
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Alya Komutov



At first I didn't know what to do, should I stay or leave. Is this what I really want or should I run and stay away from danger, I choose to stay and my life became an unexpectedly mess. But it didn't matter i became strong fierce and nobody could step over me.


It was a beautiful morning whe she woke up with the sounds of the birds and sea. "Italy the most marvelous country in the world how good it would be if I lived here" she thought . I checked the time, I have an hour the get ready for my meeting. She got up and took a quick shower put her white summer dress on and a light make up with her long brown curly hair she looked stunning. She looked at her phone and hurried out of the room.

She was just in time her boss and his assistants were all seated.

“Sorry I'm late.”

“Don't worry we didn't start.” said Mr. Cornelius her boss who was late in her sixties who has helped her to became a the finance manager in one of the best company's in the Netherlands.

They were currently in italy to invest several hotels.

After she was sat down they started the meeting it went quick so she had the day to explore the city. She excused herself and walked out. She wandered around for 2 hours, suddenly she heard a little girl crying, she hurried to the kid and looked at her with watery eyes she couldn't bear to see a child crying.

“What's wrong did you hurt yourself?”

“No I lost the money that my grandma gave to me” the little girl cried harder.

“It's okay don't cry I can help you”

“But how, how can you help me that was the money that grandma gave it to buy vegetables.” She couldn't take it any more every cry made her heart ache she quickly took her purse out and gave the money to the child.

“I.. I can't accept something from a stranger.”

“But didn't you say you lost your money when I was walking around I saw this on the ground and took it, I only gave the money that belongs to you don't worry about it sweetie”

“Really, thank you thank you so much” the kid hugged and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“You're welcome sweetie but from now on keep your money somewhere safe on you.”

“Okay, Okay I will miss...”

“Aseyna Sherman”

“Thank you Ms. Aseyna” the child got up and ran away. She just looked at the kid who ran fast and smiled lovingly.

While this was happening she wasn't aware that someone was staring at this lovely scene.


“Ughh, bring me a cup of coffee!!!” Leo woke up with a headache after drinking bottles of whiskey last night. Mark hurried and brought him a cup with water and an aspirin. Sorry boss you know you're hangover so this will do.

“Seriously” he looked at his best friend, ready to kill him with his hands.

He got up and went to the bathroom, slammed the door behind them. Mark looked at the door and smiled. He knew his best friend better than anyone although in this period of time he couldn't recognize him, after all he was grieving. He lost his big brother not long ago.

After Leo took a shower, he asked Mark what was on his schedule for today.

“Just a meeting with Mr. Mandini in an hour that's all”

Leo just nodded and left the suite.

It was a long meeting with Mr. Mandini, Leo who was not in the mood of listening got up and left the meeting room. Mark was confused why did he suddenly leave? He gathered their belongings and strode out after Leo.

“What the hell man why did you left the meeting”

“I got bored” Leo looked at him fiercely and walked faster out of the building. They got in the car and after 30 minutes they arrived at a small town.

Leo just walked around and Mark who was already out of breath followed him. Suddenly Leo stopped and did not move.

“Why did you stop?” Leo did not respond to Mark he just looking at the woman. He only saw her back from far but stared intensely Mark did not make a sound.

Suddenly the women turned and and Leo was amazed by the women he didn't know why but he was captivated by her.

Suddenly he said to Mark “Hurry take a picture of that woman.”

Mark didn't know why he asked that but he did not dare to obey his orders. He took a few photos of the women after Leo saw the photos he was satisfied. He had a charming smile on his face that could melt any women.

When Mark saw his smile he said “It is just an average women she not even beautiful as the women you have dated why the picture?”

Leo shot a terrifying glance at him Mark immediately shut his mouth.

A week later

It was the day of the important banquet which was the reason why Leo came to italy. He put his tuxedo on and looked very handsome and dominant he could melt every womens heart with this handsome look. He didn't want to go to this banquet but was forced by his father.

In the evening when he arrived at the palace where the banquet was held, several important business man came to greet him. Of course he was a big shot he was the current leader of the Russo Mafia. Everyone was terrified of him, the power that he have was more than all these businessman in this place.

While he was standing with a few businessman the door got open, and that's when he saw her again. She was in a black tight dress that was hugging her curves although she was not that tall she had a strong aura who made most of the man looking at her in amaze.


It was the day of the banquet she didn't want to go but she promised her boss Mr. Mandini that she would attend. The banquet started at 9 a.m so she had enough time to get ready she took a long bath and after that she started to get ready she had a tight ponytail and put her red lipstick on while looking at the mirror she became nervous. She heard a knock on the door “well I can't back away right now so let's do this” she thought. After a long car ride they reached the palace she didn't get out of the car. Mr Maldini gave her a puzzled look

“Mr. Maliki you go ahead first I just need a minute”

“Okay, don't wait for to long I'm waiting inside.” and he left.

Breath in, breathe out she repeated this a few times and got out of the car. Reaching the gate she became nervous again, “it is just a stupid gathering why so nervous?” she got her courage and stepped in. Suddenly all eyes were on her but she didn't mind them and walked straight to Mr. Maldini's side.

After talking to a few people she was bored and went straight to the bar. She sat down and ordered wine. Suddenly she heard someone asking

“Is this seat taken?” she just looked at him, it was a handsome man of course she knew he would not look at.

“Nope it's not taken” she said not looking at him. He sat down and ordered the same wine as mine.

“So do you live in Italy or are here on business” she still didn't look at him but answered.


“Hmm” he mumbled, he knew she was not in the mood of talking to him but this time he couldn't let her go. He stretched his hand out “I'm Leo Russo” she shakes his and and said “Well nice to meet you Mr. Russo” Leo raised his brows in shock didn't she know me he thought.

“So and you are?” Leo asked curiously.

“Look Mr. Russo if you wanted to get out of here and go straight to the hotel just tell me don't get to know me.” She bluntly said while Leo was in shock. Her last boyfriend used her just for sex later while dating Aseyna he had an fiancee but because she was a virgin and wanted to wait for their wedding so they made a deal that he could have sex without knowing it. So Aseyna lost her hope in man she didn't forbid her self to fall in love again but she was this time careful this this is why she just asked straight what their intentions was.

Leo quickly recovered from his shock and said “Why would you think that I wanted to got to the hotel with you.” This time Aseyna was in shock she knew she isn't beautiful but that doesn't mean that they can't have sex she thought.

“Okay than.” She smiled bitterly and tried hiding the hurt in her voice.

Leo who never intend to approach a women didn't know how to make a conversation so he said straightforward “ Well of course I want to have sex with you but I also want to know you.This is my last week in Italy so what do you say we will get to know each other and have a lot of satisfying time together.”