
Let’s Read The Word

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The Omega Luna and Her Alpha King

The Omega Luna and Her Alpha King




The times when people and werewolves could live together harmoniously is just a story of sleeping children, so the only chance for werewolves is to exist in secret and never do anything against the law in human society in order to conceal their identity. We, werewolves, can recognize each other due to the scent we emanate. There is a special scent among werewolves, but it is diluted by the complex scent in the human world. This is exactly why I chose to hide myself and my kids in the human's society, because our scent is diluted by the complex scent in the human world. I fought for my life, I fought to escape from my pack, from my alpha's hands only to find out that he knock me down one more time by getting me pregnant. Oh, boy, and he did it in a great style because six months later I gave birth to his triplet pups. And now, here I am. Living with the humans and with the sweets kids in the universe, because in the werewolves' world there is not a place for us, without letting the scoundrel alpha find out that I hide his pups for more than five years. So yeah, I am Lili Parker and I am a fugitive. I run from my kids daddy and until now I did it well.

“"Please, go ahead! Next person!” someone shouts and Lili looks at the documents that she holds in her hands. She is so close to her freedom that she feels like she is already out of this place. One more check and once she will leave behind Oak Hills Pack.

She already passed the first checkpoint by using a fake pass. but being an omega she doesn’t have the permission to leave the pack without her alpha’s permission and at the same time living in her pack wasn't an option for her anymore.

Difficult times require special actions. What else should she have done?

She is not that kind of omega who will just sit and take the bullshit. She had endured in this life how many others in ten lives, so after all, what would she have to lose? Orphan, without a wolf and bullied by the entire pack, there is nothing left for her here, so she is just waiting for her turn and she will fly from here.

“That’s it” Lily says to herself smiling “One more check point and I will be free.”

“Can you move faster?” she asks the officer in charge of checking the documents “Some of us are in a hurry!" and she thinks as a self note that until she is not out of this pack she will never be happy.

The last straw for her was when years ago someone told her that this pack is giving her a favor , allowing her to have the status of an omega. The message was damned clear: wash the toilets' or you will become food for rogues.

So right now she just looks forward. She is so close to achieve her dream that almost says out loud:

"Fuck you al, Oak Hill Pack!"

But as she was looking at those two people who stood in line before her, suddenly the officer in charge of checking the documents stops everyone and a great commotion could be heard behind her back.

“Holy shit!” and in the next second Lili turns around just to see Jack Davin rushing in her direction.

“Holy fucking shit! This is not happening!” Lili says to herself and tries to run and force the border to escape. But who are we trying to fool?

Before she could be able to run Jack cached her by her arms taking her out of the row.

“Let me ”she says, gritting her teeth . “I want to leave!”

“That is something I can not do. Let’s go. He is waiting for you.” Jack Davis says and pulls her closer to him, clenching his fingers in her arm, to hold her still in an attempt to make her stop fussing.

“ Beta Jack, Let me go. I will tell you only once. I am sick of living like this. I simply can’t live anymore in Oak Hills Pack.”

“Look, Lili.” Jack says. “I only listen to Ryan's words. Unless your name is Ryan Connors and you are my alpha I will listen to you.”

Jack looks around and motions to his warriors:

“Take her things back to the packhouse , we already blocked the border because of her for too much time”. and just like that he started to drag her after him.

“I told you to let me go, Beta Jack!” Lili yells in his face once more time and she pushes him, ignoring the fact that he is a Beta and she is just a poor Omega. She jabs him in his ribs but he is not even flinching.

“Just stop it, woman! There is no chance for you not to come with me when Ryan is waiting for you. Start moving or I will make you walk.” Jack says without giving her a chance to say no.

Lili is just a poor omega girl who worked as Ryan’s maid almost all her life. They grew up together until she couldn’t take it. Living with Ryan Connors is not an option for her anymore.

“Move, I said!” Jack growls at her, looking around and notices that everyone was in shock seeing Lili’s courage to ignore his commands.

“I already told you that I am not going anywhere with you!” Lili tells him definitely, making Jack boil.

“You know what?” Jack says “Just take her and follow me!” and in the next second two warriors catched her and forced her to enter his car.

When Jack opened the door and pushed her in Alpha Ryan’s office she felt that her lungs were suddenly out of air.

She felt like a little rabbit in front of the big bad wolf. But she is not a fucking rabbit! She will not let anyone play her or bully her.

Whoever said that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade got it wrong, because Lili took that further and she drinks tequila without giving a shit on how hard her life is .

Ryan was watching out of the window and now she realizes that he saw the way Jack dragged her out from the car, the way she argued with him to let her go. Ryan saw everything.

“Man, she is back” Jack says and Ryan turns around and just nods, motioning him to leave him and Lili alone.

He is just smirking at her, with a very diabolical look. She would like to hear him screaming at her, telling her that she is a bitch and she will be punished for the way she acted, but Ryan is just toying with her, laughing in her face.

“Why is he so mean?” Lili asks herself, as if she was hoping for someone to answer, but no one says anything.

“Let me leave this pack. I don’t want to be here anymore. “ Lili says suddenly “ Ryan. I don’t want to be here anymore .”

But Ryan ignores her and starts to walk in her direction as if she didn’t just ask him to let her go.

She doesn’t want to be in Oak Hills Pack anymore? She thinks that this will end when she says that it ends?

Hearing her, Ryan doesn’t say a word. He just watches her and starts to laugh in front of Lili

But with every step Ryan takes in Lili's direction her fingers are clenching in a fist so hard that if you listen carefully you could hear them cracking.

Her beautiful brown eyes are full of rage right now. There is not a trace of fear in them, it is just repulsion. He found his fated mate so why the hell is he keeping her here, captive, putting her in a difficult position? Only this thought and Lilli is even angrier.

“Stop moving around me like I am some kind of prey!” Lili tells him and gives him a hard look. “I am not scared of you. I will tell you this oly one time, as nicely as I can” and she is already yelling in his face.

“Ho to your fated mate and stop being entangled with me!”

But hearing her makes David snap and growl at her:

“To leave you alone? And do what? To leave my pack as you just tried today, using some fake documents like a criminal? Where the fuck were you going?” he says , stepping up and holding her between his arms and the wall.

“Just leave me alone” she whispers.

“To leave you alone?” Ryan starts to laugh arrogantly .”You were the one who approached me from the beginning and now you are acting like I forced you into something you didn’t want to?” and his eyes are glowing in anger.

“Yes I did it because I needed to defend myself in front of your pervert pack members who were bullying me just for being an omega. I did everything that was necessary to survive in this pack and have a normal life. You were the most normal choice for me to achieve that, so I used you and now I am willing to end that.”

“This will not end when you say so!” Ryan growls and he starts to lose his control.

“Why the fuck won’t you leave me alone? You have a mate! You found her and she will be your Luna and your wife! Why are you still following me when you have just a few days and you will hold a wedding? What is the purpose of all this? You just want to mock me? “

And Lili ‘s gaze is so indifferent in Ryan’s eyes that make him throw everything around

made him damned furious.

He catches her before she is able to make another move and grips her neck.

She toyed with him all these years? That’s what she just said?

He looks into her eyes that should be scared right now but there is only disgust and he knows that he needs to teach her a lesson, or she will try to leave again. He knows her stubborn little head too well to risk anything.

So he needs to punish her

And still holding her by her neck he pushes Lili onto the sofa, lifting her dress and asking her:

“Do you know what’s next?”