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Chronicles Of The Last Alpha

Chronicles Of The Last Alpha

Author:Werewolf The King Alpha.



Mordecai was born to reunite all the werewolves, he did not know how strong was he, until he was tested. His enemies didn't want him to be, but yet he stood, he became the Alpha, his people needed. His journey was the journey of tears, passion, love, revenge and powers, powers that keep this world in balance, and he had to keep balance, because foes wanted their teeth on his throat.

I was heading towards the home. It was almost 9, my mother would be mad at me if I reach late. Yet I had a lot to do and it was stressing me. "Probably it's time to take a good sleep." I reached home, locked my bike, something strange was there, off course unusual since my brother left. My brother was always strange, he would go out at night, he called it sleep walking, but I knew it was not. He was leaving willingly, and I decided to follow him but I was scared. I knew there's something wrong, or something was coming, to change my life, or curse it. It was dark in the corner but I felt something moving, for a second I thought it was my cat, but no, I felt it big and it scared the hell outta me. I found myself screaming, but it was not because of the fear, it was pain, it happened so fast that I couldn't even understand it. That thing bit me, and I saw it's red eyes glowing, I was aware of wolves attack in my village, but I never thought a werewolf is going to bite me, or something else. It left immediately, and I ran to my room. Mom came outside when she heard me screaming, but I completely ignored her. my heart was beating so fast that for a second I thought it was going to pierce my chest. I ran to my room and locked it. Went into washroom and faced mirror. I took off my shirt which was torn, I checked the wound, it was deep. I cleansed it and put wool on it and fell on my bed. I don't know when I slept.

I woke up, and checked my wound and it vanished. I picked up my bag and left for school, I didn't have time and courage to face my mom.

Everything was alright in school, apart from me, I was hearing better, even my heartbeat, and of others. The bell rang and it was like I'm putting ears on it, it was about to pierce my airdrums, I had watched movies, I had read stories, I knew I was cursed. I'm no more the Henry Rock, rather I'm a bloodthirsty monster whom first priority is to kill.

“Hey Rock?”

Luis called. I looked behind, he was smiling, “are you alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, totally fine.” I replied.

“looking nervous today, hope you have prepared the test?”

He was my friend, only friend I might add.

“Yeah.” I chuckled nervously!

“ I've found a place that we can rob.” he whispered.

We both were evils of our town. Since the age of ten, we did the things that could probably jail us for life. We robbed a lot of people, stole even the school's equipments and sold it. It was three months since we did anything so we both were running out of money so he was planning for a hiest again.

“Where?” I asked.

“Close to the woods, a blind man with a lot of money and gold, perfect shot.”

He was excited.

“are you sure this is safe?” I asked.

“ yep! I never go after risks.” he proudly whispered.

We headed to the class, a lot was going on my mind. I was thinking about the adventure we've gotten tonight, and the maiming I had. I was thinking to kill any and everyone, it was like a sport to me.

I was thinking about people who would beg for their lives and only the thoughts were pleasing me. “my first victim will be Mr. Martin. our mathematics teacher.” and I smiled.

“ is it something so funny you want to share with us?” Mrs. Finstock asked.

“ um, nothing.” I replied.

“ then why are you smiling?” she was angry.

“ sorry!” I said.

Classes went as usual, I was waiting for Luis to join me after school, as I had to tell him everything.

He was amazed, “Is it really true?” he was shocked.

“ Off course you idiot!”

He looked scared of me.

“ you should take rest today.” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Its full moon tonight, and you know what happens.” he whispered.