
Let’s Read The Word

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Pregnant by a psycho

Pregnant by a psycho




"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" I shouted pointing a knife at him. It was the only thing keeping him away from me. "Do it!" He said with a wicked smirk. I curse myself for sleeping with this psychopath killer. My body trembled at his demand. I can't believe I'm pregnant with his child. "I swear I'll do it." I threatened moving back and he just chuckles "what wrong with you ?" I asked as a tear dropped from my eyes. "You think I'm scared of that knife. I enjoy pain just like I enjoy killing people." "You sick stay away from me." I shouted taking a step back. "I know. People used to call me psycho when I was a kid so I became one." *******

Stacey's POV.

There is a time in life where you want to give up because life has never been good to you but guess what? Life, I have grown up in a small village, being an orphan never helped because no one wanted to be friends with someone like me. I accepted that I would never fit in but thanks to Kaitlyn My best friend Who tried everything for me to fight in school and everywhere.

I was fourteen when her family took me in. They didn't adopt me but because I got accepted to a high school with a bursary they let me stay with them.

I'm seventeen years old. I work in a place they called a restaurant club which isn't normal to be honest because my last job as a waitress in a restaurant ended with me almost getting molested.

"Can I get a beer ?" He asked for his fourth drink. These guys give me the creep, how I wish Brody was here today.

Brody is the bartender but today his boyfriend was coming from New York so Boss gave him a day off and well I was forced to cover for him.

"Here you go." I quickly replied as I took the beer out and gave it to him.

Diamond B is the name of the restaurant club and I never will know why they name it that and thank God I don't actually care because my boss lady is extremely strict.

~ ~ ~

My shift ended quickly and I went to take my uniform off. As soon as I came out of the club a man grabbed my arm and pushed me to the wall.

"AaAaaaaaH" I screamed for help but he quickly put his hand over my mouth. I couldn't even call for help.

"I heard you swiped places." He whispered in my ear "I will take my hand away from your mouth so don't you dare shout again."

"Wh-what do yo-you mean ?" I quickly asked because I don't know what he is talking about.

"You no more a waitress at the Roselés restaurant." He said taking a small step back.

"I- I-I had to quit." I stuttered.

"Do you know remember me?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"I can't see your face." I put my hand in front of my mouth because that's what I always do when I'm nervous or scared, and right now I am both.

"Don't worry I will be back Angel." He said turning around. He walked away and I thank God for protecting me tonight. I quit the job at Roselés restaurant because guys like him, tried to take advantage of me but now that he didn't rape me it means that he isn't a bad guy, right?


It's been two weeks and every day I would see that same guy with a mask and he would ask me out. I keep giving him the same answer which is a definite NO. But he seemed to not understand. Every day he comes to the bar just to say I'm his Angel.

"Stacey you will be fired if you dare keep daydreaming again." My boss Dia yelled at me. She is very rude and she doesn't like me a bit. She only hired me because of Brody.

"Sorry, ma'am. I'll serve their drinks right away." I rolled my eyes at her but thank God she didn't see me.

I quickly got table three' s drinks. Even though this is an actual club for me and not a restaurant it's better than lots of normal restaurants. They may have to serve food but the people here are a lot better than those spoil brats that came to the Roselés restaurants.

"There you go Gentleman." I said sarcastically as I put their drinks on the table.

"Thank you." One of the men said clearing his voice and I quickly glared at him. He had dark black hair and blue eyes. So I quickly nodded not knowing what to say because no one ever thanks me here at work.

I quickly turned to his friend hoping he would also thank me but he didn't. I looked up to him and my eyes met with his brown eyes.

His state on me was intense as he stared at me with an evil smirk and I couldn't even take my eyes off him. I swear I know him from somewhere I kept repeating to myself.

"Thanks, angel." He said raising an eyebrow. His voice brought shivers down my spine.

He can't be the same guy that asked me out, he probably just has the same voice as him.


Liam's POV.

I always went to Roselés restaurant for one reason and that is because of Stacey. I usually don't go chase after girls but being turned down by a girl like her made me so angry.

I shot the owner of Roselés restaurant for letting her quit and she's so damn lucky she didn't die.

Having to go to Roselés restaurant for weeks just to find out when you ask for Stacey she doesn't work there anymore, made me so angry.

I had to even apply for high school just because of her. No one turns Liam Salvatore and gets away with it. I'm no more the boy she grew up with, I am not the broken kid that lost his family.


I found her working place yesterday and I quickly waited until I found her alone. I grabbed her quickly and pushed her on the wall.

"AaAaaaaaH" She shouted for help but I quickly put my hand over her mouth. She's really stupid if she thinks anyone can save her from me.

I am Liam Salvatore! Everyone fears me!

"I heard you swiped places." I whispered in her ear "I will take my hand away from your mouth so don't you dare shout again." I threatened her.

"Wh-what do yo-you mean ?" She quickly asked.

"You no more a waitress at the Roselés restaurant?" I asked taking a small step back as I raised an eyebrow.

"I-I-I had to quit." She said.

"Do you know remember me?" I asked even though I know it is too dark for her to actually see my face clearly.

"I can't see your face." She put her hand in front of her mouth because that's what she always does when she was nervous or scared, and right now I know she's scared and she should be.

"Don't worry I will be back Angel." I started walking away from her.

I made sure she got home save tonight even though I followed her.

~ ~ ~

"Keep looking at her and I may shoot you in between those ugly blue eyes." I threatened Calum who kept looking at Stacey.

"If anyone knows you like her she's going to die."

"Oh like?" I giggled. "I don't like her, she's just mine." I added folding my arms across my chest.

"She's innocent, don't tell me you want to torture her too ?" He asked making me angry.

"Exactly she looks innocent but she's not. Trust me I know her."

"Brooklyn High called, something about you getting accepted." He said making me remember that stupid high school.

I'm eighteen and I never went to school.

"Fuck that school. Calum, I found her and all I got to do is keep an eye on her and ask her out." There are many other reasons why I want Angel!

"You think she's going to accept you now? She has turned you down for two weeks bro make a next target and leave her." For the first time, Calum was actually right. If she turned me down so many times who said she's going to say yes if I ask her today but there is one thing that connects her to me and that is our past. I have to do this for myself, I need Angel.

"She's coming shut up." I quickly looked away from Stacey who was walking towards us. She will definitely say yes one day because of her own past.

"There you go, gentleman." She said putting the drinks on the table. She's rude but people say she's shy and sweet.

"Thank you." Calum said clearing his throat and I quickly looked at him. Why does he need to be so nice to everyone?

I quickly turned to look at Stacey hoping she would leave but she didn't. I looked up to her and met her black eyes, damn I can't wait to ruin her.

I gave her an evil smirk which confused her "Thanks Angel." raising an eyebrow she walked away.

"Let's go back to high school, what do you say Calum?" I asked as soon as Stacey left.

"High school here we come." He replied as we both started laughing. It won't be long before you mine, Angel. We will see how long you will take to show your true colors.

The past will always come back to haunt you and I am here, so I hope you prepared.
