
Let’s Read The Word

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My Darling Superstar

My Darling Superstar




“Let’s have a date.” In the middle of the night after my work shift was over, I received a text from a mysterious number. Scammer! I was really in a bad mood. My father just called me to get out from our house as his new wife didn’t want me to live with them. How would I suppose to feel? That is my family’s house. My mother just died a year ago and now my father wanted to get rid of me that fast. What a life! Where should I go now? “Go to hell and fuck the devil!” I’m really sorry for this scammer but I don’t have anyone to release my anger. My phone suddenly rang. The Scammer! Wow! He wasn’t satisfied and wanted more of my anger. “You…” I am about to greet the caller with my wrath but I was cut. “I don’t want to fuck the devil, I want to fuck you.” A charming voice of a man echoed in my ear. What? Goosebumps! “Sorry but I don’t fuck a scammer. Scammers like you are impotent and very lousy in bed. I am not interested. Get lost!” So, I hanged up. Don’t worry, I’m just giving him his own doze of medicine. I couldn’t imagine the face of that scammer right now. I feel more better now. Just when a Lamborghini stopped in front of me. Wow! Cool! Never saw this kind of luxurious sports car up close. The car window rolled down and my panty went down too. Lol. Don’t ask me why! It’s my love. My one and only Superstar, Charles Adam! “Get in!” He said. Is he really talking to me? This is fate. This is my once in a lifetime opportunity. I quickly ran forward to him. I sat on the passenger seat and fasten my seatbelt. I looked at him in disbelief with my most admirable smile. “Hi. I’m Emily.” I said in my cutest possible look. His sharp gaze landed at me with a devilishly handsome face. “Hi.” With his effortless handsome demeanor, he replied and paused. “I’m the scammer.” He smiled at me wickedly and drove the car furiously.

I am Emily Greyson and I am an avid lover of the most famous superstar in the whole universe, Charles Adam. In my universe? He is my darling superstar. I labelled it!

Woah! Just mentioning his name made my heart wants to wiggle for joy.

My fantasies of this man? I wouldn’t tell. Lol. It’s a secret but no secret to everyone who experienced fangirling.

I devoted my time and energy in collecting his posters and going to his mall shows. But again, I ended up watching him on a big screen. Why? I’m just one of his 500 million of fans though. Well, that’s on his social media, can’t imagine what’s the total number of people who likes him a lot in the whole world.

If you ask me why I’m into him?

Aside from being the most famous actor and the heir of the biggest corporation in the city,

Well, I’ll start with his sinfully handsome face. His hazel eyes and long nose. Kissable lips and a smile that can melt every girl’s heart.

Next, is his oozing sexiness. Come on! Aside from his tall figure and slender body, he got that 8 packs!

So don’t judge me.

I am just like an ordinary girl with wild imaginations about fantasizing their idols. Fangirling thing!


This is just only a one sided-love. I only see him on TV. Never meet him in person. As if I would have the chance to meet him. How I wish!

“This is my house. You can’t bring your mistress and her daughter here.” My mom shouted angrily at the man whom I considered to be my biological father.

“It’s not for you to decide. This house is conjugal. Come on, I don’t love you anymore. Give me a life for God’s sake!” My father retorted.

“Over my dead body.” Mom replied. I thought it was just her expression but it was literally implied.

Well, I’m kinda used of this devastating argument of my parents every day. I can say my day wouldn’t be complete without it. Welcome to my world!

They say, you should let go of the things that you can’t control. I swear! With all these mess in my life, I ‘ve mastered the art of ignoring circumstances that wouldn’t help me to grow. I already submitted myself to Adulting 101!

With the help of my darling superstar, Charles Adam, I learned to let go and ignored unwanted people or situations in my life. I learned to focus my energy into something productive like my study and work. In addition to that, most importantly, I learned to focus my energy into something beautiful and yummy, none other than my darling superstar, Charles Adam.

I need it to survive every day.

“I love you, my Emily.” That’s the last words I heard from my mother before she dies.

After my mom died, I have to support my studies. So, I’m working my ass every night after my class. I am now in my last semester in college and I will graduate with high honors then finally! I will conquer the world. I am not bragging if I’ll say that I am a scholar. Good grades? Hmmm… that’s too easy for me to achieve. Luckily, I got the genes from my mom.

Got nothing to rely from my great father as he was so busy with his new family. Yeah. My house is not mine now. With additional two strangers living there? One, my father’s mistress who always nagged everyone around and a natural manipulator. Second, her brat daughter who always steal my things without asking my permission with my presence, abandoning my own room because she wanted to stay there, what a natural stubborn! I just don’t care sacrificing or where can I go?

I can’t wait to finish my study and move out from that house. Though thinking about it gives pain in my heart because I grew up there with my mom’s memories, how could I just let it go? But I just need to or I might end up blowing them all.

After my class, I went out first to get ready for work.

“Hey E! Going out for work?” Brian Brown asked me while we crossed each other in the hallway. He’s my hot best friend by the way. You can say he’s a campus crush. Admittedly, he is handsome as hell as everyone wanted to be his girlfriend excluding me. Lol! Why? Obviously, I had already my darling superstar, Charles Adam, in my heart.

“Yeah.” I actually treated him as my brother. Tell you what, all girls in the campus want to be friend with me just to get close of him. You want to invite him in your party? Tell you a secret, invite me first then you can assure that he will be present in the venue. That’s how close we are. I have known Brian since I was 8 years old. When my family transferred in this city, we been neighbors. We normally hanged out in each other’s room freely. Well, that was before, but I already forbid him to come to my house as I have two uninvited guests who acted like they own my house.

Hmmm.. I will let them act for now but I swear in my mom’s name that I will not allow them to stay there forever. That’s my mom and my house only. As for my dad? Well, that’s another side of the story. He chose not to be responsible of me. My father changed a lot. He just wants to comply his new family’s happiness like I am nobody in the house. Ouchh!

“Hey! What’s wrong?” Brian clung his right arm in my shoulder as we talk on our way out the building.

“Same old. Same old.” That’s my expression every time he asked me that question. How would I suppose to answer? Is there new in me? I always have the same routine every day. House with uninvited guests – School with fake girlfriends -Work with unknown people – Irritating house again. Oh... How I love my life!

With Brian with me, girls around start approaching at us and saying ‘Hi’ left and right like we were cool friends. Funny!

“B, how do you find these girls?” I secretly asked the man beside me while putting a stiffed smile at the girls.

“Same old. Same old.” Brian replied lazily while rolling his eyes. We call each other by our first letter of our names and undeniably, best friends think alike.

“Hey B, how can you forget your first love if you’re so aloof with other girls?” Yeah. Brian had a first love. Actually, he just told me this before in my debut party. He never did share this to me until that 18th birthday of mine. Forgiven. That’s the only secret he had and aside from that, I know everything about him and he knows everything about me.

“Did I say that I want to forget her?” Brian’s head got close to my ear as he was whispering something and smiled crazily. His white teeth were exposed to everyone that all eyes were landed at us.

Me and Brian. Brian smiling at me and clinging his arm on my shoulder. Okay, I got it! They wish they can take my place. Sorry but my best friend is my best friend. He’s the only one I got.

Oh! I forgot. Let me change my statement. I was mistaken of one word ‘only’. I still have my darling superstar, Charles Adam.

“Okay.” I raised my two hands to surrender my case. “But I have to rush now. I’m gonna be late.” I was too pre occupied of thoughts and with the attention I got from others with Brian that I forgot the time.

I need to quickly get to work soon or my boss will start firing words from her mouth non- stop like a machinegun.

“Let me drive you E.” I was running already but Brian chased me.

“Okay. This time, I really need a drive or I will lose my job.” I replied but we continued running to the parking area in the campus.

We all like panting and chasing our breath inside Brian’s car.

Brian drove off in a high speed until we reached where I work.

‘The Luxury Bar’

This is 30 minutes drive from our school but Brian just got it in 10 minutes. Cool! Fast and Furious B! That’s my best friend.

I started working in this bar a year ago. Between haggling with my classes, this the only place I can afford to work. I know what you’re thinking, but seriously? survival first before anything else. I only have free time at night after my classes. This bar compensates me enough to sustain my essentials. Now, are you still have doubts? Lol.

This bar is not just an ordinary bar. Only members of this bar can enter here with an annual payment of 50 million. Our guests have their own VIP rooms for security reason. They come here for drinks and meetings either business or personal we don’t care. We are trained not to mind our guest’s business. As a server, I just stand in the corner in my assigned VIP room and serve the guests. I take the guest orders and with my earpiece I can transmit the orders. Someone will come to bring the liquors and food then I will be the one to receive and served it on the table delicately. That’s what I was paid for.

Well, you can’t avoid guests with rude behavior specially when they were drunk and expect also indecent proposals from those old rich people but you just have to be smart to survive in this kind of work.

“Let’s have a date.” In the middle of the night after my work shift was over. I received a text from a mysterious number.


How could there such a person who always find time to disturb others?

I was really in a bad mood. My father just called me to get out from our house as his new wife didn’t want me to live with them anymore.

Oh! How would I suppose to feel? That is my family’s house. My mother just died a year ago and now my father wanted to get rid of me that fast.

“Go to hell and fuck the devil!” I’m really sorry for this scammer but I don’t have anyone to release my anger.

My phone suddenly rang.

The Scammer! Wow! He wasn’t satisfied and wanted more of my anger. Okay! Let’s see. I’m really into it right now.

“You…” My blood is crazily boiling and I am about to greet the caller with my wrath but I was cut.

“I don’t want to fuck the devil, I want to fuck you.” A charming voice of a man came from the other line echoed in my ear.

What? Goosebumps! Lots of goosebumps all over my skin.

“Sorry but I don’t fuck a scammer. Scammers like you are impotent and very lousy in bed. I am not interested. Get lost!” So, I hanged up. Don’t worry, I’m just giving him his own doze of medicine.

I couldn’t imagine the face of that scammer right now. Yeah! I won. I feel more better now. Well thanks to that scammer my vex was released a little.

Just when a Lamborghini stopped in front of me.

Wow! Cool! Never saw this kind of luxurious sports car up close.

The car window rolled down and my panty went down too. Lol. Don’t ask me why!

Oh my! It’s my love. My fantasy. My Prince Charming. My Husband to be. My one and only darling Superstar, Charles Adam!

“Get in!” He said.

Is he really talking to me? Of course, I looked at my back to check, there’s no one but me. Next, I pinched my arm if I am really awake. Then, feel my forehead for my temperature, Yes! I’m hot and alive.

All checked, I’m not dreaming. Charles Adam, the most handsome and sexy superstar is in front of me and asking to get inside his car. My heart goes ohlalala. Lol.

This is fate.

This is my once in a lifetime opportunity.

I quickly ran forward to him. I sat on the passenger seat and fasten my seatbelt.

I looked at him in disbelief with my most admirable smile. I’m sweating uncontrollably though the air inside was so cold.

“Hi. I’m Emily.” I said in my cutest possible look.

His sharp gaze landed at me with a devilishly handsome face.

“Hi.” With his effortless handsome demeanor, he replied and paused.

“I’m the scammer.” He smiled at me wickedly and drove the car furiously.