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Revenge On The Billionaire

Revenge On The Billionaire

Author:Noah Clementine



“Jake! You forced yourself on me! Used me as your punching bag for years! You enjoyed it, didn’t you! Now I want a divorce!” Fairy tales exist only in books and movies. Ashley’s story took a dark turn before her engagement to billionaire Jake Grayson. She was attacked, mutilated, left for dead. “Ashley? That ghoul! She’ll scare away children!” “God knows how the ugly hag seduced Jake!” She was framed for murder, married to the man who sought revenge on her. “You killed my sister, you pig! Now I will make you pay!” Ashley thought things couldn't get any worse. Little did she know, the suffering had just begun.

Ashley Palmer barged into the forty-fifth floor of the Grayson Enterprises building. Jake's office was naturally the best in the entire company—a lavish corner office at the executive corridor's end. After all, he was the company's Chairman.

His private secretary, Tammy, waited outside his chamber like a sentinel. She was a tall redhead who intentionally wore clothes one size smaller so that little of her curvy shape was left to the imagination. Ashley knew Tammy was one of Jake's mistresses, of which he had many.

"Mrs. Grayson, this is a pleasant surprise," the secretary greeted her with a plastic smile. "Mr. Grayson is just about to wrap up an important meeting. Meanwhile, you can wait in the VIP lounge."

Tammy pointed curtly toward a luxurious waiting room adjoining the Chairman's office. Ashley narrowed her eyes. Pleasant surprise? Give me a break, bitch!

Ashley was Jake Grayson's unfortunate wife and endured his lies and infidelity. She was a beautiful, classy twenty-four-year-old. Yet, Jake had numerous affairs, and he made no attempts to hide them. In fact, he returned home drunk every night to humiliate her and narrate his sexcapades.

Usually, Ashley would be pleasant towards Tammy and listen to her suggestions, but today was different.

"Get out of my way, slut!" she snapped at the secretary and brushed past her rudely. Tammy's jaw dropped open, and she staggered back to the wall.

What was up with the Chairman's wife today? Why wasn't she timid and tamed as usual?

The corner office had a classy ambiance with mineral-plated desks and stylish swivel chairs. It boasted a luxurious lounge space with a liquor bar, a series of designer desk lamps, and elegant bookcases.

As Ashley barged in, she ran into a pretty blonde in disheveled clothes. The poor girl scurried out like a mouse, wiping her face with tissues.

Jake's chair was facing away, towards the panoramic view of the city. He relaxed on it, untroubled by his wife's rude intrusion.

"Jake!" Ashley thundered. "Are you so shameless you're getting a blowjob from an intern in broad daylight?'"

Jake Grayson swiveled around on his chair and left his seat. He was a handsome man in his early thirties. His wavy jet-black hair was swept back with pomade. After quickly fixing his roughed-up clothes, he walked over to the liquor bar and fixed himself a neat scotch.

"What are you doing here, Ashley?" Jake posed, gradually strolling towards her.

"Don't you know already?" she demanded, slamming a file on his table. "You sent me divorce papers! This is madness?! First, you tricked me into marrying you and stole my company! Then I was made to work as a maid in your home! Now you want to get rid of me?!"

Jake stopped a few feet away, taken aback by her sudden outburst. Ashley was usually submissive and never voiced her anger before this. Was there something different about her today?


The Graysons and the Palmers were Norwich's top two wealthiest families, each with revenues of over ten billion dollars per year.

Ashley's mother passed away when she was young. Her father, Arthur, died in a car accident a few months back. His body was never found as his vehicle went off a cliff.

Arthur left fifty-one percent of Palmer Industries to Ashley and forty-nine percent to his stepdaughter, Scarlet. Arthur wanted his eldest trueborn child to be the Chairperson.

At that point, the young billionaire, Jake Grayson, swooped in with his rakish good looks and charm. He swept Ashley off her feet, weaving webs of romantic and amorous love. They were married within a month of dating, after which Jake's tune changed. He convinced his wife to give over all her shares in Palmer Industries through careful manipulation.

"I will handle all your work, Ash…" he told her endearingly. "You can go on holidays and pursue your hobbies while I manage the business."

Ashley, love-struck by her husband's devotion, did as asked. She did not know all of it had been a sham. Jake had been planning a takeover with Scarlet Palmer. The step-sister had always been jealous and had reined in the billionaire husband to steal the company.

Jake took over Palmer Industries and installed Scarlet as the CEO.

"You are an idiot, Ashley!" Scarlet told her. "Dad should have never made you Chairman. I deserved that position, and now it's mine!"

Ashley was heartbroken but was committed to her marriage. If Jake wanted Scarlet to lead her company, so be it. However, her husband got abusive as soon as he stole her shares.

Jake revealed his true self, cheating on her with every woman he could lay his hands on. He abused and humiliated her, taking away all luxuries and making her live in a maid's room in the mansion.


At the present moment, Jake's eyes flickered and focused on Ashley with piercing intensity. What made his wife so brave suddenly? He expected her to sign the divorce papers like the submissive bitch she was. An outburst from her was unexpected.

"Just sign the papers," he said in a frosty voice. "Or you'll regret it."

Ashley bit her lip nervously. Jake had already taken away all her bank balance and possessions. She lived like a slave in the Grayson mansion. He could make her disappear if he wanted, and nobody would bat an eyelid.

Ashley wanted to sign the divorce papers, but not for Jake. She wanted to be rid of the bitterness and mental torture. She had had enough!