
Let’s Read The Word

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Luca Morrigan, a somewhat normal girl with her classmates encounter horrifying events on a trip to a seminary. Encountering demons, vengeful ghosts and angels trying to protect them. Not to mention an Angel named Gabriel, assigned to either kill her or pursuade her to give up her abilities to see the future and communicating with demons. Will they survive the trip? Or will they discover something that may kill them all?

  "Luca Morrigan, I don't appreciate how comfortable you are sleeping on my class!!! Stand up"

  Professor Richford roared. First period and Luca have been sleeping soundly until Professor Richford saw luca sleeping form at the back of the class.

  Luca's classmates were already used to this scene. Professor Richford will ask her questions about the topic and she will correctly answer almost all of it.

  "I still wonder why you're attending my class if you're just going to sleep here and yet you already know so many things about the discussion in advance." Professor Richford reprimanded.

  Luca avoided his eyes "I'm so sorry professor Richford, I'll try my best to stay awake" some of her classmates snickered.

  Professor Richford's literature class can be boring and almost all of them are half asleep but none of them can answer his questions about the topics unlike luca.

  "You should be or I'll send you out again."

  And with that luca sat down with a sigh.

  "your morning ritual with professor Richford is done now." Abby, Luca's close friend said.

  "I know, I know. I just really can't stay awake he sounds so boring." luca said.

  But luca didn't said that she hardly had any sleep last night.

  Or any other nights.

  After first period. Luca and with her friends that have the same class for first period went out of the class refreshened because somehow most of them weren't caught sleeping by Professor Richford.

  "You know deep inside Professor Richford loves you, you're his favorite." Clara laughingly said.

  "definitely he always call out luca when almost everybody's half awake" Abby agreed.

  Luca glared at both of them but laughed as well.

  Their laughter were put on pause when suddenly an announcement started.


  Luca, Abby and Clara looked at each other.

  "changes? Aren't we going to Adelaide Retreat mansion or something?" clara asked.

  Their school which is a Catholic school yearly do school trips to religious places.

  Usually the seniors go to a retreat for 'clarity, purity and cleansing' which is the standard of graduates of St. Barbara International Catholic School.

  " I don't know. in the first place I don't even get it why they're arranging this kind of school trips. Saying it's for the soul whatsoever." Abby complained.

  "ohhh, right. Your parents only enrolled you here so that you can stay away from 'bad influences' from other private schools." Clara jokingly said.

  "Shut up and it's cheaper too." Abby giggled.

  Luca is the only one who's really not thrilled with this school trip.

  Especially with what she knows about these kind of places.

  She shivered and hid her goosebumps from her friends while they make their way to the auditorium.

  " How can I avoid this school trip?" she internally asked herself.

  "Luca, you can sleep over our house before our school trip that will be fun." clara said.

  Luca snapped out from her dazed and great fully smiled at clara. One way of avoiding her problems is staying with people. That's why she's always almost present in parties and sleep overs with her circle of friends.

  That way she can avoid being alone.

  "let's hurry up I see Granger and the others at the front" Abby said.

  They made their way and sat beside their other friends. Luca sat beside Jessica her bestfriend.

  "Girls, right on time! Did Professor Richford bore the hell out of you three?" Jessica asked them.

  Clara and Abby groaned to made their boredom evident.

  Jessica and Luca laughed at the two.

  "bestie, clara invited me yesterday to the sleepover before the school trip are you in?" jessica asked luca.

  "Definitely jes!" luca answered.

  "Bring lots of stories with you jes!" clara chimed in.

  Jessica is the loudest and chattiest with their circle of friends. She is also the most involved with the campus issues.

  Jessica also knows Luca's gift and problems and does her best to help by drawing in luca to the school active life.

  "Yo girls, we're right here!" Granger greeted behind them.

  Luca and Jess turned around. Their other friends which are Granger, Louis, Dylan and Nicole were at row behind them.

  "Luca, look your sworn enemy's making her way up on the stage." Abby said while using her lips to point at the front.

  "okay, everyone. Thank you so much for being here. Please pass around the attendance sheet and make sure to put your name. Anybody who is not on the attendance will face detention this afternoon with Professor Theo and will be considered cutting classes." Angela, the school council president said while on stage with a mic.

  She flipped her blonde hair and seem to notice luca at the front. She raised her brow. Luca frowned. They have a past feud and everybody knows that.

  " Alright. Listen up. We were informed by the Adelaide retreat that they'll be closing their Adelaide mansion and other premises this month until further notice. We can't move our school trip but our school board have chosen a different location." Angela said.

  " The chosen place is the former Maria San Miguel Convento now known as De San Miguel Retreat. Formerly yes, the place was just a convent with a seminary. but now it also includes a retreat." Angela explained.

  " The De San Miguel Convento and Retreat is known for their amazing preachers and theological studies. They can share their views, faith and wisdom.

  We can also learn from their studies. " Angela read from the paper Professor Theo handed to her.

  "Our School trip will include activities such as masses, preaching, prayer meditation and ofcourse tour of the whole premises including the convent,seminary, churches and chapels. We will also line up fun team buildings activities on the retreat." Angela continued.

  " I never heard of that place before. " Clara said. Abby shrugged.

  " Sounds boring but we can't ditch it's fucking mandatory for seniors. " Granger said.

  " Sucks to be stuck in a religious school dammit. " Daniel said.

  " Guys, come on. We can make it fun you know, pissing off those priests and nuns will be funny as hell. " Dylan mischievously said.

  Luca felt a sudden chill. The name of that place sounds so familiar. She shrugged.

  'all Seminaries are the same, right?' she thought.