Captain says.

Luke; ‘Wait Cap! You are going to transfer me without even informing me? If I really want to be transferred or not? How could you do this to me and you know I am just trying to warm up in settling my differences with Laura and see if our marriage would wor…’,

‘You can take her along if you really want to Lu.’ Captain Sherwood cuts him mid-sentence. ‘Go get your transfer paper from I.A

Internal Affairs

and make sure you inform Laura about the holiday getaway. It is not much of a job, you are needed to investigate a few murder cases in Aldershot town and once you are done, you would be back before you say Jack’.

Luke stands up from his seat. His head turned red and his eyes blood shot because he is angry at the news of getting transferred. At the same time, his adrenaline is up, as he is anticipating the intrigue of the events that is to come. He mumbles something indistinctly and walks out of Captain Sherwood’s office. Sherwood has been like a mentor to Luke, taking him in when he is just a rookie and teaching him everything he needed to know in the profession. At first when they both met, Luke was a hot head rookie who wanted to do things on his own terms and conditions. But, Sherwood, quickly made sure he took Luke in and brushed him up. Moving him away from working as an under-cover cop in a drug bust case that almost cost Luke his life, if not for the timely intervention of the watchdogs who has kept 24 hours’ surveillance on Luke at the order of Sherwood. This was while Luke acted out the role of a collector and supplier for the drug mafia.

That evening Luke gets home and is warmly welcomed by Laura his wife. They have been trying to work it out as man and wife, but those efforts have met with a bit of resistance which is caused by either Luke’s work ethics or Laura’s belief system of how couples should be. Luke met Laura during one of his under-cover agent assignment, where he worked for one of the most wanted drug lord in the town. Laura on her part had accepted to work for the drug lord when the drug syndicate offered to pay for her mother’s cervical cancer surgery and chemotherapy treatment. She started out as a courier, blazed through the ranks and file really fast; though there were rumor that she was having a discreet affair with the boss, given that is the only way she could pay back for the help rendered when it was needed. After the success of the drug busting operation for her to walk free, the DEA

Drug Enforcement Agency

asked Laura to testify in court against the mafia, his many crimes, with the promise of a better life and witness protection. Though she had seen Luke a couple of times sealing deals for the mafia, she never knew he was working for the DEA, until he was saddled with the responsibility of protecting her. They went through lots of assassinated attempts and it was during this time they both fell in love. After Laura’s testimony in court against the mafia boss, she was nearly killed. She had ended her testimony and was been escorted out of the court yard when a bullet hit her straight in the chest. Luckily, the bullet missed her vital organs. The fear of losing her made Luke propose to her and the following summer, they are married. Their marriage is not without its ups and down. Over the years, they have both been separated quite a number of time. But in the end, they always find a way back to each other’s arms.

On getting home, Laura drags Luke into the house with some sensual kisses but notices he is stone cold and is not responding to her touches. ‘Lu baby what is wrong with you? Did anything happen at work today? She asks, probing further. Luke looks, holds her closer to himself and replies, ‘I’m asked to go investigate a…’, ‘I hope it isn’t one of those your dangerous under cover duty.’ She cuts in, ‘No honey, just that this time, I am being transferred and would be investigating some murder cases in Aldershot town. But I am permitted to go with you baby, and it would be like a get away from the stress of this bustling city. You would love it there, and also my friend Mayor Summer would be glad to finally meet you.’ He assures her.