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UN POCO LOCO A Little Bit Crazy

UN POCO LOCO A Little Bit Crazy

Author:Author Courtney Zoe



UN POCO LOCO A LITTLE BIT CRAZY This is a story of a young teenage girl. Her name is Camilla. A young Spanish girl of sixteen. Her dad is a well known aristrote and business philanthropist. She leaves a life of a princess and gets whatever she wants and that makes her rude and bratty. She is a good singer and sprinter and has always dreamed of becoming a pop star someday. Her dad decides to send her to Korea to study in the Xin_Ren arts and music highschool to help pursue her dream although he badly wanted her to be an business woman but he was not worried since he hard two sons to take care of his business. Camilla Gonzalez is the last kid of the house and her family find it hard to let her attain a school far from home but she was persistent. On reaching the new school she met many other rich and spoilt kids. Most importantly the KRANES. the KRANES is a student music group consisting of six handsome guys namely Kai- the leader. Romeo. Anthony. Nick. Ethan. And lastly Spencer. She is marveled by the boys group and is determine to be at the top just like them but what happens when Kim Nana the queen bee of the school is bend on ruining her for suddenly stealing her elegance and popularity. It a thrilling romance you won't wanna miss.

Camilla Gonzalez walk down the large hallway of Crystal high school.

She had her hands tucked in her hoodie bug. The other hand of her hoodie sleeve was folded up revealing her many arm tattoos.

Students gawped at her straight face as the all tried to stay clear of the hallway so she could pass.

She is the daughter of a rich business man and the owner of the school crystal high

in which she is currently schooling


She has two elder brothers who manage her fathers businesses so she lived the life of a princess since she is the only daughter of the house and this makes her bratty.

Being the queen bee of the school and must tough hearted girl in that school has earned her so much respect not just because she's the school owners daughter but because all the students are afraid of her.

She is really intimidating and picky thus she has no friends. Just one who happens to be a boy

a bratty one just like her


No girl in the school has the courage to approach her and make friends with her because they are afraid of getting kicked out of the school or better still embarassed.

One would be surprised how a girl of sixteen has such a rotten habit and controlled such charisma but that just how it goes.

Although she's mean. Kinky, intolerant, and a complete tomboy but must people like her that way and wish they could be friends with a girl as her.

Not to talk she's really pretty and smart.

She loves singing

rapping to be precise

and she is a good sprinter.

She has always dreamed of becoming a rap star one day but her dad won't let her.

He prefare her being a business woman so she could help manage his business when he retires but Camilla has a mind of her own.

Soo after much persuasions, her dad finally agrees to send her to the most prestigious school of Arts in the whole world.


It is a well known school which is located in souel in south Korea.

It consist of the high school and college.

Well Camilla is joining the highschool on a transfer.

The school is an elite school and only rich kids like her are allowed to school there.

Let's peep more into Camilla's family standards shall we??

Her family. The Sanchez Gonzalez family is well known in the world of business.

It is always referred to as the tiger family as it is the first richest family in Europe and is ranked amongst the top ten elite families in the whole world.

Its most famous business enterprise is the SKS shoe brand which is the biggest shoe producing company of all times.

It also owns the Tigers restaurant which has branches in three different continents and is considered the best restaurants for nutritious and traditional foods.

And lastly it is involved in construction businesses in over fifteen countries of the world.

Her eldest brother Rogers Gonzalez is a top noche architect who manages all the construction business while her second brother is still in college.

Her mother manages all the restaurants as she is always busy on trips and so on.

Her dad manages the SKS and plans on retiring as soon as her second elder brother Ryan graduates from college.

Seeing that his only daughter does not plan on becoming a business woman whether he forces her. He recoils and allows her to go on and study in Korea.

Now enough of the intro let's get back to our story shall we?


Finally Camilla got to the end of the hallway and took the left turn going to the Dean of studies office block.

She reaches there and the secretary had to ask some other people who are there to see the Dean to wait so he could attain to her first.

After she had collected her transfer and recommendation letter from the Dean she proceeded to look for her jerky friend Jason.

She walked over to the only place she could find Jason - the basketball pitch.

As usual he was there sucking the life out of the lips of a young girl who she does not even know.

She rolled her eyes and sat on a bench looking at them as her presence was still unnoticed.

" are you guys serious right now. Cant you just get a room?"

She does making them jerk off from the kiss.

" hey! Wat supp bestie! When did get here"

Jason asked.

Camilla scoffed.

"I thought you were with Tasha yesterday?"

She asked.

"Well I found a new sweetheart. Meet Olga my new sweet pea"

Jason feigned and kissed the girl on her cheeks.

The girl blushed heavily and greeted Camilla shyly.

"Hi Camilla am a big fan. I'd like to be friends with you since your best friend is my boyfriend".

Camilla scoffed.

What nerves!! Does this girl even know who she is. Hmmm she looks like a fresher - Camilla thought.

The poor girl probably does not know Jason Smith yet.

"Your as ugly as your name. I don't have time for all this right now I need my friend to accompany me home"

She said dragging Jason out by his shirt leaving the girl to sulk behind.

They both bursted out laughing as soon as they were out of the court.

"Where'd you find that Jezebel"

Camilla asked as she tried stopping herself from laughing.

"Ahh I had a long night with her at the club last night after I dumped Tasha."

He replied.

"Your such a badass"

She said slapping him hard on the arm.

"Ouch stop that"

He yelled.

They soon approached the packing lot where two power bikes; a red and a black one where packed on a special lot.

"Don't go hurting young girls when am gone. Find yourself a girlfriend and stop hurting young girls"

She said.

"Says a girl who had never had her first kiss"

He teased.

She gasped and smack his head again

"Shut up you twerp"

She yelled.

"Did you get a new tattoo.... Woah let me see. Its the latest design"

He gasped

" you witch!! How the heck did you do that. Did you charm the frat leader to design that for you or something"

He yelled.

"Its my secret"

She shouted climbing her black racer bike.

"Hey where are you off to without me!!"

He yelled also running towards his red bike.

"Race ya!!!"

She yelled and took off on a high speed leaving him rustling behind her