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A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess

Author:Travis Alex



A love story. A boy and a girl. Friends, Enemies, fate, serendipity, and love. Kalsi a simple, hardworking south Indian girl meets Josh a dumb jock. Yes, in a way it is about a jock falling in love with a nerd but this story will take you through their lives right from their first meet to their happily ever after. From their teens to their maturity. A joyride with lots of drama and an Indian setting.

"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along."

How I wish life was as beautiful and flawless as Rumi made it sound. Reading his quotes somehow made me feel special like I was meant for something extraordinary. But truth be told I know better, I know life isn't a collection of love quotes, it is a mix of different genres, and I shouldn't be stuck in one place where my blood pumping machine longs to be.

So snapping out of the trance I walked on. Streamers and flyers flew everywhere and blocked my vision; I heard my name being called out from different corners, which immediately knocked some sense into me." Excelsior" our college fest was a day away and a lot had to be done. Organizing events had always been a part of me; in reality, I loved to boss people around and for once have a little control over the situation in my life. But being a 19 -year- old made it a lot tougher especially when your fellow volunteers decide not to follow your instructions.

I had been yelling around since 7 in the morning and it was almost noon. Why did I have to lead such a shitty dept? The decor was an important aspect of a fest and thus we had to work even harder than any other dept. While I worked my ass off when exams were around the corner, my backstabbing friends had decided to study and leave me in the hands of these dumb cattle who couldn't even put up a poster without been told where precisely. My walkie blinked every other second and with every tick of a second, my head was about to explode. After 6 hours of torture, I finally called for a break and headed towards our canteen with a few shy juniors who made it a point to follow me around. Poor girls were amazing at art but had awful social skills and thus were extremely quiet and reserved.

I ordered a lime juice as it was scorching and trust me Mumbai in summers can bring out the worst in you. I gulped down my juice in a split of a second and proceeded to order for a sandwich all this while my walkie continued to have its lights show. Without placing my order, I headed back to work when my phone vibrated giving me a mini heart attack. I hastily answered the call,


"Where are you, where the hell are you.?!"A female voice shrieked

"Where the fuck do you think I am bitch, you ditched me in this shit hole to manage these dumb fucks alone, I..."

She cut me off and retorted sharply..."Shut up Kals, will you at least listen to what I have to can yell your guts off later..."

"Ohkay, what's up u sound weird," I drawled

"Meet me at the sandwich wala now; I'm waiting, leave now..."She said all too quickly.

"What?! You are here, what's we..."

And she hung up on me. Something was wrong for sure; Lekha wouldn't just call me and hang up. I fastened my pace and was near the sandwich shop in no time. I wiggled my phone out of the super tight jeans I'd worn and dialed lekha's number."I can't see you Lekha, where are u hiding your ass.?!"

"Bitchy much?"

"Just tell me where you at.?!"

"I walked on and I'm at marine now get your ass here now, and make it quick".She said and hung up once more.

"Dafuq," I yelled. I couldn't believe she hung up on me twice I was beyond exhausted and this shark wanted to play hide and seek. Lekha you are so dead I thought wickedly and marched towards marine drive with heavy steps and murder on my mind. I reached marine in a few minutes and stood facing the oh-so-famous bay which stretched itself and met the Arabian Sea somewhere. A cool breeze brushed my face and I couldn't help but smile. I just stood there waiting and my phone rang again destroying the one peaceful moment I had in a long time. Annoyingly I received the call and snapped, "Yes, I'm here"

"Kalsi..."She spoke in a grave tone.

"Just tell me what's wrong, what's happening, is something wrong.?!" I enquired.

"No...No you silly girl, everything is exactly the way it should be," she said and I could picture her smiling when she said that, a mysterious smile

"What are you trying to say Lekha I'm tired of this game now," I grumbled

"Kals, baby let go and live the moment," she mumbled and hung up. I was dumbstruck. The moment she hung up I felt two hands encircling my waist and a familiar smell filled up my senses making me numb. As exaggerated as it sounds I was seriously in a state of shock. He pulled me back and twirled me around. He laughed and that did it that husky sound did its toll and I laughed along, which I know I shouldn't have. Finally, I felt my feet touching the ground and I gained my balance. My face was still away from him, millions of thoughts racing, should I hug him tight and never let go or should I slap him right across his face or even better I should break his nose with a punch like I always imagined and practiced. He grabbed my arm and turned me around...