
Let’s Read The Word

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XYNETH LAVA ASUNCION was being stalked by a stranger, on top of that he's a mafia... a hot billionare mafia. She applied various of work but none of it was suited her, not until she was hired as a babysitter. Little by little, she's gotten close with them. What's even more weird, there's strange man who keeps on showing up on her dreams which she wonders who it was and why does he feels familiar making her even bothered. Even in her dreams, she felt being stalked. Why does the man keeps on showing on her dreams? Is he part of her forced forgotten memories?


  I WOKE UP early to prepare my breakfast for today since I was the only one living in my house. My family were nowhere to be found, I haven't seen them since the day where I'm already in elementary. I can hardly remember their faces, my vision was kinda vivid whenever I try to remember them. Actually there's something that has been missing on my heart like it feels it has a hole and I don't even know why but everytime that man on my dreams will appears, it feels like there's something that I couldn't even explain. But all of those memories was vivid and blury, I can't remember... It's like I have been force to forgot my memories of someone that I know.

  But everytime that man appears on my dreams, I already called it my sweet nightmare. It feels like he's always following me on the night but I can't even remember why is he following me on my dreams and why does he felt familiar to me, even they wat he talked seems like I know him.

  I sighed and shooked my head. Forcing my head to remember who's that man can only bring my head to headache. I should just forgot about it since I'm quite sure that I forced myself to forgot him so why dig the buried memories? Anyways, let's get back to business and find a new job.

  Since I already graduate at college, I am also looking for a job. I have also applied being a waitress but it turns out that I can't do it no matter how hard I try.

  I even tried several job but I still lack some skills, even in becoming a secretary in a big company, I still can't make it because of my lack of emotion and I even forget to meet the rules and regulations.

  So, how am I supposed to find a job if I'm being like this? What should I do? I still have a lot of bills to pay and also I don't have enough money to feed myself.

  Damn. Someone, help me find a better job which suites me! Why does finding a job which suits you most is the so hard to find?Ofcourse it's hard to find a job but.... ah, nevermind.

  I stopped from walking when a poster flew right onto my face, I annoyingly caught it using my left hand. Tsk, what is this?

  I beamed in happiness when the poster says that they are hiring... A babysitters and a montly pay was $500,000.

  I immediately get my phone to contact the number which written on the poster. It says that I should give them a call if I want to apply.

  After one ring, it answered.

  "Hello, I'm Xyneth Lava Asuncion and I want to apply—"

  "You're hired." A cold voice said on the other line which made me shivered a little but there's a little different of his voice, it's like I've already heard it but cannot seemed to remember. Even though he has a cold voice, it doesn't still hide the fact that it's kinda hot and sexy.

  "W-What?"I said in a verge of shock, I still can't believe what's happening right now. How can I get hired easily without a proper introduction nor I didn't even pass a resume? Is he really in need for someone who would take care of his son? Oh well, not my problem.

  I didn't misheard that, right? I wasn't dreaming right?

  "I said, you're hired don't make me repeat it again."As usual, he talked in a cold emotion yet he has a deep baritone voice.

  "Oh my, I'm sorry, Sir. Thank you for hiring me, I would do my best to babysit your child."I humbly said, damn his voice is really hot enough to shatter the coldenss of my heart. Corny. Just kidding, I'm not into bossxbabysitter relationship anyway. I'm more into moneyxme relationship.

  "Good. You must be here in 1:30 in the morning, pack your things because starting today, you'll be living here."He said making my eyes widened.

  "B-But what about my house—"

  "No need to worry, I already purchase your house, the bills was already paid so no need to worry about anything else and start packing up. You must be here at exactly 1:30 in the afternoon, I don't tolerate bad behaviours and late to meet my expectations."He said coldly and hang up the phone call.

  Damn... that was so scary, never in my life that I meet someone who has a cold and scary voice but his voice was so hot. Though his voice really did make my heart thump for a bit. What does this mean? It can't be that I feel something about him when I just heard his voice? I'm not that abnormal enough to fall for someone easily, I might get burned in the future and the scar would remain, it will be really hurt.

  Anyways, It's no time for chitchatting, I need to hurry up and go home to pack up my belongings.

  I might be fired if I won't meet his expectations.

  Since, I was just talking for a walk earlier it was easy for me to run through my house. I opened the door and ran towards to my room to pack all of my belongings and that includes my shirts, skirts, blouse, and other stuff which I used for daily lives.

  I even dressed formally because I don't want to embarrassed myself for looking like a beggar. It's not that I want to dress good for him but I wanted to make myself more presentable since this is the first job who's paying a lot sum of money. I might not be able to quit my job because of this. Damn, I looked like a sucker for a money, but I don't care since I really need money.

  When I'm already done packing all my things, I make sure to locked the doors and close all the windows.

  I take a cab for going to Yves Emperial's house and it was located in MoneyisEverything Street.

  I HAVE ARRIVED at exactly 1:00 in the afternoon, I nervously press the doorbell. Ever since I've heard that man's voice which is my boss now, I can't help but to shivered in nervousness.

  Is he part of some Mafia, Gangs or something? Well, I didn't mean to pry but he really has a deep voice that can make anyone shivered. His vocie maybe cold yet he has a nice husky cold voice, enough for a woman to go crazy hearing his voice. Yep, I'm not one of those woman, I swear.

  Well, it doesn't matter to me anymore since I'm here to have a job and I choose this job not because I have no choice but it is because the money was kinda shocking and lot.

  Compared to my previous work, it doesn't offer something money that as big as this man's compensation. Why would I choose another job if the paying for being babysitter is good, I've never encountered a job which pays a lot sum of money, only being a babysitter. I'm kinda nervous at the same time curious about what kind of a baby do I need to babysit with.

  I hope it's an adorable kid, Well I kinda love kids since they are fragile and innocent, besides it's like they are still not minding about the problems in the future—though, I"ve seen also some kids who experience troubles and messes but they still have the courage to surive and fight for it. They are really a true warrior... Anyways, what kind of words am I spouting around. Ugh, I might be really gon' mad.

  I jump a little when someone opened the door, I bowed a little to show my gestures.

  "Hi, I am Xyneth Lava Asuncion and I'm the new babysitter." I humbly introduced myself to the maid. Is she really a maid here? She's so young and beautiful but she's kinda look familiar to me like I have seen her from somewhere, where I can't remember when, was and why.

  Anyways, I'm starting to get weirder and weirder, it's like everything has been familiar to me even though it's my first time meeting at them.

  She also bowed a little and she gestures her hand like it was saying it's okay for me to entered.

  The gate was so big and it doesn't let me see how tall or how big or how lovely their house is, but when I entered the gate, I was awed from what I saw.

  The house was so big, it was like a mansion. It was white and pretty, there are also a garden in the backyard.

  I looked at the maid who's silently showing me the way, I can't help but to wonder why they looked so timid.

  It's not like they'll be killed if they mess something, right?

  Oh well, it's not my problem anyways, I'm just here for money anyways. But I still can't help but to wonder what kind of person my boss is.

  I also arrived at the front door, before I opened the door, the maid speak behind my back.

  "Good Luck, Stay Safe."

  Those were the words the she uttered enough to make me shivered in so much nervousness.

  I mean I wouldn't get killed if I make a little mistake since I know that I'm a little bit clumsy.

  I nervously closed the door as soon as I opened it, I saw a man who's sitting while sipping a cup of coffee elegantly.

  He felt my presence and looked in my direction, he put his coffee at the table and his eyes were looking at me intently like they were trying to scan all of me.

  "Sit down and let's discuss the contract."He said coldly made me gulp and sit to the other side of the sofa.