
Let’s Read The Word

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The Son Of Another

The Son Of Another




She had barely managed to create a pleasant life with her son. Only one visit from her best friend upset her life forever. Isis was a former victim of domestic violence. She no longer believed in love and no longer trusted men. Hunter is a powerful alphas from a Canadian Indian Reserve in a bad relation in never find is true mate and had content with an unhappy relationship to give a luna to is tribe. But one happy night with two of his best friend give him the hope never have beford. but only one thing remained. would it be ready to love and raise the son of another. Will she accept love again in her life.

  I ran to the toilet holding my son in my arms to escape from him. Because I didn’t want to give him our last 50 for his drugs. I lock the door little Jamie cry in my arms I need to protect him at all cost, so I go and hide him in the bathtub kiss him and tell him to hush mommy is coming back to get him after daddy is calmer.

  After that, I open the door delicately to see where he is if he had noticed or I had gone to take refuge. I realize he did see where I was so I exit the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I run as fast as and making sure he did go to the bathroom to fin me. And how I expected it to happen I see him run towards me as I go in the room. I tried to slam the door behind me but he was too strong for me and he enters our room that was once filled with love and laughter but now all you could hear was my screaming as he pushes me. I finally give our last fifty dollars because I could take it anymore. He exits our Appartement for as I know will be the night. I decided that tonight was the last straw for me, my little Jamie is six months and was already traumatized by his father. He could sit, talk, laugh, or what a normal baby of his age will be doing. So I pack two back of close and a third with Jamie milk, favorite bear, nappie, diaper, and bottles. Call the nearest victims of domestic abuse center, pick my baby in the bathroom, and left my engagement ring.

  """"" three years later

  -yes you can come to my place with your friend tonight but tonight we have to be calm Jamie doesn't feel too good. I told my best friend Lyra I finish washing my little boy who and had nausea all due to his new medicine for his anxiety cause by his father when he was little.

  -We will have calm has koalas, pinky swears.

  She said with the sweetest voice she was able.

  -Ok ok when will you be there?

  - In two hours mike and Hunter will have finish work.

  She quickly said.

  -WAIT! Who is Hunter? I never agree with another man in my house.

  I said very stress. I did not like to have a man near me that why I found a job as a thérapist in a woman's center.

  -Hunter is sweet. He's going true a rough patch with his girlfriend. She a real nightmare walking and a bitch. You will like him. He is like Mike there best friend.

  She knows that I trust her boyfriend in his friend's choice.

  He was very kind and love to play with Jamie. I finish my call accepting that they come, they will be a good distraction. I finish drying my son, put him in his flash Mcqueen pajamas, and put him to bed. After reading him a story and kissing him good night. I go wash my dishes, clean his toys, and check myself in my mirror.

  My cellphone ringing too let me known that Lyra texts me.

  "Were here open the door it freezing outside!!"

  I open my door for the trio that comes to visit me. Then my heart starts to beat faster when I see the man that my best's friends bring with them. He was beautiful, he had long Black curly hair to die for, large of shoulder muscular but not in the Greco-Roman status styles more like a hard-working man, tall but not too much for my 5 feet 2 inches, have a naturally tanned skin and the most beautiful blue eyes it's like where white grey. When he smiles at me and introduced himself my heart stops for a good two seconds.

  - hi, I'm Hunter, and you must be Isis. He said with a warm voice that makes me feel at peace and in security. What the hell is going on with me!

  -hi yes I'm Isis nice to meet you. Said, I with a shy and soft voice.

  Ok, girl, you need to pull yourself together now! I think to myself.

  -Will go in the kitchen so I can hear if Jamie needs anything. Has I said that his look becomes unhappy.

  - Who is Jamie, is he our boyfriend?

  He said that with a possessive voice.

  - It's her son little Jamie is 3 years old.

  Said mike like he wanted to calm him down.

  -ooh and we're is his father at work?

  He asks like he was trying to keep his calm.

  -Non, it's been two years that I don't have any news of him and I'm happy with it.

  Said I trying not to just kicking him, out of my place who was him to judge me with the fact that I was a single mother.

  -Why you are not together? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable it's just it's not in my culture to let a child fatherless.

  He looks awkward when he said that.

  More calm I tell him that it's a long story and that Marcus was not a good man after he became a addict.