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Mates with Alpha Maddox

Mates with Alpha Maddox



Maddox Franco is the Alpha of the Howlers pack. He is 22 and still hasn't found his mate. He became ruthless because he thinks that he hasn't found his mate because something happened to her since it is extremely rare for werewolf to find their mates after they turn 18 so he thinks that his might be dead. Jayda Donovan is the daughter of the Beta of the Howlers pack. She lived with her human mom because Her dad found his mate when she was 10 and left her mom and her. She is now 18 and still hasn't found her mate but that all changes when her mom dies. She moves back with her dad and finds out she is mates with Alpha Maddox.

Maddox’s POV

"You know I don't like new people in my pack," I growl at Leonardo, my Beta.

He has been bothering me about letting his daughter join our pack. She lived with a human so she doesn't know how to fight or anything. She isn't going to help us out, just hold us back.

"She is my daughter, Alpha, and the only living relative she has is me. I can't abandon her, not again," he says with sorrow in his voice.

It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes.

Before he found his mate he fooled around with some human, who ended up pregnant. He was in "love." Silly him to think he could love somebody who wasn't his mate. When he did find her, he left his daughter and the human without another word.

"Is your daughter human?" I ask, my voice full of disgust at the thought of those weak beings.

"No, she is a werewolf like us, I kept tabs on her and when she turned 16 and shifted. The only thing is that she has no idea other packs exist," he says.

I growl in annoyance. "This is unbelievable, a wolf who doesn't know about packs"

"Please Alpha, let her join the pack," Beta Leonardo pleads.

"I will meet with her, if I see she has any potential then she will join, I don't want any weak wolf in my pack," I said harshly.

"Thank you Alpha," he bows his head and exits my office.

"Mate! We will find her soon. I can feel it," my wolf says and I scoff. He has been saying that for a while now. At first I believed him, but after 2 months of hearing the same thing I came to the conclusion that he was just delusional.

Even though there is a chance that my mate might be dead, I still can't find it in me to be with another she-wolf. So unlike all of the other hormonal alpha's, I have saved myself for my mate.

Thinking about my mate gets me mad. So to blow off some steam I go do what I do best.

Torture rogues.


Jayda's POV

"I'm so sorry for your loss," another person I have never seen before says.

I give her a polite smile and keep walking.

This has been happening throughout the entire funeral. Strangers who didn't even think about visiting my mom while she was sick come and say how much they cared for her.


Since my dad abandoned us, it had only been my mom and I. After I shifted our relationship fell apart, she knew I was hiding something but I couldn't tell her. She would've feared me.

But at least I wasn't alone. On one of my runs I met my friend Ellie, she is also a wolf. She's helped me control my heightened emotions so I wouldn't shift and kill someone when I got mad or sad.

So if it weren't for her, I would have already killed all the fake people who came to my mother's funeral.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and tense.

"Calm down Jayda, you are glaring at everyone like if you want to bite their heads off," Ellie whispers.

I smirk, "Believe me, I do."

She rolls her eyes.

I start looking around the people that came to the funeral and instantly tense when I see my father.

He looks exactly as he did 8 years ago.

I speed walk towards him and grab his arm, dragging him outside.

When we are finally outside of the cemetery, I glare at him.

"How dare you! How dare you come here after what you did, what you made us go through!" I yell at him, my eyes flashing black.

"Calm down Jayda," he says tensely.

I scoff at him. "You have no right to tell me what to do Leonardo!" I hiss at him.

"You don't want to shift here Jayda, there are too many humans" he says calmly.

I instantly tensed. "Y-you know?" I stutter.

"Of course I know, I am also a werewolf."

I am surprised but don't show it. "Hmm, well what do you want?" I ask him.

"Well, you are going to live with me," he says with a smile.

"The hell I am," I hiss.

"You have no choice in the matter," he says coldly and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well my dear poor excuse of a father, if you haven't made the math, when you left me I was 10. That was 8 years ago, making me 18 and an adult," I say coldly.

"Yes 18, making you a legal adult without a pack, you are choosing to be a rogue and rogues are killed," he says.

"Pack? Rogue?" I ask.

"A pack is group of werewolves, they protect each other and have an Alpha, a Beta and a third in command, with the alpha as the leader. The beta is the second most important person in the pack and the TIC is the third most. A rouge is a wolf without a pack, they are ruthless and if a pack finds one they will kill it," he says and my eyes widen.

"W-what do I do t-to not be a rogue?" I stutter.

He smiles fondly, "Join my pack."

I narrow my eyes at him, "If I join the pack do I have to talk to you?"

He looked hurt before he composed himself.

"As a pack member you are not obliged to talk to me, but as my daughter you are expected to talk to me," he says after a moment.

"Good thing that I will only be pack member to you. You lost the right to call me your daughter 8 years ago when you walked out on my mother and I," I say coldly.

He gulps, "Honey, I can explain-"

"Save it," I cut him off, "I am over it! You should have explained it to me 8 years ago, now your excuses mean nothing. I will join your pack, but do not expect me to forgive you and start calling you daddy because I won't," I say glaring at him.

He nods, "I understand Jayda."

"Is there anything else?" I ask.

"You will have to meet the alpha," my father says.


"The sooner the better, so right now," I nod and follow him to his truck.

He drives for about 20 minutes until we reach the forest, and then he drives through it for about 45 more minutes when he parks in the middle of nowhere.

"We have to shift and run from here since the cars won’t go any farther," he says and I nod.

I go hide behind a tree and strip out of my clothes, which were all black because I was at a funeral before coming here.

After stripping I call out to my wolf.

I feel her taking over an soon feel my bones rearranging and fur covering my body. Unlike the first time I shifted, it didn't hurt, it actually feels good.

My dad-- I mean Leonardo, looks at my wolf in awe.

Not to be cocky or anything but my wolf is very beautiful. She has soft blonde fur and golden eyes.

"Your wolf is beautiful," he says with a smile and goes to touch my fur. I instantly tense and jerk away.

He looks sad at my reaction but goes behind a tree to start stripping.

He shifts and his wolf is very beautiful too. It has brown fur but the tip of his tail and paws has a little bit of black.

I thought my wolf was big but he was way bigger than me and really intimidating if I do say so myself.

He nods for me to follow him and sprints through the forest.

I grab my clothes with my teeth and follow him, surprisingly I can keep up with him.

We finally stop and I look up to see a village, it has lots of houses, stores and even some restaurants. Everything was really pretty but what caught my eye was the really big house in the middle.

I shift back and quickly get dressed.

"I am pretty sure that you will not want to live with Karen and I, so I will arrange for you to have your own house in the pack village.

I nod stiffly at him.

We keep walking and as we enter the village I feel everyone's eyes on me and my muscles tense.

"Calm down sweetie," he says with a smile.

I huff and walk faster.

We enter the really big house and dad turns to look at me.

"Wait in the living room while I go talk to Alpha," he says and then leaves.

I sigh and sit down in the comfy couch.

Maddox’s POV

I sigh while getting out of the shower, those filthy rogues ruined my clothes with their blood.

"We will find her soon! I can feel it!" My wolf says again.

I growl in frustration and push him to the back of my mind. I already have a headache because of him.

I get dressed and go to my office to start working to get my mind off things.

I hear a knock on the door and my Beta walks in.

"Alpha, my daughter is here," he says politely.

"Bring her in, I want to talk to her. Alone," I say and he nods walking away.

Soon the most beautiful girl I have ever seen walks in, she has dirty blonde hair, pale skin, and light freckles on her cheeks.

She doesn't look me in the eye though, I sigh and look down at my work. I feel my wolf trying to tell me something but I ignore him.

"I just want to say that I am only allowing you to join my pack because you are Beta Leonardo's daughter, so stay out of my way! You are dismissed," I say raising my voice, my anger seeping through, I wasn't mad at her just at my wolf who kept trying to break down the barrier I had put up.

I hear a whimper and finally look up, her eyes are wide and red with unshed tears.

It all happens at once, I meet her baby blue eyes and my wolf finally breaks down the barrier, what he says has me frozen.

"Mate! Go get mate!"

At that same moment she runs out the room.

I stare at the spot where she was just a few seconds ago in shock.

I have a mate! My mate is alive!

Then reality sets in. I told my her to stay away. She must think I will reject her! She ran!

I quickly stand up and run after her. I smell her delicious scent and see that she ran out of the village. I shift in midair into my black wolf and sprint towards my mate's scent.

Jayda's POV

Before the meeting

"The alpha will see you now," my dad says.

He walks me to a door and I walk in.

The most breathtaking guy is sitting behind a big mahogany desk.

He looks up at me for a second then looks back at his work. I hear my wolf say something over and over again. and when I finally understand what she is saying my mouth turns into a face splitting smile.

"MATE, we found mate!" My wolf says.

My smile soon falls when I hear what he says.

"I just want to say that I am only allowing you to join my pack because you are Beta Leonardo's daughter, so stay out of my way! you are dismissed" he says

I can't believe this, ever since Ellie explained to me what mates were, I couldn't wait to find mine. But he doesn't want me. I am not good enough.

I feel tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. A whimper escapes my lips and he finally looks up.

He stares at me, his mouth slightly open.

I can't take the pain anymore so I bolt out the room and leave the house. I quickly shift into my wolf, not caring that my clothes will shred.

I sprint though the woods wanting to get away from the heart wrenching pain I am feeling but the farther I get the more it hurts.

I let out a pain filled howl and stumble to the floor.

I don't even try to stand I just lay down, whimpering.

I then hear a twig snap and I look up, I hoped that my mate had come after me, to say that he really wanted me but I knew they were absurd thoughts. My thoughts were confirmed when a dark brown wolf started walking towards me. This wolf did not look friendly, it looked feral and deadly.

I just stared at it, Ellie said that your mate was the most important thing for a wolf and mine didn't want me, so I really didn't care if I lived or not.

The brown wolf growled at me but I didn't even flinch.

He snapped his jaw at me but I stayed emotionless.

He then started attacking me, his teeth sinking into my flesh. When the pain got too much, I shifted against my own will.

The physical and emotional pain was just too much.

When I shifted, the brown wolf stopped attacking me.

He looked at me over and his eyes turned black with lust.

He shifted into human form and was standing in front of me in all his naked glory.

He was actually good looking, I think all werewolves are good looking really.

He had brown hair and I couldn't see his real eye color since his eyes were pitch black, but he stared at me hungrily.

"Aren't I lucky? I found such a yummy looking female all for myself," he says with a sardonic smile.

I feel disgusted at his words. Even though my mate didn't want me, I couldn't imagine myself with anybody else.

At lightning speed he had me pinned between a tree and his body.

He runs his nose up and down my neck.

"I may even mark you," he says kissing my neck. I instantly tense.

"Should I mark you?" He asks with a smirk.

I start struggling. "No! Let me go! Please I just want to leave," I whimper.

He kisses my neck and starts groping my body.

"I can't leave you without getting at least a little taste first," he says sardonically while licking my neck.

"I want you too badly, I'll just mark you and keep you," he says, his canines extending and grazing the spot where my neck and shoulder meet.

"Please stop!" I plead while sobbing.

When he is about to plunge his teeth into my neck, he is ripped off me.

I try to see but my eyes are too blurry with tears. I wipe them away and see a black wolf attacking the guy that was about to mark me against my will. He kept throwing him against trees and sinking his teeth into his flesh and taking chunks of flesh out. The look on the black wolf's face is scary. He looks feral like he is out for blood, and not just any blood but my attacker's blood.

After ripping my attacker apart he turns to me, his eyes immediately soften, probably because of my tear stained face and scared look.

He shifts back and I see that he is my mate.

In that moment I forget that We both are naked and run towards him, hugging him like my life depended on it.

After a moment of calming down I realize my mistake. I am hugging the guy that told me to stay away, my Alpha. If he wanted to he could kick me out of the pack and I would instantly become a rogue.

I tense. "I am so sorry Alpha, I promise it won't happen again and I will stay out of your way," I say starting to pull away and bowing my head but not completely so I don't look at his member.

He growls and I pull away completely. "Please forgive me Alpha," I whimper, tears streaming down my face.

I am scared shitless right now.

My mate pulls me back, burying his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

"I am sorry," he says.

"Alpha, you have nothing to be sorry about. I was out of line sir," I say in a small voice.

"Please, stop," he says in a pained voice.

"Stop what Alpha?" I ask.

"That!" He exclaims, "I don't want you to call me Alpha or sir! I want you to hug me whenever you want to, I don't want you to be scared of me, and I sure as hell don't want you to stay out of my way!" He says with pleading eyes.

"But you said-" I start.

"Forget what I said! I didn't know you were my mate, baby, I have been looking for you since I turned 16," he says, his voice full of pain making me whimper.

He cups my cheek, "Please tell me you accept me because now that I found you I can't bear the thought of not having you in my life! Our pack needs a Luna and I need my mate."

I pull him close and hug his waist. "I thought you didn't want me," I cry into his chest since he is too tall for me to reach his shoulder.

"Baby, how could I not want you? You are perfect! You are everything I ever wanted in a mate and more," he says hugging me tighter.

We keep hugging each other for I don't know how long until I start to pull away, finally noticing our nakedness.

I blush and look at anywhere but my mates face.

He chuckles at my embarrassment and starts looking for something in a tree, few seconds later he comes back and hands me an oversized shirt while putting on some basketball shorts.

"Ummm, what’s your name?" I ask in a small voice.

"Maddox, what's yours?"

"Jayda," I tell him with a smile.

"A beautiful name for my beautiful mate," he smiles back and I swear my heart stops.

He thinks I am beautiful, and his smile is breathtaking.

We start walking for a while until we get to the village. I follow Maddox to the big house that I have learned is the Alpha house.

I can feel all eyes on us. Some hungry stares from the unmated wolves. Looks like I am not the only one who notices that they were staring at me since Maddox stops abruptly and pulls me close to him.

"MINE!" He growls loudly and I can hear everyone gasp.

"If I see any unmated males trying anything with her, they will be severely punished! Nobody tries to take what is mine!" He growls and drags me inside.

He slams the door shut and I just stand there looking at him awkwardly while playing with my fingers.

"Jayda baby, Are you hungry?" He asks me softly.

"A little," I shrug.

He grabs hold of my hand and tugs on it softly so I follow him. We enter a huge kitchen, the microwave, stove oven and refrigerator are stainless steel, the island is made of black marvel, same as the counters.

He sits me down on the island then starts looking through the refrigerator.

"What do you want to eat baby?" He asks looking at me with a small smile.

"A sandwich," I say smiling back at him.

"You sure? I can make you whatever you want, my love."

I blush when he calls me his love. "I am sure Maddox, don't worry about it," I say walking up to him and kissing his cheek.

When I am about to pull back he smiles pulling me back and leaving a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

I giggle and then we just stare at each other with goofy grins on our faces.

"I am so glad I found you," he says with truthfulness on his voice.

"Me too."

"What kind of sandwich do you want?"

"Ham and cheese," I say.

"One ham and cheese sandwich coming right up," he says with a cheeky grin and I grin back.

He quickly makes a sandwich and hands it to me.

I eat it quickly and turn to him.

"Thanks for the sandwich, I need to go-" I start but a loud growl cuts me off.

"MINE!!!! You can't leave me! MINE!" He growls pulling me closer and burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I just stare at him dumbfounded.

He pulls away slightly, his eyes are a charcoal black and they look at me with pain deep inside of them.

"Why do you want to leave me?" He whispers brokenly.

"No! I don't want to leave, I just have to go get my stuff" I tell him reassuringly.

"Just send an Omega to get them-"

"No, I want to get my stuff" I say sternly.

He nods and pulls away.

"I'll see you later," I smile and he smiles back kissing my forehead.

He nods, giving him one last hug I walk out the door.

I start looking for my dad when I find him with some lady, must be the tramp he left my mother and I for.

"Beta Leonardo"

He turns around and looks nervously at me "Did you talk to the Alpha? Did he let you stay?" He asks and I nod.

I don't tell him that Maddox is my mate since it’s not really his problem.

The woman looks at me nervously.

"Sorry for interrupting you and your... wife," I say, distaste clear in my voice.

"No its okay, what do you need?"

"Well I need you to drive me back to the cemetery to get my car, and while I am there you look for any papers I will need to sign to be able to move into one of the houses in the pack village," I say in an emotionless tone.

He nods "Okay, the houses are already furnished," he turns back and looks like he is going to say goodbye to the home wrecker but hesitates.

I roll my eyes and start walking out of the village.

Dad drops me off at the cemetery and I drive to my house.

It was a cozy one story house. When my dad left we had financial issues since he was the main provider, My mom started working as a nurse but had to quit when she got cancer and since I was the only one working we had to move to a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house.

The first thing I did when I got home was take a quick shower and change into some denim shorts, a blue tank top and blue flip flops.

I sighed and started packing. Maybe this will be good, a fresh start.

While I was packing I dialed Ellie's number multiple times, but she never picked up.

I wanted to tell her that I found my mate and that packs existed and I joined one but I guess that will have to wait.

2 hours later my clothes and personal belongings were all packed.

I called Ellie again, but like before it went to voice mail.

I was getting worried, she always picked up when I called her.

I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today and started loading my suitcases in the trunk of my old car.

When I got to the pack village I quickly mind-linked my dad to tell him to come.

"The house is ready, all you need is to sign this papers," he hands me a bunch of papers. "Then we take them to the Alpha and once he signs them, then you can go ahead and get settled in your new house," Father says with a small smile.

I nod politely and sit on a bench to start signing the paper.

Once I was done, my dad took the papers and told me to follow him towards the Alpha's office so he could sign the papers.

Dad knocked on an office door and we heard a, "come in."

When Maddox saw me he smiled brightly.

My dad seemed taken back by Maddox's smile, he also looked a little freaked out. I really don't know why though, my mate's smile was perfect.

Maybe he doesn't smile much.

"Beta," he says in acknowledgement. "Jayda, how are you?" He asks looking at me lovingly.

My dad looks at me confused.

"I am good Maddox," I say smiling at him.

My dad tenses as soon as I say his name. He looks like if he is about to have a heart attack.

Maddox just seems amused at my father's reaction.

"Forgive my daughter's disrespect, she is new to the pack life. She didn't know she can't call you by your name Alpha, we just needed you to sign this papers to give her permission to live in the house next to mine in the pack village then we'll be in our way," my dad says politely, bowing his head.

"What?" He roars, "My mate will live with me in this house Beta!"

My dad gasps and gets as pale as a ghost.

"M-mate?" My dad stutters.

"Yes! Jayda is my mate" Maddox says glaring at dad.

Dad gulps. "I am so very sorry Alpha, Jayda had not informed me that she was your mate."

"Why not?" Maddox asks, looking hurt.

"Well, it's not really his business," I state simply.

Maddox looks confused. "He is your father, Jayda," he states and I roll my eyes.

"He abandoned me! When he left 8 years ago he lost all of the rights to be called my dad and to have anything to do with my life, he preferred some tramp over my mom and I--" My dad growls at me for calling his wife a tramp. But as soon as he growls at me, Maddox stands up and at lightning speed is in a protective stand in front of me. "We were both heartbroken but I got over it! Sadly my mom didn't," I say coldly.

"I found my mate!" My dad explains and I roll my eyes at his excuse.

"As soon as I found out about mates I stopped dating," Maddox cuts me off with a growl, probably because of the thought of me dating another guy. "You grew up knowing about mates but you still made my mom fall for you and married her! Then one day you just left and she had to get the divorce papers through the mail! You knew she was human and that one day you would find your mate, but you didn't care because you were a selfish bastard and for that I hate you," I was yelling now. "I hate you so fücking much! You ruined my mom and thanks to you she lived her final years being miserable." When I was done I had tears in my eyes.

"Beta, leave," Maddox boomed.

Dad nodded and left.

Maddox pulled me closer.

I started crying in his chest. I am glad that I got that out of my system. Every time my mom asked me how I felt I told her I was fine, bottling all my feelings towards my dad in and that’s why my hate for him kept growing.

Maddox picked me up and brought me to what I think was his room because it had his scent all over it and laid me down on the soft silk sheets. He strips out of his shirt and jeans staying in his black boxers. He Took off my flip flops and laid down next to me, wrapping a protective arm around me. I curled to his side and before falling asleep I whispered, "Thank you." He kissed my forehead and for the first time I felt something I hadn't felt for many years, I felt content.

I felt happy.