
Let’s Read The Word

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The Billionaire's Maid

The Billionaire's Maid




Who ever thought the cold Ryan scott would ever fall inlove with his illiterate house maid While she's stubborn, naive and innocent he's on the other hand cruel and bossy. First week of stay she had manage to bite more than she can chew. Been subjected to different punishment kayla never even imagined that she'll ever fall for the man who make her shiver in fear who derives joy in her sadness. But they say love works in mysterious ways.

  ☘️☘️☘️☘️❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣Ryan pov

  I don't want anyone to one live with me granny am fine by myself.

  I stayed slipping on my Jean.

  "Take a look around you Ryan"

  Ok, I answered swiftly.

  Do you like the way the whole house is..

  Granny don't even start here, or I'll end the call.

  "So you love eating burnt egg you make by your self?

  Yes as long as they are fine.


  No grandma

  You wouldn't dare go against me

  "Am saying the blunt truth I won't let anyone in be it a maid or a servant I won't"

  Am bringing the girl right now be ready to open the gate in about 40minutes time alright'

  N... And before I could finish my statement she ended the call.

  Having a grand mother is a pain in the a*s not that I don't like her but she gets too clingy and over step her boundaries.

  I quickly slipped on a shirt then proceeded out.




  Grandma pov

  There are many things my grand son Ryan hates and one of them is prying it means you can never ever pry in his personal stuff or business you should never interfere with any thing related to him or he'll give you a black eye.

  I said and she nodded.


  But ma'am you said they are many things but you only listed one, she said and I couldn't help but smile.

  Just stay on your own when you get there, avoid getting in trouble and you should never even think of disturbing him coz he'll be scary so that you'll fear him and go away but be brave.

  She nodded her head again...Good girl.

  Kayla pov

  The city was something I dream about everyday, it was so much prettier than my imagination.

  I didn't take much with me just few clothes and few ancestry candles and a Bible.

  Like my mum says you'll never know when you'll need the Bible and although I've heard of how beautiful the city is I've also heard of how dangerous it is.

  Wow!! What sort of place is this? I exclaimed out loud, admiring the surrounding.

  This place my dear is called an airport you'll see lots of planes here.

  And you'll also have the experience of being in one.

  O have heard of how scary planes are.

  A friend of mine told me that as soon as the plane fly up people will start vomiting she told me that some even throw up their intestine.

  I don't know if it's true or not but still am scarrred.

  I've never entered a plane before i've never even seen one before, they said it looks like a bird a real giant one.

  And i cant wait to see if its true or not.

  Most importantly i can't wait to start working, i might be able to save enough money for my parents in the village, who can't afford three square meal.

  They'll be very happy.






