
Let’s Read The Word

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Double Bossed

Double Bossed




Faith McChrystal My mom taught me one important thing: Never trust anyone because they all leave when they are done sucking you dry. And yes, that's how i ended up being a 24 year old single woman with no boyfriend, girlfriend, no bestfriend but a shitty job and a crappy apartment. Life was normal until i found the job at C&S Clothing as the executive assistant. Its not a problem to work for a gay couple right? The problem is when the two sinister people are the epitome of every fantasy you've had. Jared Scott and Hardin Calu were going to take me to an early grave. Hardin Calu I HATE WOMEN! I hate every fuckin' thing about them. thats why i was married to one and only man i had in my life. Jared! He was everything one could pray for. He saved me from my old self and turned me into a loving person. But fuck me, i was still cold and as hard as ice. Everything that involved women made my skin crawl painfully. Their rosy scents and gloss smeared lips, their tied skirts and slutty suits, damn everything about them was a reminder of what happened. What made me scared. Until the little Faith McChrystal walked into that office. JARED SCOTT Money! Power! A good marriage! I had it all. Life was beautiful with my man. Hardin Calu. He was a loving husband who'd wake me up with breakfast, who'd kiss every pain away. Who made me see the world differently. I was complete with him. Or so i thought. Because a fuckin' nerdy chick walked into our office for interview and turned everything upside down.


Just another day of being groped and eye-fucked by my perverted boss. I was so used to his disgusting glares until they bothered me no more. But trust me, I always wanted to punch his pig face and send him flying across the room.

You'd wonder why I didn't quit right? That's because I was still hunting for a better job. I held a BBA degree but had no experience in work field because almost every job vacancy wanted "5 years of experience". I mean why would they want 5 years of experience? As if we graduated high school in diapers. It was just so impossible.

After my graduation, I landed a job as a waitress at Mr John's restaurant. The pay was enough for me to get myself a small temporary apartment and cover the bills. So I had no choice but let him ogle and grope me "accidentally" everytime he was near me.

It wasn't my fault that I had an hourglass body with a C sized bra and a huge curvy ass. Blame it on genes. My mother was the most beautiful and curvy woman I've ever seen. Her brunette hair cascaded way past her shoulders. Her marble black eyes were just so intriguing. And her smile! Good Lord the woman had the most beautiful smile. How I missed that smile! May her soul rest in peace.

I knew that heads turned when I walked by. There were always wolfish growls and whistles every time I was out on streets. That made me wear the buggy clothes to avoid it all. And oh were they comfortable!

"Faith baby, please come to my office for a few minutes." the old pervy baldy called with his disgusting voice. I rolled my eyes before turning towards him with a fake smile.

Amanda chuckled next to me because she knew how I felt about our boss. She saw everything that went by and even pitied me. Other girls just thought that I landed the job because I sucked Mr John's dick. But I had no time to prove them wrong because I was busy minding my own business. I mean who'd want to go near that old wrinkled man?

I wiped my wet hands on my apron and made my way to his office. I found him huddled in his chair like an old fart he is. He gestured to a seat infront of him and I sat.

"I would like you to be the manager of this restaurant!" He said leaning forward on his desk.

"I really appreciate that Mr John but I wont be taking it since I'm not planning to stay here forever." I said all politely.

"Oh come on baby. Don't you love this job? You know I love seeing you. Ever since you came here the restaurant has been flourishing. You are supposed to be my possession. Because without you, I'm afraid my business will go down. You know all of our customers come here to get a view of your angelic figure!" he nodded to me with his eyes roaming my body and licked the drool that almost escaped his mouth. His nerve.

"Mr John, first of all, I am not and will never be your item. Secondly, your business is failing because of your poor judgement because all you think of is how you are going to get your dick wet. Thirdly, I dont care even if you go down because that's none of my damn business." I said with a very calm voice. But inside, I was raging.

"There there honey. You can't blame me now can you? And what you've said is the reason why I need you to manage this restuarant. Come on baby you know you want to!" He replied licking his lips. Again! I stood up and slammed my palms on his wooden desk.

"You know what, I'm done here." And with that, I turned and left his office. I yanked the door closed and muffled his yelling then went to the staff room to get my sorry bag.

Amanda's eyes landed on me. She came and clasped my arm with her hands. A look of concern on her face.

"What happened? What was that about?" she asked.

"The old fucker wants me to be the possession of this restaurant because his business flourishes when I'm around. His words" I replied shutting the locker and hauling my backpack on my shoulder.

"What the hell? How could he say that? Is he crazy?" She asked walking besides me matching my hurried pace.

"Yeah yeah! Way more than crazy. And I'm done now. I'm leaving." I said opening the backdoor that led to the valley.

"You quit? What are you gonna do?" She asked halting her steps. I turned and looked at her.

"Dont worry about me. I'm a big girl. Just stay here and do your thing." I placed my hand on her shoulder trying to calm her, or convince myself that I was gonna be fine now that I just lost my source of income.

She gave me a sad smile and bid me goodbye. I pulled my backpack tight and left. Luckily, my apartment was just a 10 minutes walk from the restaurant and that meant I had time to think of my next plan before I arrive home and face the reality.

Endless thoughts pondered in my mind and fuck if I knew what to do next.

Within a few minutes, I was walking up the stairs of my apartment building. Upon reaching my door, I pulled out the key and unlocked it, closed it and threw my bag on the ground before dragging my feet to my computer to search for any promising email.

Unlucky, I didn't even have one. Now here I was sitting in my apartment, jobless, and tired. With no promises of the future. I placed my head in my palms and gave out a bitter laugh.

It is what it is. Come what may!