
Let’s Read The Word

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Chase Of Demise

Chase Of Demise




Peculiar events inside of a well-known university. Screams, loud murmurs of suffers, whispers of death, how would they cease it from echoing inside? The chains of demise wrapped around their body especially on their neck, would they let it kill them or would they broke the chains that suffocates them?

The burning sun outside of the window was hitting my face. The spot where I was hiding was so hot, no wind was penetrating inside. My sweat was dripping all over my forehead, and neck, I do not know how many times I have gulped whilst hiding myself here away from those evil.

I was all alone there, remaining myself silent. Covering my mouth not to make any noise, I felt like even my gulps are loud as well as my heat that was beating rapidly. Afraid that I might get caught. I glanced at my wrist watch and it was already 3:45 in the afternoon.

15 minutes left and this hellish scenario will end for today. I let myself feel on the ground and my back leaning on the wall whilst resisting the heat and the light coming from the sun. My body feels so sticky already, but I did not mind it, I was thinking how to get out of here without being chopped with nightmare.

I was worried with myself. I was worried with my friends. I left my phone inside our dormitory, I forgot to take it with me earlier since I woke up late and was in rush because of the fact that I might get late if I will move like a turtle.

I wiped my sweat with my own two hands and put my both arms above my knees and made as my pillow as I let my head fall on it. I was sighing so deeply. I haven't realized the time already.

The fast beat of my heart became faster when I have heard a footsteps coming near my location. I started to panicked. I could see the shadow already outside of the chamber where I hid myself. The room has a door but I have forgotten to close it since I was panicking earlier and does not know what to do.

I covered my mouth with my palm. Resisting myself not to make any sounds while I was chasing my own breath. I felt suffocated. When the shadow was already beside the door, I bowed my head on my knees. If this will be my end, then I will accept it. I entered this school because this was my dream.

But I did not know that being here is like a hell. You will encounter lots of burden more than you have expected. Unexpected scenario that you will meet every single minute, hour and day. You want to escape, but there is no way. No one can.

I flinched when someone held my hand, I closed my eyes real hard and my eyes are already releasing tears.

"Don't kill me please. I'm begging you. "

I begged. I am not actually a type of person who would beg desperately for something , but today is different. I am willing to kneel if it is necessary, I just wanted to remove this nightmare being imprinted in my book of existence. I wanted liberty.

"Wybie. Shh. Wybie. This is me. "

It was a voice of a guy, a familiar voice of a guy. I opened my eyes and looked at my right slowly.

"G-grick.. "

He was sweating as well. His T-shirt has lots of dirts, seems he came from somewhere— a messy place to be precise. I do not know what he did for him to hide himself and had the ability to find me here. It was risky. He should not do that again.

We do not have the same schedule of class but we were on the same level. Second-year in college. All of the students earlier panicked when the admin announced to start the game, I panicked also. This was not the first time but it really made my heart beat so rapidly.

"Shhh. Keep quiet, okay? I'm here. You are safe now. "

Grick said. Calming me. He pulled my nape toward his chest and hugged me. He sat beside me and we remained our body being to close to each other's warm physique. His presence made me comfortable, I feel so safe between his arms, his hugs.

"Where's Cael and Takeru?"

I whispered at him asking. I took a glance at my wrist watch and it was already 3:57 in the afternoon. 3 minutes more and this hellish thing will end. For today. Only.

"I texted them. They are together. And they were hiding. Do not worry too much, they will be fine. We will meet them afterwards, okay? You are trembling too much, calm down. "

Grick hugged me tightly. I closed my eyes while my head was on his chest, I could clearly hear the beat of his heart. It was pounding too fast as well. Even though he won't vocalize it— he was terrified as well. He does not want to depict it because he knew that I easily get scared. If I felt that he was terrified, then I will be more terrified—which is he does not want to happen to me.

"Good afternoon, students. The game for today has finally ended. You mat get out from where you are currently hiding. You did a great job. "

It was from an admin office. We heard it to earlier, but the reminder was just different. I wanted to cry. Again, we survived. We survived for today's chase of death.

But, for how long? For how long would we remained ourselves safe?

"Get up, Wybie. "

Grick commanded me. He was already standing but he was holding my right hand, still trying to push me to stand up as well. I slowly moved my feet, they were still shaking. I gulped. When I finally got up, Grick held my left arm whilst holding my right hand. Securing me not to fall.

As soon as we left that room, the students started to left the spot and area they were hiding earlier. They were full of sweats. Most of them are sighing deeply and crying silently— probably grateful that they were still alive after all.