
Let’s Read The Word

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Drummer In Disguise

Drummer In Disguise




A home-schooled girl who’s trying her best to enjoy life studying at their mansion. But one night, an accident occurred. Little did she know, it will change her whole life and discover a new world with memories while being on disguised! Can she continue covering up herself without getting caught? Will love be a hindrance on her journey?

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, organizations, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Soleil’s POV

There's a shop down the street

Where they sell plastic rings

For a quarter apiece, I swear it.

Yeah, I know that it's cheap

Not like gold in your dreams

But I hope that you'll still wear it.

I was about to sing my favorite part when someone took off my headphones!

“Dan! Give it back!” I got up from sitting on my bed when he playfully moved away from me.

“Try and get it from me Sol HAHAHA” he wears his annoying grin ugh! He’s making fun of me again. I picked my pillow then throw it at him but he quickly avoided it. He sticks out his tongue and laughs at me.

“I swear I’m gonna kill you” I mumbled to myself.

I sighed and prepared myself to jump on him, while he’s busy laughing at me I grab that chance to run towards him and strangle his neck!

“Ackk! S-Sol, stop!” I was laughing really hard when he started kneeling on the floor.

“What? I can’t hear you!” he tried to remove my arm from his neck.

“G-Get off me girl!” we’re like stupid now, wrestling each other.

“What now huh? AHAHAHAHA” I tried to reach my headphones when a voice stopped us both.

“Young Lady and Master, your driver and lecturer are waiting now.” A maid told us and left.

I sighed and sat on the floor with him while he’s coughing and busy fixing his uniform.

Uniform, I also miss wearing it.

“Hey, I gotta go. Your lecturer is already in the study room so you better behave okay?” he stood up and offer his hand to me. I rolled my eyes and accepted it anyway.

As I get up, he suddenly pulled my hand and gave me a warm hug. I felt my eyes tearing up a bit so I blinked to brush it off. I don’t want him to see me like this.

“Everything's gonna be fine Sol. I’ll find a way, I promise.” I smiled a little and get off with his hug.

“So cheesy bro, get out now you’re gonna be late” he laughed at me and messed up my hair.

“Bye Sol, study well!” I just nod and watch him walk out of my room.

I walked towards my window and watch him as he enters the car and drives off. I sighed and put my headphones on my neck and went outside my room.

Aidan’s POV

I wonder how’s my sister doing. I bet she’s fooling around again with her lecturer. I feel bad for her though. I looked outside the window and watch the trees sway with the wind. I opened up a little bit to breathe fresh air. I loosened my necktie and I felt a vibrate on my pocket.

I took my phone out and saw a notification. I clicked open and saw my sister’s name. Pfft.

From: Sol Kitty

Come back home after school. I’m gonna die out of boredom here.

I chuckled and typed a reply. But my phone rings again and saw her new message.

From: Sol Kitty

Fyi, I don’t miss you dumbass.

I laughed real hard that my driver looked at me in the rear-view mirror. I just peace sign at him and type my reply.

To: Sol Kitty

I’m still on my way to school and you’re telling me to come home already. Aight kitten, I will. xoxo

I hid my phone in my pocket and lean on my chair. As I closed my eyes, memories flashed on my mind.


3 years ago

I was on my way to the cafeteria when someone approaches me. She’s out of breath and looks nervous.

“What?” I asked and stopped walking.

“S-Soleil!” both hands are on her knees as she looked up at me. I didn’t let her finish what she said. I already knew it. I ran as fast as I could. Then saw a couple of students watching from the outside of the cafeteria. I tried to move past them.

“Excuse me!” I shouted and some make their way for me.

I saw my sister standing while her uniform is ripped at her shoulder. Showing her inner sando. Her hair in a bun looked messy. She looks so angry and her eyes are tearing up a bit. I was stunned and left shocked, still standing in my position.

I can hear students whispering non-stop. Then, there I saw one guy on the floor trying to catch his breath. His lips are bleeding and lots of bruises on his face. Two guys are beside him, catching their breaths, but only their uniforms are torn unlike the guy on the floor.

“I told you not to messed with me,” Sol said in a low voice.

“Sol.” I walked towards her, took off my coat, and put it on her shoulder to cover her skin.

“Oh my god.”

“She’s literally a troublemaker”

“So eww”

“I told you she’s a psycho”

I closed my fists and faced those girls.

“Next time you whisper, try not to make me heard it or else I will cut your tongue, get it?” I warned.

“Y-yes President.” A girl said and went back to their tables.


“You three, get up and go to the clinic. Get yourselves clean and treat your wounds.” I said and they all go.

“What?? The show is done, you can now go back to your rooms.” I told those bunch of students that are still here waiting for something.

I saw Sol picked up her bag and walked away. I sighed and follow her until we reached the bench beside the field. I sat next to her.

“What happened?” I asked her softly.

I heard her took a deep breath.

“T-They tried to corner me in the men’s bathroom.”

“What?” I closed my fist and stood up. But she suddenly grabs my hand.

“Don’t. Just forget it. I don’t want this to reach mom.” She looked down at her fingers.

“Why? No! Let’s face that jerks. Come on!” I reached for her hand but she avoided it.

“Just stop Aidan!” she stood up and faced me while tears roll down her cheeks.

“Do you think they’ll answer you honestly? I’m only one and they’re three. They can just make the whole story go around, making them victims.” I walked near her and wiped her tears.

“Just stop.” She cried and I hugged her tight.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve been there for you.”

That night, as soon as I went home. I heard screams and that voice was from my mom. I saw how she shouted at my sister. She then looks at me with betrayal in her eyes.

I’m sorry Princess.

“My god Soleil! You’re an adult so act like one!! You should’ve behaved yourself.” Mom scolded her while my sister is on the couch, head down.

“I didn’t start it. They messed-“

“Oh shut up! So you have to fight with them too?? Why? To get even?” I tried to calm my mom by putting down her fingers that were pointed at my sister.

“Calm down, Mom. It’s not her fault-“

“No Aidan, this kid needs to learn a lesson. She’s been doing this because you always cover her up!” mom stepped forward near my sister.

“You know where I heard it? From Sadie! God Aidan, you’re always hiding it from me.” She switches her eyes on me.

“What? Mom, she knows nothing! Soleil didn’t do anything-“

“From now on, I will need the both of you to transfer to another school.”

“What?” my sister asked out of annoyance.

“Aidan, from an all-boys school. And you, to all-girls since you’ve been having problems with men!”

“That’s bullshit!” I looked at Sol with shock in my eyes. Mom also felt that. Soleil never shouts at Mom like that before. Maybe she’s too pissed.

“Language Sol!”

“Why did you want us to be separated?” I asked mom. I’m confused.

“She keeps on ruining your image just because you’re twins. From now on, no one will know that you have a twin sister alright?”

I saw Soleil looked up to Mom with tears in her eyes. I felt mad, I am mad.

“I can’t believe you,” Sol whispered and run upstairs.

“Sol!” before I followed her, I faced mom.

“You’re being unfair.” she just raised a brow at me and I shooked my head in disappointment.

*End of Flashback*

It’s my fault for letting my sister suffer. I promise to find a way for you to enjoy life again Princess.