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The Way Of A Loser

The Way Of A Loser

Author:Chase Holcomb



Ever wanted to know what a day as a loser would feel like? Something like this. Nick is a loser. He has a HUGE crush on a cheerleader named tayler. Between a notebook and his own mind going crazy he still has time to hang out with his freind's. Even if it means running from every bully known to man. On top of all of this he wants to buy the new zombies game to play with his friends as nick is known as the best in the city. With his crush invite him to a football game and the boys wanting to play some video games how will this turn out in the way of a loser. Thx for reading if you do Decide to read :)

  She was so beautiful. Perfect. Everything nick had dreamed of. He snapped out of his trance and looked down at his paper. He was sitting in the bleachers of the football field while they practice. Nick got a text on his phone from kyle.

  "Yo you coming over to play some call of duty zombies?" Texted kyle.   He went back to his paper. He was drawing. He looked back up at her. Her name was tayler pine. And that's what he was drawing. He was working when he heard watch out. He looked over and got drilled in the face by a football. He fell over seat and fell down a couple steps. He looked up and saw tayler.

  "Hey are you ok?" She asked him.

  Nick just got up and looked down at his shoes and put his hands in his pockets.

  " y-ya. Im fine thanks for asking but I think I'll go." Nick was blushing at this point. He looked for his stuff and saw his note book he was drawing in.

  "No wait let me help" she said.

  " no no its c-cool I can get it" nick said hopeing she would go away so she wont see what he drew. No such luck.

  "Nonsense nick here." Tayler said picking up the note book. She looked at it and back him. Nick was a full blush at this point and grabbed his binder and ran across the field leaving the note book behind. He hopped on his bike and rode to his house. He went to his room and layed on his bed. He got a text from kyle

  " come one man hurry we got the snacks and the chairs." Texted kyle. Nick looked down and smile. He loved video games and music. And his best friends. Kyle and mike. He went to his moms room.

  "Hey mom" said nick

  "Hey nick whatcha up to" said nicks mother getting up to hug him.

  "Nothing. Im just ganna go over to kyles house to play video games" said nick with a smile excepting the hug. Most teenagers he knew hated giving there mothers hug and saying I love you. But the truth was he knew that there's ganna be a day he wished he done it More. With that he let his mom get back to what she was doing and took off to go to kyles house. When he got there all of his friends were set up and were playing.

  "What wave you guys on?" Nick asked. Most people would say he's the best in the city at the game.

  "Wave seven nick good enough?" said mike joking with him. Nick laughed. This was where he was supposed no be this weekend. In kyles garage playing zombies all night.

  "So nick where was you at when we texted you. You never answered my text." Asked kyle looked back at nick.

  "He was for sure staring at tayler" said mike makeing them all laugh.

  "No I was studying but I wanted to do it outside." Nick answered.

  "Yeah? Where at nick?" Said kyle with a smile. Nick could tell he knew the answer.

  "Football field" nick answered with a smile.

  "I knew it. You were watching tayler practice cheering" said mike making kyle laugh.

  "Bro I was just studying" nick tryed to defend while laughing. They all were laughing for the rest of that night. And that was what nick loved about his friends No matter what they can always make him laugh. Later that night they were all watching super hero movie's and out of no where kyle said look!

  "Its nick getting pounded in the face with a football. Man was you good?" Mike was on the ground laughing.

  "Bro did you see the way he fell down the steps?" Mike said in between breaths.

  "Yes you guys Im good, but who took that?" Asked nick he didn't see anyone else.

  " you would of known if you was able to take your eyes off of tayler." Said mike now able to talk without laughing.

  "Ok his name is logen." Said kyle

  "Thanks kyle. Well man I'm tired guys ima go to bed see y'all in the morning. Kyle and mike said goodnight and went back to to there movie.