“Hey there, fuckers! Welcome to my humble abode.” Kyra said as she opened the door to Zeke’s home as if it were her own. Zeke lives with his mom but she’s always at work so he practically lives alone. That’s why we always meet up at his place or use it just to hang out.
Jessi and Ziah got out of my car and ran towards her. I picked them up on my way here. They reminded me of those little chicks running towards their mother hen.
Girls, I thought as I shook my head. They’re always so overly dramatic. They’re acting as if they haven’t seen each other in years instead of months or as if someone went away to a far away place when in fact we’re all living in the same town. I guess we just don't see each other that much, that's why.
“I missed you!” Kyra says hugging them while I only got a wave from her, which I awkwardly returned. She could barely hold the two in her arms.
“Is everyone already here?” Zeke says, coming out from the kitchen. He looked like he’s been spending too much time in the kitchen though. But I guess he's heard enough from Kyra about it so there's no use saying it again.
“How about Salie?” I asked. Salie was Zeke’s on and off girlfriend. I’m just not sure if they’re on right now or what. Plus Zeke's quite sensitive with the issue.
“We’re dropping by her house on our way.” Zeke explained. Looks like all is well, after all.
Zeke took out the food he prepared and we helped him load all the stuff in his car. Zeke always gets assigned to the food since he’s the one who likes to cook. And eat. Summer is almost coming to an end and we finally found time between ourselves to meet up and go to the beach. Somehow, everyone just seemed so busy. Life passes by in a second sometimes we have to stop and stand still to take it all in. A few minutes later, we set off on our hour long journey.
“Where’s Kyra?” I asked when Jessi was finally seated on the passenger seat.
“She’s gonna ride with Zeke for now, so he won’t get bored.” Jessi said, putting on her seat belt. “She’ll probably transfer with us once we pick up Salie.”
“Well, who would want to get in the way of the couples?” Ziah said in the backseat as we drove off.
“Look who’s talking.” I said, teasingly. Ziah is Kenji’s girlfriend but he’s in Japan right now. She’s easy to get along with so she got close to the group in no time even when Kenji went away.
We soon got out of the city and were greeted by mountains and the view of the sea. Imagine living here and seeing this scenery every day. I would have stopped to admire the view if only it wasn’t too hot outside.
“Ugh, it’s so hot. Zeke’s AC isn’t working.” Kyra complained as she sat at the backseat of my car. She was wearing a black sleeveless dress and I can see the sweat glistening on her arms.
A few more minutes of driving and we finally reached the resort. We parked our cars and unloaded our things. The beach was located quite below the cliff so we had to trek to reach our cottages. Zeke and I carried the coolers and the heavy stuff while the girls carried the backpacks and the tents.
Salie guided us and the rest of the girls followed her while Zeke and I followed closely behind. Most of us were wearing slippers that’s why we had to be careful if we didn’t want to be rolling on the ground.
“Kyra, are you sure you’re okay with those slippers?” Salie asked as Kyra took the lead from her. Kyra’s small, but she’s surprisingly agile.
“Yep, no problem.” Kyra answered as she continued maneuvering through the rough path with her flip flop wedges. It does look dangerous but she seems to be having an easier time compared to the other girls. She’s always been too tough even the guys were scared of her.
“Well, I’m the one getting nervous for you.” Salie says, considering she doesn’t even hold on to the hand rails why the rest of us were hanging on to it for our dear lives.
“Don’t worry, if I fall, Jessi is going down with me.” She jokes at Jessi who was slowly traversing the path in front of her.
“What?” Jessi asks distractedly upon hearing her name. It reminds me of the wolf formation where they put the weak ones in front to set the pace of the group. If you put the stronger ones in front, there’s a chance that the others will get left behind.
But apparently I also have a weak wolf in front of me. I thought as I noticed Ziah wheezing and having shortness of breath, a tell tale sign of an asthma attack.
“Are you okay?” I asked. It was obvious she was having difficulty in breathing, even when she’s trying so hard to hide it.
“Yes,” she started and took a deep breath. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
It was clear she didn’t want anyone worrying about her. She'll be fine with a little rest.
“Guys, let’s take a short break.” I say. We’d be in bigger trouble if Ziah collapses here. We’re almost halfway anyway.
Everyone dropped their things and started stretching and chattering. I found Ziah a large rock to sit on as she silently mumbled a thanks and drank some water. It was scorching hot and there was barely any breeze. At the corner of my eye, I barely saw Kyra gazing upon a drooping yellow flower and reach out to take a single bloom.