
Let’s Read The Word

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Accept Your Fate!

Accept Your Fate!

Author:Regina K



Haley, a freshly-graduated lawyer is about to start her dream job in NY, but her first night in the big city starts as her worst nightmare. But after a mysterious guy saves her, it suddenly turns into the most passionate, most incredible night of her life. She doesn't know what the man - Eric - already knows: that they are destined to meet. That they belong together. As she tries to continue her old life, the memories, the handsome stranger, the need of him finds her over and over again until they finally meet. Eric tries everything to prove that he is the only one for her, that he is the only one who can make her happy. But does she accept her fate? Or does she run away again? "- You can go back to NY now, to your stupid boyfriend, but I know you won't be happy with him. I felt you, when you were with him, not just pain in my stomach when you had s*x, I also felt your frustration. I knew he couldn't pleasure you, not like I did. I know you, I know your body like my own, I feel your every senses, and you feel mine too like nobody else. That's why that night was so incredible. And I'm not just talking about the s*x. He paused for seconds, like he searched for the words. His gaze never left mine and I couldn't turn away either. The back of his fingers slowly touched my cheek. I didn't want to interrupt him, and he continued with the sweetest words I've ever heard in my life. - I fell in love with you at that night. So even if you reject me now, I'll wait for you forever to change your mind. "


  It was almost 10PM, when the taxi arrived.

  - It's 25.55, miss.

  I looked around, but everything was dark and unfamiliar.

  -"I hope I'll find Amy's building in this darkness." - I thought to myself, as I looked out of the window.

  - Miss?

  - Oh, sorry. - said while I came back from my thoughts. I quickly gave him 30$.

  - I have no change.

  - Nevermind. Have a nice evening! - I finally didn't have to worry about money. In two days, I started working for the Metropolitan's, The City's most famous trading company as a freshly graduated lawyer.

  I happily climbed out of the car with my sportbag. I sent my suitcases forward a week ago, they were already waiting for me at Amy's place.

  Once I closed the door, the taxi quickly left the neighbour without looking back, and I started to realize, I have no idea, where I am. I started to move around, but all I could see was old houses, and dark alleys.

  -"Amy said that she lives in a good neighbour. It definitely doesn't look like how she described that"

  I quickly looked for the paper I wrote the address on. It said, West 54th 238. I desperately tried to find a number on one of the buildings.

  -"East 45th 236." Oh, sh*t!!! F*cking number streets!! I said wrong address to the driver!"

  I dropped my bag to the ground with a lot of f*cks. My eyes searched for another taxi, but there isn't any movement near and far. Only a few lights were on in the nearby houses.

  " I call Amy, I hope she can send me a car somehow".

  As I found my mobile, suddenly a huge lightning shined the street followed by a scary noisy thunder. The rain immediately started pouring. It was the beginning of September, the weather was warm, so I only wore a light flowery patterned short dress and sandals, I didn't even bring umbrella with me. The dress soaked in a minute, I ran into a nearby alley where the roof saved me a little from the water but I was already wet everywhere. Despite the weather the rain was surprisingly cold, I started shaking more and more.

  -" I need to go from here ASAP" - I started dialing my best friend's number.

  - Give me that phone baby!

  I looked up and an ugly, dark stranger stood next to me. He wore black coat, its hood saved him from the rain, and it darkened his face even more, made him more scarier.

  - Sorry? - I asked shyly.

  - I said, give me your f*cking phone! And your purse! - he shouted at me with anger scared the sh*t out of me. I saw something shiny in his left hand which I soon realized was a big knife.

  - Please sir, I only have 10$ left and I really need to call my friend. After the call I'll give it to you I promise! - I know I was desperate but that night was already a nightmare, I didn't know what I could do without my mobile and money lost in the city without a friend or anybody who can help me.

  - I'm not a f*cking charity fund! I don't think you want me to hurt you with this! - he pulled up the knife and squeezed my neck and shoulders with it. Suddenly he changed his tone as he looked my body up and down.

  - Or maybe you want to make me happy in another way baby... - my dress was totally soaked let him see my curves. My n*pples were visible through the laces, as he pulled down the knife above them.

  - Please, I give you my phone or anything! - I shaked even more, I was so scared, that I froze up and just begged quietly to leave me alone.

  - Too late baby, you'll definitely make me happy tonight! Don't make any noise or I cut you! - he put the knife to my throat, and his other hand touched my wet body started at my breasts. I didn't know what's gotten into me, but somehow I found my courage.

  - Let me go, a*shole!!!! - I screamed with my whole strenght and pushed him away from me. He was surprised at first, so I had a couple of seconds, but he quickly started to come back to me with the knife in his hand. I was next to the wall, I didn't have any place to go.

  I knew that I f*cked up. That he would rob me, rape me and maybe kill me, and I can't do anything against it. But I prepared to fight, I didn't want to give him willingly what he wanted. As he came closer I grabbed his wrist and try to get his knife, but he easily pinned both of my hands above my head to the wall. He also cut the back of my hand while we fought.

  - Don't try to mess with me, you stupid b*tch! - His knife was on my neck, I closed my eyes and prepared to the worst.

  But then suddenly he was pulled down from me and onto the ground. I barely had the courage to open my eyes, when I first heard His voice.

  - Don't you dare touch her again! - he shouted as he twisted my attacker's arm back, grabbing the knife from him. I heard the bone's break as the a*shole screamed in pain.

  - You will pay for this! F*ck you!! Aaaawww! - another twist on his arm.

  - Shut the f*uck up, or I'll break your other arm too! - My hero kneeled down next to him but his hand held him tightly.

  - Just let me go! Aaaaw!!! Please!! - the attacker starts begging. I almost felt sorry for him, seeing the pain in his eyes.


  I didn't see the tall stranger well, only his back but I saw that he is very tall, very muscular, the hooded man was no match to him. I heard him talking to the a*shole.

  - If I ever see you again here, or if you'll ever go near her again, I'll break all of your bones! Do you understand? - he tightened his grab even more, and the attacker screamed in pain.

  - Aaaw!! Yes, I understand! Just please let me go!

  - Just because I have better things to do than dealing with you! - he loosened its grip and the attacker stood up and ran away as fast as he could with his injured arm.

  I was still shaken, and I coudn't stop it. The stress got control over my body, I crouched down next to the wall, and buried my head between my knees trying to calm myself. I heard my hero's footsteps coming to me, he kneeled down, and gently touched my face to make me look at him.

  At first I smelled his scent. It was like chocolate and mint, one of my favourite combinations. It was intoxicating and somehow so strong that I could feel it through the alley smell and the rain.

  Then I felt his touch on my face. It was like lightning, it sent electricity to my whole body, and warmed me up already. His touch immediately made me feel safe.

  Somehow I knew that nobody can hurt me again because of him.

  I slowly pulled up my head and looked at him. That was the first time I saw his face. Despite the darkness I was sure that I've never met more handsome man in my whole life. His short dark hair was wet like mine, he squeezed it back with his other hand. His big brown eyes radiated kindness to me, but I also saw worry in them. He had perfect jawline and thick lips.

  While he looked into my eyes, another lightning went through my body. His soft fingers gently touched my face as he asked.

  - Did he hurt you?

  Immediately a voice started to speak in my head. It repeated a word I've never heard before. I didn't even understand its meaning yet. It said: "Mate"