
Let’s Read The Word

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MY boyfriend is a DEMON

MY boyfriend is a DEMON

Author:Ruthie. Cee



Saphira is shocked when she learns the truth about who she truly is. How is a high school student suppose to fight a demon who has been existing for years? How will she conquer a demon who has taken the face of a human and deceived her into falling for him?

It was a sunny day in the land of the fallen Angels, when a thick wind suddenly began to blow. The wind came with a dark cloud and soon the sun was replaced with a black moon.

Fear was clearly written in the faces of the citizen as everyone ran into their abode, wondering what could have caused such a strange occurrence.

It was at this moment the sacred golden bell in the kingdom of the fallen angels began to ring.

"This is a sign that calamity is about to befall the earth" A seer muttered.

"All elders should assembly in the palace now" Lord Andrew commanded.

Minutes later,they are all seated with fear and anxiety clearly written on their faces.

"You all know the reasons why I called you hear, the prophecy that has been revealed to us years ago is about to be fulfilled..we have to be prepared and braced up for what's about to come" Lord Andrew finally broke the silence. " We have to send a message to the parents of the chosen one. The time has come to fulfill her destiny"

"But my lord..Should we trust Saphira with this duty? I mean she's still young and naive" one of the elders said..

"Mind your words..she is the chosen one" Another elder scolded..

"Excuse me! I'm just expressing my view" The first elder fired..

"Enough of this arguments! Whether she's capable or not,is none of our business.All that matters is that she has been chosen to save humanity and doubting her is like committing a great sin..So we have to trust her, hope I am understood? " Lord Andrew hoarsed.

"Yes my Lord" chorused the elders.

" Miriana! send a word to jun pyo and Sofia..i would like to speak with them" Lord commanded..

Miriana is one of the faithful cabinets of Lord Andrew..She is just like a daughter to him..

"Yes my lord" she said with a slight bow,before walking out.

Saphira's POV

"Saphira! Mirabel! Kizito! come down quickly,it's time for breakfast" Mum called out.

"Okay mum, I'm coming" I half yelled..

I quickly took my bath, wore a casual dress and rushed downstairs..

It's weekend,so I won't be going to college today. But my friends are organizing a house party this evening and i have been invited,I just hope mum agrees.

My parents has never allowed me to go to anywhere apart from school..

I would have sneak out if not for the silly body guard they have sent to watch over me.. I even tried doing that but cilia my annoying bodyguard managed to catch me.

Aish! My life really sucks..

"Good morning " I greeted as I took my seat..

"Morning baby..Hope you slept well?" Mum asked..

"Yes mum" I giggled. "So what's up for breakfast"

"I made your favorite food" mum happily said..

"Really! You're so sweet mum" I giggled and gave her a peck..

"Here we go again,Saphira this! Saphira that! Can you guys just stop all this drama?" kisito suddenly hoarsed.

"Looks like someone is jealous" I teased..

"Jealous? I'm not jealous" he scoffed..

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay guys,enough of the argument. Let's eat" dad interrupted..

We all kept quiet and digged into food,enjoying every bit of it.

"Mum I will be going over to my friends house party tonight" kizito suddenly said.

"Aww my baby boy is all grown up now. Just be careful" mum said,pulling his cheeks playfully.

"Same here mum, I would also like to go to my friend's party.They invited me over" I interrupted,hoping she agrees..

"No! You're not going" Mum abruptly replied.

"But mum,you gave kizito permission to go to his friend's party. Why can't I also go?"

"I said No! How many times do I have to tell you that for some reasons,your movements will be restricted" Mum

"Which reasons mum? I'm no longer a child for crying out loud" I cried.

"I know baby but out there is too dangerous for you" mum leaned forward to cover my hand with hers. "I'm your mother and whatever I do is for your good"

"You keep on telling me this same flimsy excuse,I can take care of myself you know" I yanked off her hand.

"Why are you so stubborn? Alex please explain to her that what I'm doing is for her own good"

"Your mum is right honey,we're your parents and whatever we do is for your best interest" Dad said.

"I know you will support her. Since i was a child,you guys kept on controlling me like I was a robot" I cried. "Saphira stay here! Saphira do this! Saphira don't do this! I am feeling suffocated, I am sick and tired of being controlled" I yelled and ran to my room..

"Come back here! Saphira!!! " Mum called but I ignored her..

I got to my room and fell on my bed,crying my eyes out..

Why is my parents making my life miserable?

Why can't they just let me live my life the way I want..

And what could the strange reasons be?

I really want to attend this party even my crush will be there. No! I will have to look for a way to sneak out..

Just then my hand fell on something, I looked down and was shocked to see that my bed was filled with pearls.

Omg! My tears are turning to pearls.

"Mum!!" I screamed,shocked.