When you get rejected by people or they treat you different cause you suffer from depression. It happen to me i got diagnosis of hyper thyroidtissm and mental illness i learnt how to control my action by going with people and learning how to have faith in God
God works in miracles he healed my heart and soul i got sexually abused but that is all behind me.it is like you going on a journey in your dreams and it comes a reality. It makes my heart glad to see people be happy.you know you can work it out.
You dont have to.be a Christian to believe i believe in.dreams and learning to eat probably and rest and let god in your life. I am only on a benefit making it work for me i do stuff during the day and help.to looke after my dad but we are close. Why dont you accept people for who they are and in return they will accept you.dont give up carry on like always and you will get ahead in your own way. Have a good one open upto jesus and he will teach you how to live. He touched my heart and opened the door i am only learning but are satisfied. You should respect your race and go with traditional values then you can have things in common. I used to put myself down and i shouldnt have. God loves you for who you are and it is upto you what you want in life. Face your fear don t let it get you down live a little enjoy what you got you don't know what's around the corner god is always testing you. Why don't you pray about things and then let go.dream many dreams and make it a reality. God does care he hasnt forgot you. Also why dont you do the family tree and find out who you are. It probably doesnt make sense me telling you a story but i want to be truthful in this chapter. God does provide your guideline take one step at a time.
Read up on knowledge and put it to practice teach others how to.get ahead.i am quiet and dont talk much. I like writing and put the subject in to words. The power of love and compassion is in you use it to help not to put yourself down or others. Accept praise and be confident change who you are as a person..dont play god but let god do the work. Moses was made to lead people of Israel he also obeyed god by doing the ten commandments with god while he was on the mountain. To save life is to spread the word and educate others. I am slow and have trouble understanding but i get by and sound out the word's. Dont put people down cause they can't read and write. Use their abilities to get them ahead. Read and learn amen