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The Billionaire Maid

The Billionaire Maid

Author:Hemily Stephanie



Behind the self-made billionaire that Roman Hendricks was, what the world never got to witness was the man who, five ago years, got abandoned by the love of his life after they had their first children. The nonexistent list of what Roman had learned to give a damn about got narrowed down to just his kids and work affairs. Asides these, nothing else mattered. Until she came along. Desperate not to get kicked out of college, Rose Turner began to search for a job to cover her bills and pay her debts. With the support of her sweet as hell boyfriend, she finally lands a babysitting job for the children of intimidating and drop-dead gorgeous business tycoon, Roman Hendricks. However, Rose knows she’s ruined when everything about this demanding man invites her in more than it should. With passion comes feelings, a burning desire and one angry boyfriend.

It's nonetheless refreshing daylight in the early afternoon right center of California, Rose could be viewed inside the yellow painted cab which drove at quite an intense speed to her destination.

"Driver. Can you take it slow, please?" Her tiny sweet mellifluous voice requested over to the driver who simply nods in response.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Rose heaved out a long breath she had no fucking idea she was holding; although it was obvious and noticeable that she was still extremely nervous about the job she's striping for right now.

On the contrary, She barely had no other choice than to take down the sole path which could fetch her some reasonable amount of money she wanted for her needs. Her bills.

Shifting her eyes from the driver's perch to the cab window, she could glimpse the miscellaneous cars; ascending and descending on the highway to their fates.

The daily lives of humans sometimes are quite unforeseen but yet, anticipated.

Getting to a bustling traffic hold up, Rose snapped her eyes to the driver who groaned grudgingly with his fists slamming harshly on the car steering.

"What's going on? it's just traffic. Sir," she found herself saying to him, but it sounded more she's alleviating the quite aged man.

"I know, but I dislike traffic. But actually, I had only vented out my emotion because I have someplace particularly crucial to get on to that's why I'm seething angrily," the driver answered calmly, he swerved his head rear to lend her a quick glimpse on the pretty lady behind him.

He was captivated, mesmerized by the extreme beau the woman possessed in her stance.

"Oh," simply mouthed Rose, she gawked back to the cab window and saw a few of the people stepping out from their various cars to have a quick gaze ahead of them.

A few of them have to maintain these annoying and disappointing mugs on their countenances, it comes across everyone is sure has radical significant things to put up with one way or the other similarly like her.

She has something important to take care of too, for instance; going to the Hendricks mansion in search of a job of which she had no idea if she would be employed.

It's not like she wanted this but it was for the best, she's got some college fees to compensate and some practical bills to take care of.

Her boyfriend, Daniel. Had earlier offered several job opportunities to assist her one way other. However, she dropped off the kind gesture of the young decent man.

Specifically, she doesn't want to be a burden on someone. She solely wishes to be independent on her own just like she has always existed since she was a Lil gal.

And presently one of the intense challenges she's gonna encounter in her life is here, hovering all over her like a gum; it's only left if she would successfully pass the bridge when she eventually gets there or not.

"I'm just a few minutes away oh lord, I hope this works," the inaudible words getaways from her lips underneath her gust as she recalls how it all turned on...

A babysitting job had miraculously appeared on the internet yesternight while she scrolled desperately on her Instagram account, the assertion occurred to be posted three days ago which was slightly depressing as she had thought that the babysitting job might be taken already.

Somehow, there's a probability the young billionaire would have obtained a babysitter for his kids. Nevertheless, something striking eagerly in her mind tells her to try it out.

It was excessively persistent and here she is, adopting the route that her heart compels her to follow. She was...

"Ma'am, we have arrived!"

The broad voice drifted her snappily out of her impressions as she bucked up her head to the carrier of the tone.

"Uh? Okay!" Rose mumbled absentmindedly as she strives to gain her mentality back, her head was a Lil bit in severe disorder.

Gradually, she unlocked the door of the cab, alighting womanly out of the orifice, and jammed the door gently back to its base.

"How much is your money?" she asked, keeping ajar her black purse in an exploration of course a few dollars.

"40$ ma'am!" Came the driver's reply.

"Huh? I thought its 25$," Rose cried out, she paused for a minute to deliver a dramatic brow to the driver.

"Yeah, it is. But you see ma'am, I pursued a quicker path," the driver indicated nervously.

"I don't get your utterances, sir," Rose let out with a confusing shrug, and the driver heavily breathed out.

The young lady he hauled in his cab hadn't taken a glint of notice about his huge deed back at the traffic highway previously.

"I hadn't taken the usual path, ma'am. I put up with a shortcut leading through the boulevard that was announced to be evaded for a while. I wouldn't want to say the name cause it sounds kind of creepy and eerie to the ears," the driver revealed to Rose's instant dismay.

"What?! How could you? That was dangerous and extremely life risky. What if something had happened? Of course, I know the path, I mean... I have heard about it! How come I didn't take notice at all?" She voiced out.

"I'm sorry, but then, you come off to lost thoughts so I didn't want to distract you from your trance," the driver apologized genuinely.

He simply executed it because the traffic was massive and he presumed it wouldn't end anytime momentarily at that time.

"Fuck!" Rose cursed with signs as she promptly rummages inside her purse, plucking out the fourth dollar he called for and handing it to the driver calmly.

"Thank you!" The driver thanked her, he made an immediate attempt to convey to her the remnant of her change. However, she shook her head in objection.

"No worries, keep it for the troubles. I don't have much but just manage this little," she said to the bewilderment of the driver.

He hurriedly thanked her wholeheartedly and blessed her before he drove off to his destination. Hmph!

Rose energetically latched her purse to its root, straighten herself up, and raised aloft grey orbs to the magnificent mansion in front of her.

"Wow!" she helplessly mugged.

Her legs gradually simulated on their own as she was mesmerized by the elegance of the mansion. Even from the outside, it smelter of great affluence until her steps got to the three securities stationed at the gate.

"How do we help you, ma'am?" one of them inquired instantaneously beholding her closer.

He's hefty, possessing delightful well-curved brows and round small lips, his muscles are firmly huge!

"Umm...I wish to see Mr. Roman Hendricks please!" She politely confessed with a small enchanting smile that swept the security men off their feet.

Although her eyes were drifted from the security to the bridle path of the yard. Nonetheless, she could perceive the immense hungering ogles on her.

Adequately, she had donned a red fitted gown which quit right on her knees, the red gown was rigid it made her curves dangerously full-figured. Her long black hair chops down willingly on her shoulder, her lips were designated with watery red gloss which made her lips captivating like a mouth-watering grub. In it all, she embellish her feet with black flat shoes which matched with her black purse.

She appears modest to the openings and a simple touch of enthralling refinement like a tenacious and uncompromising woman.

"Alright, you may go in now. Ma'am!"

Came the hefty security man acknowledgment as the automatic gate made a few clicking sounds, signaling its entrance as it opened its wide entrance for the unforeseen guest or rather; an unflappable lady.

"Thank you, sir!" Ahe nods gratefully at him as she wanders in promptly, putting up with the left bridle path of the mansion.

Rose wasn't in a scramble not to glimpse the splendor of the mansion, the whole place screams of grandeur and enormous fortune!

No doubt, Mr. Roman is exceptionally well-off precisely like the world perceives him to be.

"I hope I get accepted here," she said out, gawking silently until she had no inkling when she leaped to the door exit.

Rose reluctantly thwarted on her track, she felt extraordinarily apprehensive and frightened of being not accepted. God knows this specifically comes across to be her sole hope of earning money to nurture her through college.

"You can do this, don't be nervous," she exhorted herself, dragging in a deep breath into her snout while she clenched the door handle. Twisting it before shoving the exit accessible.

God, this is a pure view of heaven!

Flower-designed frames were hanging on the walls of the living associated with a few ones which had the drawings of two beautiful children; they looked none identical twins.

"Christopher give me back my teddy bear!"

Rose heard a fragile boisterous cry as she veered around swiftly to catch sight of a young boy sprinting towards her direction and along the line...a young girl about his height was fleeing after him.

"Come get me first, then you can snatch it from me," the little boy stated as a matter-of-fact.

He wasn't concentrated on where his legs were delivering him as he incidentally rammed into Rose resulting in the poor boy to knock down instead to the floors with a mild thud.

"Oui! It hurts!" He winced awfully, scrubbing his butt to numb the overwhelming pain.

"Are you alright?" Rose inquired of him with a flicker of concern and worries on her word as she attempted to assist him up.


The young girl cried out as she slapdash to him, winning against Rose as she helped her twin brother up from the floor.

"Sorry, it was my fault," she admitted guilty as she wore a grim pouting expression.

"Silly girl, it's my fault, I shouldn't have seized your teddy bear from you, Christine," he said to his sister with a cute smile as he scoured his palms.

Rose spruced up speechlessly as she watched the beautiful twins converse smartly with each other, they hadn't taken a hint of her yet.

Nevertheless; the little boy possesses the same color as her green eye orbs, he put on a plain black top, short blue jean trousers that got to his knees, and white floppy slippers on his little feet. Rose guess they must be five years of age.

"Mhm! Mhm!" She eventually cleared her throat to attract the attention of both kids, and instantly they both snapped their heads with an unmistakable expression before switching it into a frowning mug.

"Who are you?" Christopher asked intently at the unknown lady in his dad's house.

He pulled his twin sister rear to make her stand behind him as if embarking to protect her from any forthcoming harm.

"Hmm, over-protecting twin brother," Rose uttered mentally as she crouched to her knees approximately to their head level so she could stare closely at the intriguing children.

"I meant no harm children," she said with a wide smile.

"You haven't answered his question yet miss, who are you?" Christine pressed on, her question may sound rude but actually, her tone was a polite one.

"I am Rose," she introduced.

Rose slowly stood to her feet then, Christine ripped away from Christopher's back as she stood likewise beside her twin brother.

"Oh, uh... I am Rowan Christine and this is my twin brother, Rowan Christopher," Christine introduced, stealing a peek through the talking from her hard glaring twin brother.

"Smile, I think she's nice!" Christine leans to him as she whispers.

"How sure are you? I don't trust her," Christopher grumbles in low tone rear to her.

"Just act nice, and gradually you will get to know her well," She whispered back to him.

"You gossip as if you know her before," Christopher frowned up.

Rose was astonished by the children's sayings, they speculated she wasn't listening to their low chitchat. However, she was truly hearing their whispering exchanges. She didn't bother to preoccupy them.

"I may not know her before but her aura screams something different," Christine told.

"Whatever, fine!" Christopher gave up with a low groan, they twiddle each other's thumbs before diverting their awareness to the loitering lady.

"Your welcome ma'am, Uhm, do you wish to see my daddy?" Christine asks with giggles.

"Yes, I am," Rose smiled genuinely with a nod.

"Wait, let me guess, you are here for the job right?" Christopher chipped in eagerly as he loitered for an instant answer.

"Is it obvious?" Rose arched a brow at him.

"It is and it isn't... you know..." Christopher was cut short by a loud banging on the door upstairs.

"ROWAN I'M TAKING MY CHILDREN WITH ME!" The vociferous feminine voice screamed.

"I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN EVA! THOSE ARE MY KIDS!" The loud muscular voice objected, Rose presumed the voice belongs to Rowan.



Rose was perplexed by the uproar, she snatched a glimpse at the youngsters and saw the depressing mood on their countenances.

Oh no! They shouldn't be listening to these grown-up utterances.

"Uh, kids. why don't we go tinker outside? I have lots of barbie stories to tell you, Come on," she beckons with smiles.

"You watch barbies?" Christine asked unbelievably, her face lighting up with smiles.

"Yes! why not? Those cartoons are my favorites, I bet I watched them all more than you do”

"That's a lie, I and my twin sister have watched it all more than you do," Christopher smirks, he folded his arms under his small chest.

"Really? Okay then, why don't we go outside and find somewhere to crouch. Then we can put together a list of the series we have watched, furthermore, we get to know who's the master in watching barbie and other Disney movies, are you in?" She grins, flickering her grey eyes at children in the hope they would say the big "YES!" word.

"Okay!! we would, let's go!" The twins screamed happily, grasping Rose's hand on each side as they transported out of the building.

"That went well...," Rose sniffed, the voices of audible yelling from the interior of the house reverberated extremely rambunctious outside the mansion.

"What could have been the exact problem...," Rose thought uncomfortably.