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The Wedding

The Wedding

Author:Marthi Manogyna



His heart was about to burst of its ribcage for the amount of continuous consternation he suffered since the drive to the hospital after he receives the catastrophic news about his wife. Ace Taylor the renowned businessman, world famous pharmaceutical tycoon and the eminent top one textile industrialist of United States dashed through the entrance of Breach Candy hospital. His eyes searching for the reception flurried as drops of sweat settle down on his forehead even in the biting cold night of mid December. He slaps the desk on tenterhooks unable to form the right words to gain the attention of the middle aged lady sitting at the entrance. She raises her head to embrace the attention and her eyes were on stalks to receive the striking Aphrodite who only could be anyone's dream watching in big screens and business magazines was standing right in front of her. "My wife....Scarlet Taylor..." "Yes sir..Yes sir" the receptionist scurried on her speech and looked through her monitor. "Burns case, room number 13, straight from left Dr Shahnaaz Hussain is treating her. You can speak..." Ace raced towards the direction leaving the receptionist hanging on her words. "Scarlet?" His eyes left red with unshed tears as he shook his wife awake. Scarlet opened her eyes and stared at the man standing in front of her dolorous. "Who are you?"  


Ace Taylor, twenty six years old the striking hot billionaire,

a renowned businessman, world famous pharmaceutical tycoon and the eminent top one textile industrialist of United States.

He is austere and detached giving cold looks all the time to his staff making them walk on pins and needles 24/7.

Girls fall flat for his hot looks and freely offer themselves at his feet. But the insensitive monarch has no heart. He only uses them for sexual gratification but nothing more.

After his marriage episode with Brianna, Ace lost his trust on marriage. Brianna was his first love and his everything.

She was a top class model during the time they got married. Ace and Brianna dated for two years when they planned to go bound by the nuptial knot.

A year later when Brianna became pregnant with their daughter Angel, it was the shock of her life.

She abused Ace that he wasn't cautious in the bed. Brianna did not want to sacrifice her modelling career for a pregnancy. Becoming a mother wasn't in her to do list. Pregnancy would make her out of shape and force her to lose new projects.

She suggested getting the baby aborted but Ace wasn't happy with the decision. They were married for a year now and the baby was coming at the right time.

He tried to convince Brianna to carry the child and she did but there were arguments and fights between them increasing the passing distance between them by every day.

One day after she gave birth to the child, Angel began to cry for milk. Brianna went frustrated with her life. She left the three months old infant to Ace for the look after and left the house to embrace her career.

It is two years since the incident happened Angel was growing under the care of her dad and the assistance of her grand parents.

She became the pampered princess of her father. Well she was too small and so cute for anyone to show anger towards her.

Her grandfather Edmond Taylor would bring the world to her feet and grandmother Stella was like a mother to her.

Little Angel was lucky, though she wasn't bestowed with the love of her mother, she was the sunshine of her father and the star of her grandparents.


On the other side of the world somewhere in Australia....

Innocent Scarlet White pursues her final year graduation in home science at the Australian University. She was a brilliant student and through her good grades she won a seat on scholarship at the Australian university. Scarlet wants to be a nutritionist one day and loves culinary.

Scarlet had to face her life tough since her childhood. Her father was part of Russian mafia, and died in one of the attacks from enemy sources. Her mother followed him close by unable to bear the shock about the death of her husband. When she was six Scarlet lost both her parents and her relatives refused to accept her.

Consequently she was transferred to a St Josephs orphanage where she was brought up with love and care by the benevolent sisters. Sister Mary became a mother to her and looked after her every need. With the generous heart and inscribed with human values Scarlet grew to be a beautiful woman of sixteen when she got the offer at the Australian University to pursue her nutrition course.

She continued to top in her subjects after going to the college too and sister Mary along with other sisters were very proud of her achievements. Scarlet was full of life always smiling cheerful girl that any man could fall for. The policy of Scarlet is - keep smiling always because you do not know what God is going to offer you next.

Carl was well known to be the flirt of the college. Trapping innocent girls with his handsome looks and then dumping them with no morality was his passion. He used his charm like any other girl on ingénue Scarlet and continued his plays with other girls.

Scarlet got warns from her friends and other girls in her college about the play boy techniques of Carl. But Scarlet trusted him more than required. She refused to believe her friends.

But Carl thought otherwise. He only used Scarlet to get better grades and an unpaid clerk for the completion of his assignments.

Unsullied maiden Scarlet White's world turned upside down when one day she knocks at his door. As she got no response Scarlet walks in and her heart shattered to million pieces. She notices her boyfriend having sex with another girl.

She questions him of his delinquency but Carl had no words to say. He became abusive and dragged her out of his room calling her names. The reality knocked Scarlet like a storm.

He just used her.

She spent days and nights in thinking where she went wrong but found no reason satisfactory to blame herself. Her friends were right Carl was a skirt chaser and he showed his true colors to her.

Scarlet hated herself, her stupid heart for its naivety for she offered her life in a silver platter to Carl with no second thoughts.

When the truth stood in front of her like a beast she resorts to something she never did.


Ace came to Sydney on a business tour to expand his entrepreneurship in other states when his eyes lock with the unblemished Scarlet White. There is a fire which ignites in his vacuous heart.

Scarlet was different from the usual girls he met in parties and business meetings. She was bubbly and ebullient girl always in smile. Her brown eyes with specks of gold sparkled in delight whenever she talked to people.

Ace found her interesting, the heart that stopped beating after Brianna left him, started beating again.

Ace found a new lease of life seeing Scarlet. Will the two throbbing hearts become one?

What happens when the insensate turquoise greens clash with cheerful chocolate browns?

Will Ace's heart melt knowing the desolate story of the vivacious Scarlet?

Find out reading - The Wedding.