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Brutally Divine Love

Brutally Divine Love




Sleep tight to be wifey .... tomorrow you have a big day and very big night before you ..... so enjoy your last beautiful night.  Enjoy...  with that he left her alone in the alone and moved outside and locked her room from outside once again. Ratika shouted like a maniac and cried miserably and asking continuously to open the door and let her go.... but it seems like she was the only living being present in the whole building. Tired and broken she drifted into sleep. Wake up love...... listening these words Ratika tried to open her eyes but suddenly she started trembling and shivering as the whole bucket of cold water was thrown on her. She woke up with a jerk and a shuddering cry left her mouth as she saw the monster standing in front of her.

  Ratika and Siddharth were holding each other hands and saying their goodbyes as Ratika is leaving for India. She is going to meet her extended paternal family in India for the first time. She is going there to fulfill the last wish of her father and carrying his Astiya

the remnant of bones

for immersion in the river Ganga at Banaras.

  They heard the final announcement to board the plane and Ratika finally gave a peck at Siddharth's lips and begin her journey towards her destination. She was so happy that she is going to meet her uncle and aunts for the first time but little did she knew that along with her family there is someone else too who is eagerly waiting for her to come to India.

  Someone POV

  He got the news of Ratika's arrival. He was beyond happy that finally, he will be able to take his revenge on the Agarwal family. For a long Sanjay Agarwal was successful in hiding his daughter from the world but not anymore. He will show him the outcome of his actions.

  He made a call to his left hand Mihir.....

  M..... hello boss

  He... Just do as I say and make sure nothing goes wrong or you will not be able to see another daylight. Am I clear?

  M.... yes boss, everything will be as per our plan you need not worry.

  He... I am leaving for my destination... don't be late and he hanged up the call.

  Looking at the pic in his hand... Mom I know my ways might be wrong, whatsoever I am doing could be wrong but my reasons, my thirst for revenge is not wrong so just be with me and I will make them all shed the tears of blood. They will pay for each tear I saw in your eyes, for each day we spent in that hell, for each cruelty, every brutality they endowed upon us in these years... I promise you, mom... I promise you... they will suffer a thousand times more than what we suffered at their hands. with this he kept the pic back in his pocket and sit in the car to reach his destination.

  Author's Note

  Hi this is my first time writing a book so please bear with me and I am open to suggestions from you all but please don't send any hate or offensive remarks...

  I really hope that you will like my work and give this book a chance.

  Few chapters, in the beginning, might be short but as the story will progress, chapters will also belong.

  Love you all

  Your Author