
Let’s Read The Word

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Doltish Boling Yiling Reborn

Doltish Boling Yiling Reborn




Her father is the head of the Boling clan, the most powerful wizard clan? It's a pity that he's too snobbish. If you're gifted, you're considered a treasure; if you have no talent, then you're just a weed. This type of father should not be recognized as one. Her fiance is the most beautiful man in the Eastern Nation? Okay, I admit that you're very talented and handsome, but can you wait for a few years for me to accept you? I haven't played around enough. I don't want to hang myself on a tree. Her six half-sisters want to take her man away from her? Very well. I will break your hands then act dumb. Daring to have improper thoughts, you will all regret coming to this world. This mighty divine tiger, who keeps on sticking to her like a lackey, wants her to accept it? Ah, she was devoured by a tiger in her previous life. How is it unusual for her to greatly detest tigers in this life? Well anyway, her hand has been itching lately, and there were few punching bags to practice on. Beating it up while taking breaks every once in a while will help invigorate her...

  It was so stifling, enough to make a person suffocate!

  Confused, Chu Ye was very uncomfortable raising and waving her hand . She felt like she was surrounded by water and had difficulty opening her eyes; it was also dark all around her . From these observations, she was underwater .

  How could this be?

  Wasn’t she already dead?

  After another burst of an intense choking sensation attacked her, Chu Ye had no time to think about it . She subconsciously swung her limbs, only to find that some seaweed was firmly coiled around her feet .

  Quickly tearing the seaweed apart one by one,

  Chu Ye immediately swam to the surface .

  “Ah…!” Letting out a long overjoyed cry, Chu Ye finally saw the day again .

  Looking around, she discovered just now that she was in a secluded valley, specifically in the only pond in the middle of the valley .

  Chu Ye swam to the shore, and after dumped herself on the soft grass at the edge of the pond . What happened?

  She definitely remembered getting devoured alive by the tigers, but right now, she still had her limbs and there was no pain in her entire body aside from her lungs, but that was the discomfort from choking on too much water .

  Chu Ye racked her brain but still couldn’t comprehend it . Suddenly, memories that didn’t belong to her rushed to her like a tide .

  When those unfamiliar memories flashed through her mind like a fast-forwarded movie one after another, it was hard not to be shocked, even for someone as level-headed as Chu Ye .

  After the shock, Chu Ye began to sort out the information in her head .

  It turned out that she was currently in an alien world that she had never heard of before – the Autonomous Wizard Continent .

  The Autonomous Wizard Continent consisted of 4 nations, namely the Eastern Nation, Western Nation, Southern Nation, and the Northern Nation .

  This was a world full of magical beings, with wizards and warriors .

  There are four types of wizards: wind wizards, fire wizards, water wizards, and earth wizards .

  Wizards are assigned a rank from a first-grade wizard to a tenth-grade wizard, and there is a strict division between each of the ranks .

  The wizards of the four kingdoms each have their own merits and are indistinguishable from each other . Over the countless years of existence of the Autonomous Wizard Continent, the 4 nations have always had a balanced share of power between them .

  Warriors tend to have grudges against the military . They use martial arts and are good at close combat . The average person will choose to be a warrior under the regret of their inability to become a wizard .

  The warrior ranks are from the first-grade warrior to tenth-grade warrior .

  Warriors and wizards with the same rank have very different identities and statuses . Wizards of the same rank often receive more respect and admiration from people because wizards excel in long-range and large-area attacks while warriors are better at close-combat and one-to-one attacks .

  This is why after finding themselves unable to become a wizard, people would settle for the next best thing and become a warrior .

  All kinds of beasts can also self-cultivate to become magical beasts and are divided into different ranks, from first-grade magical beasts to tenth-grade magical beasts .

  The corners of Chu Ye’s lips slightly raised . She couldn’t help but show a smile of interest; this world was actually rather fascinating .

  Then unexpectedly, Chu Ye’s smiling face stiffened because the next information she received really astonished her . This body was not hers . She was reincarnated into the body of a girl named Boling Yili .

  Chu Ye shot up and jumped toward the edge of the pond . The mossy green waters of the pond immediately showed the inverted image of a young girl’s face who is sixteen years of age and has ice-white flesh, jade-like bones

TL: probably pertaining to her skeletal structure

, shimmering and spotlessly white teeth [1], and a magnificent face . Even though it was still charming and beautiful, it wasn’t her face .

  Boling Yili, the seventh young miss of the Eastern Nation’s number one wizard family, Boling family, was weak and timid, and because of her inability to induce the wind element, she wasn’t able to become a wizard and was met with a barrage of insults from her family members . She was treated as a disgrace .

  At the age of 10, her father who is Boling family head, Boling Canglan, made her and her biological mother, Lu Shi, return to Lu Shi’s home under the provocation of his other wives and children .

  It had been six years .

  The previously little girl had already blossomed into a slender and elegant young lady .

  But just like before, she was still unable to induce the wind element in the air .

  The beautiful valley before her was one of Boling Yili’s favorite places to go because she liked to face the tranquil lake, silent and lost in thought .

  However, this time, when she was ready to turn and leave, she was suddenly pushed and fell into the deep pond .

  She desperately struggled to swim ashore but discovered that her legs were being pulled by someone . The whole time she was being pulled down to the bottom of the pond, she wanted to scream and call out for help, but the water squeezed her body in all sides, making her choke and feel dizzy .

  Because she was unable to breathe for a long time, Boling Yili’s struggling grew weaker and weaker . When the last vestiges of consciousness were about to leave her, she saw a black silhouette tying her feet with long seaweed to the bottom of the pond . Leaving her to die and unable to float up to the surface, the figure skillfully swam away, her hopeless eyes tracking the figure as he traveled further and further from her .

  Chu Ye stretched out her hand to touch her ankle which had a bloody circular mark that was caused by the seaweed previously wrapped around her ankle . A pair of beautiful indigo eyes flashed with a trace of iciness . It turned out that this body didn’t die by neither slipping and accidentally falling into the water nor suicide, but rather through murder .

  Who would kill Boling Yili, a disgraced young lady driven out of her family, who was completely powerless and of no threat?

  No matter who this person was, Boling Yili had already died . She, Chu Ye, has now inherited her body, and she will not tolerate those who dare to harm her .

  Chu Ye lay her back on the soft grassy land, gently closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep . She felt extremely tired .

  When she woke up, it was near dusk .

  Chu Ye began to ponder over where she should go now .

  After searching all the information in her mind, there was only one place she can go – Boling Yili’s maternal grandparents’ home, and also her mother Lu Shi’s parents’ home, the Lu Village .

  The village was far away from the city and was remote and backward . There was only one village within a few hundred miles and that was Lu Village .

  Lu Village has more than 500 household families and cannot be called a small village anymore . The villagers farm and go hunting for a living . Life was destitute but peaceful .

  The grandfather of Boling Yili is the patriarch of Lu Village .

  This remote and independent Lu Village has many available routes . It takes three hours to avoid the jungle path in front of the “Great Leap Forest” . However, if you walk through the Great Leap Forest, it would only take an hour .

  Chu Ye only hesitated once . After confirming that none of the rumored magical beasts will appear in the Great Leap Forest, she chose to walk through the forest .

  If it was the previous Boling Yili, she would rather take the long route and not dare to approach the forest because she was afraid of running into wild beasts in the forest . Because the forest was not big, even if there were beasts, they would not be that dangerous .

  But Chu Ye was not like Boling Yili . Even though she had died in the mouth of a wild beast in her previous incarnation, she was still not afraid of them . On the contrary, she had an insane impulse to challenge them . She was exactly the wild and haughty type of person .